
When should my destructor be virtual?

When someone will delete a derived-class object via a base-class pointer.

In particular, here’s when you need to make your destructor virtual:
•if someone will derive from your class,
•and if someone will say new Derived, where Derived is derived from your class,
•and if someone will say delete p, where the actual object’s type is Derived but the pointer p’s type is your class.

Confused? Here’s a simplified rule of thumb that usually protects you and usually doesn’t cost you anything: make your destructor virtual if your class has any virtual functions. Rationale:
•that usually protects you because most base classes have at least one virtual function.
•that usually doesn’t cost you anything because there is no added per-object space-cost for the second or subsequent virtual in your class. In other words, you’ve already paid all the per-object space-cost that you’ll ever pay once you add the first virtual function, so the virtual destructor doesn’t add any additional per-object space cost. (Everything in this bullet is theoretically compiler-specific, but in practice it will be valid on almost all compilers.)

Note: in a derived class, if your base class has a virtual destructor, your own destructor is automatically virtual. You might need an explicitly defined destructor for other reasons, but there’s no need to redeclare a destructor simply to make sure it is virtual. No matter whether you declare it with the virtual keyword, declare it without the virtual keyword, or don’t declare it at all, it’s still virtual.

By the way, if you’re interested, here are the mechanical details of why you need a virtual destructor when someone says delete using a Base pointer that’s pointing at a Derived object. When you say delete p, and the class of p has a virtual destructor, the destructor that gets invoked is the one associated with the type of the object *p, not necessarily the one associated with the type of the pointer. This is A Good Thing. In fact, violating that rule makes your program undefined. The technical term for that is, “Yuck.”




时间: 2024-11-05 19:21:32



什么样的情况下才需要虚析构函数? 类需要控制自己的对象执行一系列操作时发生什么样的行为,这些操作包括:创建(对象).拷贝.移动.赋值和销毁.在继承体系中,如果一个类(基类或其派生的类)没有定义拷贝控制操作,则编译器将自动的为其合成一个.即为合成的拷贝控制. 在基类的拷贝控制中,由于继承关系导致的最大影响就是:基类通常应该定义一个‘虚析构函数’.用以动态的分配继承体系中的对象. 如:类A,B,C,D有如下继承关系(代码1): 1 2 3 4 class A; class B:public A; c


http://blog.csdn.net/starlee/article/details/619827 **这样做是为了当用一个基类的指针删除一个派生类的对象时,派生类的析构函数会被调用.** ``` class ClxBase{public: ClxBase() {}; virtual ~ClxBase() {}; virtual void DoSomething() { cout << "Do something in class ClxBase!" <<

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问题: 类需要一个无参的构造函数么? 类需要一个析构函数么? 类的构造函数需要初始化所有的对象成员么? 类需要一个虚析构函数么? 有些类需要虚析构函数只是为了声明他们的析构函数是虚的.绝不会用作基类的类是不需要虚析构函数的:任何虚函数只在继承的情况下才有用.假设B为父类,D为子类,B何时需要一个虚析构函数?只有有人肯呢过会对实际指向D类型对象的B*指针执行delete表达式,你就需要给B加上一个虚析构函数,即使B和D都没有虚函数,这也是需要的 B* bp = new D; Delete bp; 

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虚函数使用的时机 为什么虚函数不总是适用? 1. 虚函数有事会带来很大的消耗: 2. 虚函数不总是提供所需的行为: 3. 当我们不考虑继承当前类时,不必使用虚函数. 必须使用虚函数的情况: 1. 当你想删除一个表面上指向基类对象,实际却是指向派生类对象的指针,就需要虚析构函数. java web 程序---购物车选商品,购买,付款,布布扣,bubuko.com


虚函数使用的时机 为什么虚函数不总是适用? 1. 虚函数有事会带来很大的消耗: 2. 虚函数不总是提供所需的行为: 3. 当我们不考虑继承当前类时,不必使用虚函数. 必须使用虚函数的情况: 1. 当你想删除一个表面上指向基类对象,实际却是指向派生类对象的指针,就需要虚析构函数. C++沉思录之二--虚函数使用的时机,布布扣,bubuko.com


转自:http://blog.csdn.net/charles_r_chiu/article/details/47858885 1..什么是虚函数?什么是纯虚函数?答:虚函数声明如下: virtual ReturnType FunctionName(Parameter):引入虚函数是为了动态绑定纯虚函数声明如下:virtual ReturnType FunctionName()= 0:引入纯虚函数是为了派生接口. 2.基类为什么需要虚析构函数?答:标准规定:当derived class经由一个b

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第13章 类继承 1. 如果购买厂商的C库,除非厂商提供库函数的源代码,否则您将无法根据自己的需求,对函数进行扩展或修改.但如果是类库,只要其提供了类方法的头文件和编译后的代码,仍可以使用库中的类派生出新的类.而且可以在不公开实现的情况下将自己的类分发给其他人,同时允许他们在类中添加新特性. 2. 派生类构造函数首先创建基类对象,如果不调用基类构造函数,程序将使用默认的基类构造函数. 3. 创建派生类对象时,程序首先调用基类构造函数,然后再调用派生类构造函数.派生类对象过期时,程序将首先调用派生