cursor: pin S wait on X数据库缓慢



SQL> col mintime for a30

SQL> col maxtime for a30


SQL> select min(snap_id) minid, max(snap_id) maxid,

2  to_char(min(begin_interval_time),‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘) mintime,

3  to_char(max(end_interval_time),‘yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss‘) maxtime

4  from dba_hist_snapshot;


SQL> 1  select wait_class_id,wait_class, count(*) cnt

2  from dba_hist_active_sess_history

3  where snap_id between 78303 and 78472

4  group by wait_class_id, wait_class

5* order by 3


------------- -------------------- ----------

2723168908 Idle                     2

4166625743 Administrative              6

2000153315 Network                   538

4217450380 Application                829

3290255840 Configuration               4128

4108307767 System I/O                 9234

1893977003 Other                    11043

3386400367 Commit                   26802

1740759767 User I/O                  28076


3875070507 Concurrency                888984

11 rows selected.


SQL> select event_id, event, count(*) cnt

2  from dba_hist_active_sess_history

3  where snap_id between 78303 and 78472

4  and wait_class_id=3875070507

5  group by event_id, event

6  order by 3;

EVENT_ID EVENT                                                                   CNT

---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

877525844 cursor: mutex X                                                           1

86156091 os thread startup                                                         6

1242501677 latch: library cache pin                                                  7

1714089451 row cache lock                                                            7

2952162927 library cache load lock                                                  10

2802704141 library cache pin                                                        22

2032051689 latch: library cache lock                                                45

1117386924 latch: row cache objects                                                 60

1394127552 latch: In memory undo latch                                              68

2779959231 latch: cache buffers chains                                             873

2161531084 buffer busy waits                                                      4286

916468430 library cache lock                                                     4549

2696347763 latch: shared pool                                                    12360

589947255 latch: library cache                                                  12718

1729366244 cursor: pin S wait on X                                              853972

查找出pin S wait on X对应的SQL

SQL> select sql_id, count(*) cnt

from dba_hist_active_sess_histo  2  ry

where snap_id between 78303 and  3   78472

4  and event_id in (1729366244)

5  group by sql_id

having count(*)>  6  100

order by   7  2 desc;

SQL_ID               CNT

------------- ----------

0nuvj12m3ryvy     853880


SQL> select owner,current_obj#,object_name,object_type, count(*) cnt

2  from dba_hist_active_sess_history a, dba_objects b

3  where snap_id between 78303 and 78472

4  and event_id in (1729366244)

5  and sql_id in (‘0nuvj12m3ryvy‘)

6  and a.current_obj#=b.object_id

7  group by owner,current_obj#,object_name,object_type

8  having count(*) > 10

9  order by 5 desc;

OWNER      CURRENT_OBJ# OBJECT_NAME                    OBJECT_TYPE                CNT

---------- ------------ ------------------------------ ------------------- ----------

SETTLE            49326 T_OPERATE_LOG                  TABLE                   654899

SYS               73541 LOG$INFORMATION                TABLE                    16337

SETTLE            48117 G_MENU_RIGHT                   TABLE                     9684

SETTLE           141993 CONFIG_UNIX                    INDEX                     9567

SETTLE           136520 T_MANAGE_WARN_CONFIG           TABLE                     9565

SETTLE            51955 T_BILL_LOG                     TABLE                     9520

SETTLE            48128 G_ROLE                         TABLE                     9458


SQL> select current_file#,current_block#, count(*) cnt

2  from dba_hist_active_sess_history

3  where snap_id between 78303 and 78472

4  and event_id in (1729366244)

and sql_id in (‘0nuvj12m3ryv  5  y‘)

6  and current_obj# in (49326,48117,141993,136520,51955,48128)

7  group by current_file#, current_block#

8  having count(*)>50

9  order by 3;


------------- -------------- ----------

9           4436       9458

276         839623       9500

246         857417       9520

276         839495       9521

2         532140       9565

55        1153960       9567

276         840134       9648

25         739537       9684

275         906620       9687

276         838125      15128

276         843388      15131

275         906533      15138

275         904906      15180

275         904851      15186

275         902677      15210

276         845366      15210

275         909383      15216

275         902396      15220

275         905990      15333

275         909920      15422

276         840809      15427

276         845296      15451

275         906837      15454

276         843996      15777

276         837403      15778

275         908047      15784

275         906933      15813

275         909489      15813

275         903374      15814

276         844903      15886

276         841993      15925

275         907463      15942

276         839733      15944

275         905797      15944

275         908458      15944

276         838802      15948

276         843290      15950

275         905767      16209

275         909728      16213

275         904723      16262

275         908888      16263

276         844986      16275

276         844862      16347

275         906325      16394

275         904842      16403

275         908197      24737

276         841357      25472

47 rows selected.


