php编译错误:configure: error: Please reinstall the iconv library.

configure: error: Please reinstall the iconv library.



./configure \

--prefix=/usr/local/php5.6.10 \

--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs \

--with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql \

--with-xmlrpc \

--with-openssl \

--with-zlib \

--with-freetype-dir \

--with-gd \

--with-jpeg-dir \

--with-png-dir \

--with-iconv=/usr/local/libiconv \

--enable-short-tags \

--enable-sockets \

--enable-zend-multibyte \

--enable-soap \

--enable-mbsreing \

--enable-static \

--enable-gd-native-ttf \

--with-curl \

--with-xsl \

--enable-ftp \


注意--with-iconv=/usr/local/libiconv \ 发现这个包没有安装造成的

时间: 2024-08-14 00:03:41

php编译错误:configure: error: Please reinstall the iconv library.的相关文章

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原文地址: 在VS 2012 中编译 C 语言项目,如果使用了 scanf 函数,编译时便会提示如下错误: error C4996: 'scanf': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using scanf_s instead. To disable deprecat

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