SSI, for Server Side Includes, is actually a sort of server-side programming language interpreted by Nginx. Its name is based on the fact that the most used functionality of the language is the include command. Back in the 1990s, such languages were
在nginx下与SSI配置相关的参数主要有ssi ssi_sclient_error ssi_types三个.具体的用法如下 ssi on 开启ssi支持,默认是off ssi_silent_errors on 默认值是off,开启后在处理SSI文件出错时不输出错误提示:"[an error occurred while processing the directive] " ssi_types 默认是ssi_types text/html,所以如果需要htm和html支持,则不需要
什么是SSI Server Side Include,通常称为服务器端嵌入,是一种类似于ASP的基于服务器的网页制作技术.大多数(尤其是基于Unix平台)的WEB服务器如NetscapeEnterprise Server等均支持SSI命令. 为什么要用SSI 用个例子来说明,一个静态化的页面中,需要嵌入一小块实时变化的内容,.例如首页,大部分的页面内容需要缓存但是用户登录后的个人信息是动态信息,不能缓存.那么如何解决这个"页面部分缓存"问题,利用SSI就可以解决,在首页的静态页面中嵌入
SSI:Server Side Include,是一种基于服务端的网页制作技术, Nginx ssi 的例子如下: It took a little while to figure this out and it's handy for creating one-off sites with "dynamic" content without a web framework. user nginx; worker_processes 1; events { worker_connect
SSI是什么:Server Side Include,是一种基于服务端的网页制作技术. The ngx_http_ssi_module module is a filter that processes SSI (Server Side Includes) commands in responses passing through it. 它的工作原因是:在页面内容发送到客户端之前,使用SSI指令将文本.图片或代码信息包含到网页中.对于在多个文件中重复出现内容,使用SSI是一种简便的方法,将内容