How to change value of Read time out of Eclipse Update Manager?

issue:I have slow internet connection and I cannot install any plugin, because Eclipse‘s Update manager throws me exception: Read timed out
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solution 1:
I got the error a lot with version 3.6, but adding the following line to the eclipse.ini helped me a lot:

Add it right after the line with -vmargs

solution 2:
As Frank mentioned you can set the timeout options in the eclipse.ini, here‘s the.
‘use -DpropName=propValue as a VM argument to the Java VM, set the desired property in the config.ini file in the appropriate configuration area‘
I set the following to get round my timeout issue:


refer to link how-to-change-value-of-read-timeout-of-eclipses-update-manager

How to change value of Read time out of Eclipse Update Manager?

时间: 2024-12-16 15:29:01

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