vue报错:[Vue warn]: Attribute "id" is ignored on component <div> because the component is a fragment instance

[Vue warn]: Attribute "id" is ignored on component <div> because the component is a fragment instance


出现fragment instance有多种情况:

  1. Template contains multiple top-level elements. (模版包涵了多个顶级元素 说白了 你的模版元素没有唯一一个父元素)
  2. Template contains only plain text.(模版里面只包涵纯文本)
  3. Template contains only another component (which can potentially be a fragment instance itself).(模版只包含另外一个组件,而这个组件本上可以就是一个fragment instance)
  4. Template contains only an element directive, e.g. <partial> or vue-router’s<router-view>.(模版只包含<partial>或者<router-view>组件 )
  5. Template root node has a flow-control directive, e.g. v-if or v-for.(模版根节点被v-if活着v-for有个逻辑判断)
时间: 2024-10-31 15:05:00

vue报错:[Vue warn]: Attribute "id" is ignored on component <div> because the component is a fragment instance的相关文章

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