CF888E Maximum Subsequence-折半搜索


注意到n<=35,直接枚举状态不行,考虑meeting in the middle。








#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
inline int gi() {
    int w=0,x=0; char ch=0;
    while (!(ch>=‘0‘&&ch<=‘9‘) ) {
        if (ch==‘-‘) w=1;
        ch=getchar ();
    while (ch>=‘0‘&&ch<=‘9‘) {
        ch=getchar ();
    return w?-x:x;

const int MAXN=262144;
int n,l,r,Mid,Ans,Mod,cntL,cntR,a[40],LefANS[MAXN],RigANS[MAXN];

void _DFS (int x,int sum) {
    if (x==(n>>1)+1) {
    _DFS (x+1,sum);
    _DFS (x+1,(sum+a[x]%Mod)%Mod);

void _dfs (int x,int sum) {
    if (x==n+1) {
    _dfs (x+1,sum);
    _dfs (x+1,(sum+a[x]%Mod)%Mod);

int search (int id) {
    while (l<r) {
        if (LefANS[id]+RigANS[Mid]>=Mod) r=Mid;
        else l=Mid+1;
    return r-1;

int main ()
    // BY BHLLX
    n=gi (), Mod=gi ();
    for (int i=1;i<=n;++i) a[i]=gi ();
    _DFS (1,0),_dfs ((n>>1)+1,0);
    sort (LefANS+1,LefANS+cntL+1);
    sort (RigANS+1,RigANS+cntR+1);
    for (int i=1;i<=cntL;++i)
        Ans=max (Ans,max (LefANS[i]+RigANS[search (i)],(LefANS[i]+RigANS[cntR])%Mod));
    printf ("%d\n", Ans);
    return 0;


时间: 2024-08-28 18:24:22

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