How to Determine the Blocking Session for Event: ‘cursor: pin S wait on X‘ (Doc ID 786507.1)

Cursor: pin S wait on X

Cursor: pin S wait on X
当一个session为一个与pin相关的共享操作(such as executing a cursor)请求一个mutex时,该session会有Cursor: pin S wait on X等待事件。
但是该mutex不能被授权,因为该mutex正在被其他session以排他模式持有(比如 parsing the cursor)

v$session or v$session_wait中的p2raw列 给出了 cursor: pin S wait on X等待事件的阻塞者session(持有者session)


SQL>  select p2raw from v$session where event = ‘cursor: pin S wait on X‘;





















P1 Hash value of cursor

P2 Mutex value

64 bit platforms

8 bytes are used.

Top 4 bytes hold the session id (if the mutex is held X)

Bottom 4 bytes hold the ref count (if the mutex is held S).

32 bit platforms

4 bytes are used.

Top 2 bytes hold the session id (if the mutex is held X)

Bottom 2 bytes hold the ref count (if the mutex is held S).

P3 Mutex where (an internal code locator) OR‘d with Mutex Sleeps



SQL>  select p2raw,to_number(substr(to_char(rawtohex(p2raw)),1,8),‘XXXXXXXX‘) sid

2       from v$session

3       where event = ‘cursor: pin S wait on X‘;

P2RAW                   SID

---------------- ----------

000001B200000000        434

000001B200000000        434

000001B200000000        434

000001B200000000        434

000001B200000000        434

000001B200000000        434

000001B200000000        434

000001B200000000        434

000001B200000000        434

000001B200000000        434

000001B200000000        434

000001B200000000        434

000001B200000000        434

000001B200000000        434

000001B200000000        434

000001B200000000        434

000001B200000000        434

000001B200000000        434

000001B200000000        434

000001B200000000        434

000001B200000000        434

000001B200000000        434

我们尝试看看能不能找到block session会话关系

SQL> select p1, p2raw, count(*) from v$session

where event =‘cursor: pin S  2   wait on X‘

and wait_time = 0

3    4       group by p1, p2raw;

P1 P2RAW              COUNT(*)

---------- ---------------- ----------

2788948862 000001B200000000         59


p1 = the mutex Id

This has the same definition as v$mutex_sleep_history.mutex_identifier

p2raw = holding Session Id | Ref Count

The most significant bytes always store the Holding Session Id (Holding SId).

The least significant bytes always store the Ref Count.


2       from v$session where SID=434;


---------- ---------- ------------- ---------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------

434      34745 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     single-task message


2       from v$session where event =‘cursor: pin S wait on X‘

3  ;


---------- ---------- ------------- ---------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------

332      59875 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

333      27868 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

350      54031 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

365       5053 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

383      61654 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

392      13286 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

415      10261 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

442       8546 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

444      20213 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

452      18561 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

480      14834 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

484      12814 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

497      27271 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

519      18389 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

521      10435 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

533      36612 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

561      37558 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

579      24259 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

588      30464 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

589      12607 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

594      43683 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

606        720 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

612       1150 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

628      42806 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

635      13159 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

637      47496 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

655      48974 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

660       5891 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

682       6519 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

711      46117 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

716      14265 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

720       4766 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

723      61645 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

724      17910 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

729       9951 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

752      28924 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

753      12049 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

761      64354 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

839      33810 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

843       6215 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

867       7396 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

871      58051 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

880      17967 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

884      22198 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

902      65183 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

907      65065 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

914      35470 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

928      63975 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

949      42782 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

950       4799 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

951      17067 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

952      36283 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

954      17638 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

992       8218 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

999      63310 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

1006      48986 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

1028      45586 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

1043      53471 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

1082      13982 0nuvj12m3ryvy                  UNKNOWN     cursor: pin S wait on X

59 rows selected.

遇到了bug了。因为当前系统version count并不高。

SQL> select sql_id,version_count from v$sqlarea where version_count> 100 order by 2 desc ;

no rows selected

发生cursor: pin S wait on X原因

Frequent Hard Parses

If the frequency of Hard Parsing is extremely high, then contention can occur on this pin.

