2017.5.19 MS local partner training

I taught ms data platform and power bi solution for ms local partner . this event was a free of charge. Partners are enthusiastic about learning ms sql and power bi technology.


时间: 2024-08-01 17:03:45

2017.5.19 MS local partner training的相关文章

2017.10.23 MS partner training

This event was a free of charge. MS technology training for ms local partner. the topic is sql database on azure and power bi. The speaker is lihuan song. he is the MVP. 原文地址:http://blog.51cto.com/lihuansong/2072730

2017.12.19 2周2次课

2017.12.19二周第二次课 2.10 环境变量PATH echo用来输出PATH的值.PATH前面的$是变量的前缀符号 1.你的命令在上述几个目录里面,在输入命令时就不用输入绝对路径,直接使用.因为在输入命令时,系统会在上述的几个目录里去寻找这个命令.当然也可以输入绝对路径 Copy命令[ls]到目录tmp下,并改名[ls2],二者实现的功能一样 直接输入命令[ls2],确不行.因为命令[ls2]不在"/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/us


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【第三组】冲刺会议 2017.7.19

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2017.8.10 ms solution sharing and training

This event was a free of charge. The speaker was Lihuan Song. He is an MVP. he introduced Ms sql server BI solution for fujian local partners. MS BI solution is very great value to the enterprise customers. 原文地址:http://blog.51cto.com/lihuansong/20727

python3 2017.3.19

今天弄了一个晚上没弄出来一个小东西,只弄出来了写追加,而且还是笨方法,起码死不掉那种. 1 global 2 log local2 3 daemon 4 maxconn 256 5 log local2 info 6 defaults 7 log global 8 mode http 9 timeout connect 5000ms 10 timeout client 50000ms 11 timeout server 50000ms 12 option

[铁一中OI模拟赛]2017.8.19 Day1

T1 小Z的情书 题目链接 思考: 题目主要难度在于旋转后的位置如何,在手写了样例之后不难发现规律. #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #define up(a,b,c) for(register int c=a;c<=b;++c) #define down(a,b,c) for(register int c=a;c>=b;--c) const int Maxn=1005; int n; bool Map[Maxn][Maxn],

2017.6. 15 MS Power BI workshop for customer

See your company's data in new ways with interactive data visualization BI tools from Microsoft Power BI.This training is free of charge. The speaker is lihuan song. he is an MVP. 原文地址:http://blog.51cto.com/lihuansong/2072249

2017.7.8 MS SQL Server and BI workshop

This workshop was a free of charge. The trainner was Lihuan Song. He is the MVP. He introduced MS sql server and BI for us. The MS SQL server and BI solution is of great value for us. 原文地址:http://blog.51cto.com/lihuansong/2072744