Low Power之CPF/UPF

1  CPF  

  The Common Power Format is a standard promoted by the Low Power Coalition at Si2. CPF is also a TCL-based language that operates on speci?cation objects and the design objects. A design object is a module, instance, net, pin or port as they appear in the RTL.

  The language can be used to express power design intent in terms of:
   - Power domains : From physical, logical and analysis point of view
   - Power logic : For example, level shifters and isolation logic
   - Power mode : State mode table and transitions

2  UPF

  The UPF speci?cation is in ASCII format that can be used to specify low power directives that encompass all aspects during the design ?ow. The power speci?cation provided in a UPF ?le can be used by simulation, synthesis, equivalence checking, physical design and physical veri?cation.

时间: 2024-10-08 17:32:46

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