High Version Counts

When Version counts become excessive, a long chain of versions needs to

be examined and this can lead to contention on this event

Known bugs

Bug 5907779 - Self deadlock hang on "cursor: pin S wait on X" (typically from DBMS_STATS) [ID 5907779.8]


时间: 2024-08-07 20:36:58

cursor: pin S wait on X数据库缓慢的相关文章

NDMCDB数据库hang住故障分析 - cursor: pin S wait on X

问题描述: 上午刚刚到办公室,就有监控人员邮件反馈,昨晚NDMCDB407数据库被重启过,让我分析一下数据库重启的原因.由于昨晚业务有版本上线,所以短信警告关闭了,所以没有短信下发到我手机上,而且故障时相关人员也没有通知到我. 1     检查alert日志 从alert日志中,可以看到,先是在03:29时有一个job运行失败了: Fri Aug 22 03:29:29 2014 Errors in file/opt/oracle/diag/rdbms/ndmcdb/NDMCDB/trace/N

enq: SQ – contention、cursor: pin S wait on X等事件引发的故障处理

事情已经过去一年,发生在15年1月份,某全国业务系统,实时的号码办理系统,收到短信告警,该系统断开连接.数据库出现大量enq: SQ – contention.cursor: pin S wait on X等事件,alert日志中出现大量的ORA-04031报错.进行flush share pool后进行了相关查询操作. 9点前后,活动会话数突然攀升,与alert日志在1月31号首次出现ORA-04031错误时间吻合 TO_CHAR(TRUNC(SA   COUNT(*) -----------

library cache lock和cursor: pin S wait on X等待

1.现象: 客户10.2.0.4 RAC环境,出现大量的library cache lock和cursor: pin S wait on X等待,经分析是由于统计信息收集僵死导致的.数据库在8点到9点期间,数据库两个节点都存在明显的cursor: pin S wait on X和library cache lock的等待: TOP 5 EVENT: Event Waits Time(s) Avg   Wait(ms) %   Total Call Time Wait   Class cursor

【翻译自mos文章】找到'cursor: pin S wait on X' 等待事件的阻塞者session(即:持有者session)

找到'cursor: pin S wait on X' 等待事件的阻塞者session(即:持有者session) 来源于: How to Determine the Blocking Session for Event: 'cursor: pin S wait on X' (Doc ID 786507.1) 适用于: Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 10.2 to 11.2

cursor: pin S

OTN 解释如下: cursor: pin SA session waits on this event when it wants to update a shared mutex pin and another session is currently in the process of updating a shared mutex pin for the same cursor object. This wait event should rarely be seen because a

关于cursor: pin S wait on X 和 library cache pin 及其他等待事件

cursor: pin S wait on X 也好,library cache pin 也罢,这都是shared pool 的等待事件,关于此类的等待事件,阅读的书有:<<oracle 内核技术揭秘>>,<<高级owi与oracle性能调整>> 其中,<<oracle 内核技术揭秘>> 是吕海波大师所著,吕大师也是我的OCM培训老师,在此向吕大师致敬. <<高级owi与oracle性能调整>> 是Oracle

Cursor: pin S wait on X

What is a 'Cursor: pin S wait on X' wait? A cursor wait is associated with parsing in some form. A session may wait for this event when it is trying to get a mutex pin in Share mode but another session is holding the mutex on the same cursor in exclu

遇到cursor: pin S等待事件

背景: 主库:rac两个节点,每一个节点均是:8个逻辑cpu,16g内存 有dg备机,dg备机是单机:8个逻辑cpu,16g内存 主库rac由于存储微码升级,因此临时把db switchover到dg备机上跑了一天的业务,在备机承担业务的一天之中,v$session中有很多cursor: pin S等待事件,前台业务反馈很慢.呵呵,有时候软解析多了也不是好事. 而dg备机的配置相当于rac其中的一个节点,显然备机的容灾能力是不足的. 因此,当rac对应的存储微码升级之后,db switchove

如何诊断cursor pin s wait on x 系列二

如何分析诊断收集信息 1.       查看AWR 报告中high paring 和high version部分内容 具体查看这几个部分的内容:'SQLordered by Parse Calls' or 'SQL ordered by Version Count' SQL ordered by Parse Calls 关于这部分中的sql 解析执行是否过高,或者能否减小来. SQL ordered by Version Count关于这部分中的high version sql ,需要找出为啥他