Semaphore and threads in C

A thread is a basic unit of CPU utilization.

A thread shares with its peer threads its:

-code section

-data section

-operating-system resources

so take care when deal with global variable(can add mutext

lock or wait semaphore)


can use POSIX semaphores:

      int sem_init(sem_t *sem, int pshared, unsigned int value);
  • sem points to a semaphore object to initialize
  • pshared is a flag indicating whether or not the semaphore should
      be shared with fork()ed processes. LinuxThreads does not currently
      support shared semaphores
  • value is an initial value to set the semaphore to

To wait on a semaphore, use sem_wait:

      int sem_wait(sem_t *sem);

Example of use:

  • If the value of the semaphore is negative, the calling process blocks; one of the blocked
    processes wakes up when another process calls sem_post.

To increment the value of a semaphore, use sem_post:

      int sem_post(sem_t *sem);

Example of use:

  • It increments the value of the semaphore and wakes up a blocked process waiting on the
    semaphore, if any.

notice that threads can work concurrently,and the speed you

don‘t know,so sometimes the value change is not as you think,so take care

(lab1.3,e0,e1,changing values of e0 and e1 first then sem_post(sem1)).

When the program stops somewhere, probably it‘s waiting a signal but hasn‘t arrived.

check carefully,may have deadlock.


pthread_detach(pthread_self());//parent is not joining

use this for all threads created,the main_thread doesn‘t need to use pthread_join

because the resources occupied by these threads can be released automatically

after exiting.

Can‘t use kill() or signal() for threads,because they are for processes(like children

and parents),not for threads.

threads creation:

printf("error to create thread 1");

时间: 2024-10-08 17:06:08

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若有不正之处请多多谅解,并欢迎批评指正. 请尊重作者劳动成果,转载请标明原文链接: Semaphore是JUC包提供的一个共享锁,一般称之为信号量. Semaphore通过自定义的同步器维护了一个或多个共享资源,线程通过调用acquire获取共享资源,通过调用release释放. 源代码: /* * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to lic


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