deferred rendering with masa


  float3 worldNormal = normalize(pixel.worldNorm);

float viewDepth = pixel.viewDepth / 1000.0f;

float3 diffuse = bTextured > 0 ? texDiffuse.Sample(textureSampler, float2(1, 1) - pixel.uv).rgb : DiffuseColor;

float edge = coverage != 0xf;

result.fragment1 = float4(worldNormal, viewDepth);

result.fragment2 = float4(diffuse, edge);

result.fragment3 = coverage;


coverage这个方法我倒是看懂了 缺点是 mesh的边缘都会被标记 实际上这里可能不需要超采样

这是另外一个方法判断 normal detph的连续性

    if(UseDiscontinuity == 1)
            float4 gBuf1 = texGBufferMS1.Load(pixel.pos.xy, 0);
            float4 gBuf2 = texGBufferMS2.Load(pixel.pos.xy, 0);

            float3 normal =;
            float depth = gBuf1.w;
            float3 albedo =;

            for(int i = 1; i < SAMPLE_COUNT; i++)
                float4 nextGBuf1 = texGBufferMS1.Load(pixel.pos.xy, i);
                float4 nextGBuf2 = texGBufferMS2.Load(pixel.pos.xy, i);

                float3 nextNormal =;
                float nextDepth = nextGBuf1.w;
                float3 nextAlbedo =;

                if(abs(depth - nextDepth) > 0.1f || abs(dot(abs(normal - nextNormal), float3(1, 1, 1))) > 0.1f || abs(dot(albedo - nextAlbedo, float3(1, 1, 1))) > 0.1f)
                    return 0;

一看就巨费 depth normal albedo大于某阈值就标记为complex pixle


gbuffer 用msaa生成

但我总觉得我在哪还见过一篇 msaa+deferred的解决方案

msaa 的srv 用mstex.load(uv,sampleID) 放循环里


时间: 2024-10-12 16:33:51

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