一.前言 Android 5.0上线有一个段时间了,估计小伙伴们都看到了Android5.0界面上相比前面几个版本有了很大的突破,给人一种非常酷炫,平滑的跳转,生动的界面切换,全新的感觉,Android用户终于可以感叹,Google升级了这么多个版本终于像样的搞了一回界面.开发者们看到这些优美的动画也要大户过瘾啊.github上面的高人们都已经饥渴难耐了出了写出了各种好用,炫丽的特效,我们今天就来看一下都有哪些可以用比较爽的开源项目. Material Menu 项目地址:https://git
This Video is a real road-driving cam-capture. This means ORB-SLAM interacts with real world. This means Computer extracts information of straightforward driving direction from to him nonsense 0-1 sets. Today's Progress
原文网址:使用CAGradientLayer的动画精度条View Modern software design is getting flatter and thinner all the time. Another trend that follows suit is the thin, one pixel progress bar that you see at the top of websites and apps. You’ve seen in it on Medium blogs,