Mango DB

mango db/no sql


1. no requirement for script for creating tables. column and constraints

2. good for rich model expeciaaly aggregate root to manage its subentities.e.g. the order total amount can be coded by the aggregaye object rather than the mvc controller.

3 GridFs to support query

4 easy to scale out

5 flexible schema

driver for .net

choose mangodbforcsharp nuget

mangoclient and mangoserver are 2 types that inter play with each other.

create collection in server object can create mango db with this simple method.

create db instance - download db from website, create folder Db, run the mangod command

add mango driver to mvc project

bson is the document model /representation for json. it provides better machanism for client to traverse document while json along cannot achieve. c# poco  can be serialize into bson document, it is the same with json but only bson document can be  query

robomongo is a great visual tool to manage mangi db.

modification can be Replace or Update. Replace is an upsert api .

concurrency need to be cosidered. version check is one of the approach , adds that in the condition of the update to avoid dirty write.



Find mango db support query (eq, ne, gte keyworks)objects which help to return cursor, poco, casted objects. and work well with linQ.

mangocursor - return a cursor that takez class name and return for client.

LinQ  - apply the AsQueryable() method to the document collection object and return a ienumerable and then perdorm linq query.


Aggregate method on bsoncollection object Again use the filter object array (new beason document and nested bson)  to perform the group, subtract and sort. define fields for the output json.



index is offered in mango!!

use match file to reduce impact docs

limit return fields

GridFs is technique that mango db stoing binary files.

时间: 2024-11-05 13:22:30

Mango DB的相关文章


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[谷歌推荐]剑客渗透联盟打造最顶尖最专业的黑客渗透技术团队,专注国内外主流安全系统渗透技术多年来一直潜心研究互联网安全漏洞的挖掘利用和各类服务器入侵渗透如linux,unix,apach ,hadoop ,tomcat 数据库入侵如mysql mango DB oracle SQL等本团队拥有资深网络安全工程师CCIE CISSP oracle manager 等精英具备十年以上的黑客入侵经验.目前对外接纳业务,我们的服务项目如下:成绩修改,密码破解,窃取数据,商业利益,入侵服务器,网站入侵,外


[谷歌推荐]剑客渗透联盟打造最顶尖最专业的黑客渗透技术团队,专注国内外主流安全系统渗透技术多年来一直潜心研究互联网安全漏洞的挖掘利用和各类服务器入侵渗透如linux,unix,apach ,hadoop ,tomcat 数据库入侵如mysql mango DB oracle SQL等本团队拥有资深网络安全工程师CCIE CISSP oracle manager 等精英具备十年以上的黑客入侵经验.目前对外接纳业务,我们的服务项目如下:成绩修改,密码破解,窃取数据,商业利益,入侵服务器,网站入侵,外


[谷歌推荐]剑客渗透联盟打造最顶尖最专业的黑客渗透技术团队,专注国内外主流安全系统渗透技术多年来一直潜心研究互联网安全漏洞的挖掘利用和各类服务器入侵渗透如linux,unix,apach ,hadoop ,tomcat 数据库入侵如mysql mango DB oracle SQL等本团队拥有资深网络安全工程师CCIE CISSP oracle manager 等精英具备十年以上的黑客入侵经验.目前对外接纳业务,我们的服务项目如下:成绩修改,密码破解,窃取数据,商业利益,入侵服务器,网站入侵,外


[谷歌推荐]剑客渗透联盟打造最顶尖最专业的黑客渗透技术团队,专注国内外主流安全系统渗透技术多年来一直潜心研究互联网安全漏洞的挖掘利用和各类服务器入侵渗透如linux,unix,apach ,hadoop ,tomcat 数据库入侵如mysql mango DB oracle SQL等本团队拥有资深网络安全工程师CCIE CISSP oracle manager 等精英具备十年以上的黑客入侵经验.目前对外接纳业务,我们的服务项目如下:成绩修改,密码破解,窃取数据,商业利益,入侵服务器,网站入侵,外


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