Oracle T4-2用jumpstart方式安装Solaris10


1) 安装时无法识别硬RAID磁盘


{0} ok boot net - install nowin
Boot device: /[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]  File and args: - install nowin
1000 Mbps full duplex Link up
Requesting Internet Address for 0:10:e0:58:6b:3c
Requesting Internet Address for 0:10:e0:58:6b:3c
1000 Mbps full duplex Link up
SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_147440-01 64-bit
Copyright (c) 1983, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Configuring devices.
WARNING: /[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected],0 (sd5):
        Corrupt label; wrong magic number

Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information.
Attempting to configure interface igb3...
Skipped interface igb3
Attempting to configure interface igb2...
Skipped interface igb2
Attempting to configure interface igb1...
Skipped interface igb1
Attempting to configure interface igb0...
Configured interface igb0
Setting up Java. Please wait...
Serial console, reverting to text install
Beginning system identification...
Searching for configuration file(s)...
Using sysid configuration file
Search complete.
Discovering additional network configuration...
Completing system identification...
Starting remote procedure call (RPC) services: done.
System identification complete.
Starting Solaris installation program...
Searching for JumpStart directory...
Using rules.ok from
Checking rules.ok file...
Using profile: profile
Executing JumpStart preinstall phase...
Searching for SolStart directory...
Checking rules.ok file...
Using begin script: install_begin
Using finish script: patch_finish
Executing SolStart preinstall phase...
Executing begin script "install_begin"...
Begin script install_begin execution completed.

ERROR: One or more disks are found, but one of the following problems exists:
        - Hardware failure
        - The disk(s) available on this system cannot be used to install Solaris Software. They do not have a valid label. If you want to use the disk(s) for the install, use format(1M) to label the disk and restart the installation.
Solaris installation program exited.


# format
Searching for disks...done

c2t3D7467629D73943Ed0: configured with capacity of 277.99GB

       0. c2t3D7467629D73943Ed0 <LSI-LogicalVolume-3000 cyl 65533 alt 2 hd 64 sec 139>
          /[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected],0
Specify disk (enter its number): 0
selecting c2t3D7467629D73943Ed0
[disk formatted]
Disk not labeled.  Label it now? y



2) 安装时遇到BUG6437646


{0} ok boot -v
Boot device: /[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected],0:a  File and args: -v
module /platform/sun4v/kernel/sparcv9/unix: text at [0x1000000, 0x10c1c1d] data at 0x1800000
module /platform/sun4v/kernel/sparcv9/genunix: text at [0x10c1c20, 0x12a6b77] data at 0x1935f40
module /platform/sun4v/kernel/misc/sparcv9/platmod: text at [0x12a6b78, 0x12a6b8f] data at 0x198d598
module /platform/sun4v/kernel/cpu/sparcv9/SPARC-T4: text at [0x12a6b90, 0x12ad04f] data at 0x198dcc0
SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_147440-01 64-bit
Copyright (c) 1983, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Ethernet address = 0:10:e0:58:6b:3c
mem = 133693440K (0x1fe0000000)
avail mem = 133925093376
root nexus = SPARC T4-2
pseudo0 at root
pseudo0 is /pseudo
scsi_vhci0 at root
scsi_vhci0 is /scsi_vhci
px0 at root: 0x400 0x0
px0 is /[email protected]
PCI Express-device: [email protected], pcieb1
pcieb1 is /[email protected]/[email protected]
PCIE-device: [email protected], pcieb10
pcieb10 is /[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]
PCIE-device: [email protected], pcieb10
PCIE-device: [email protected], pcieb14
pcieb14 is /[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]
PCIE-device: [email protected], pcieb14
/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected] (mpt_sas0):
        mptsas0 supports power management.
/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected] (mpt_sas0):
        mptsas0 supports power management.
/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected] (mpt_sas0):
        mpt0 Firmware version v9.5.0.0 (?)
/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected] (mpt_sas0):
        mpt0: IOC Operational.
PCIE-device: [email protected], mpt_sas0
mpt_sas0 is /[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]
PCIE-device: [email protected], mpt_sas0
mpt_sas1 at mpt_sas0: scsi-iport 1
mpt_sas1 is /[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]
/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected] (mpt_sas1) online
/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected] (mpt_sas0):
        Volume 897 is optimal
px1 at root: 0x500 0x0
px1 is /[email protected]
PCI Express-device: [email protected], pcieb16
pcieb16 is /[email protected]/[email protected]
PCIE-device: [email protected], pcieb21
pcieb21 is /[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]
PCIE-device: [email protected], pcieb21
mpt_sas2 at mpt_sas0: scsi-iport 2
mpt_sas2 is /[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]
/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected] (mpt_sas2) online
mpt_sas3 at mpt_sas0: scsi-iport 80
mpt_sas3 is /[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]
/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected] (mpt_sas3) online
sd4 at mpt_sas3: unit-address p7,0: p7,0
sd4 is /[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected],0
/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected]/[email protected],0 (sd4) online (启动时hang在此处)

解决办法是拔掉光驱,然后进入系统安装patch147440-03. 或者是直接安装Solaris10U11.

时间: 2024-08-29 14:19:23

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