Deep RL Bootcamp Frontiers Lecture I: Recent Advances,

high bias

if the robot has learnt something (no changes appear with iterations)

however, in the real world tasks, the task could change a little bit, then the robot will failed to generalize.

no matter how well we train the robot in situations, there‘s always something that happens and messes up the system.

14 robot, sharing their own experience to each other

here the goal is to grasp anything. no task here

a few clips of our best trained neural network, picking up four objects that are visually kind of similar. They are all blue and roughly the same size, roughly rectangular.

imitation learning

push the green tedy bear to the red spot






4,学习raspberry pi和arduino(大概需要4天)


时间: 2024-07-31 11:29:46

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近期深度强化学习领域日新月异,其中最酷的一件事情莫过于 OpenAI 和 DeepMind 训练智能体接收人类的反馈而不是传统的奖励信号.本文作者认为复现论文是提升机器学习技能的最好方式之一,所以选择了 OpenAI 论文<Deep Reinforcement Learning from Human Preferences>作为 target,虽获得最后成功,却未实现初衷.如果你也打算复现强化学习论文,那么本文经验也许是你想要的.此外,本文虽对强化学习模型的训练提供了宝贵经验,同时也映射出另外