04 - Install Openfire


cd /usr/local/src

sudo wget http://www.igniterealtime.org/downloadServlet?filename=openfire/openfire_4_1_0.tar.gz  -O openfire_4_1_0.tar.gz

sudo tar -zvxf openfire_4_1_0.tar.gz

sudo mv  openfire   /tpc/


sudo vi /tpc/openfire/conf/openfire.xml

修改conf 目录下openfire.xml 文件里的数据库连接池, 在<local>en</local> 后添加








<username encrypted="false">postgres</username>

<password encrypted="false">mypassword</password>

<testSQL>select 1</testSQL>










sudo vi 


数据库里 ofproperty 的几条记录

"admin.authorizedJIDs"   "[email protected]"


"xmpp.domain"  " www.thepopsystem.com"






sudo /tpc/openfire/bin/openfire start


Vi /etc/profile

添加 export openfireHome=/tpc/openfire

9090 仅对TPC开放

打开 5222  9090 端口。

sudo ufw allow 5222

sudo ufw allow 5223

sudo ufw allow 7070

sudo ufw allow 1099

sudo ufw allow 9090



JkMount /JHB/ workersystem6

如果过几秒就出现如下的信息,原因是Ubuntu 本机没有解析到 www.thepopsystem.com


sudo vi /etc/hosts

添加  www.thepopsystem.com  然后重启机器

也有可能 \WebRoot\resources\js\utils\UtilsMerger.js  最后几行

把openfire IP 或者域名不对,需要配置成 www.thepopsystem.com



SKIP This STEP, 必须重新启动Openfire, 否则报用户名密码错误!!!!

用户名 admin  密码 admin


如果在servermanager 界面 Server Name:   system6.thepopcompany.com  出现感叹号。

需要在”Server settings”—>“删除已有的证书”, 重启服务器,然后登陆,直接点击更新证书即可。


sudo vi /etc/rc.local


/tpc/openfire/bin/openfire start


sudo /tpc/openfire/bin/openfire start

5. Support HTTPS

因为走得是内网, 因而Openfire 无需加密,哪怕是在 https://www.thepopsystem.com 的域名内。不会报不安全的错误。

Finally ................................

如果通过各种方法后, 还存在 Lost Connection with openfire, 那就是重新恢复openfire数据库, 修改对应的domain name 和 admin account后,重启Openfire,问题解决.  

sudo /tpc/openfire/bin/openfire stop

sudo systemctl stop postgresql           --  kill all the connections of openfire

sudo systemctl start postgresql

user pgadmin delete the existing openfire database and create empty openfiredatabase

sudo -u postgres pg_restore -h -U postgres -d openfire /tpc/tempfiles/openfire_2016-09-20.backup

修改数据库Openfire ofproperty 库里的这两条数据

"admin.authorizedJIDs"   "[email protected]"

"xmpp.domain"  " www.thepopsystem.com"

sudo /tpc/openfire/bin/openfire start

6 . Restart Openfire

sudo  /tpc/openfire/bin/openfire stop

sudo  rm /tpc/openfire/logs/*.*

sudo  /tpc/openfire/bin/openfire start

sudo  more /tpc/openfire/logs/all.log

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------  下面仅供参考,没有测试通过   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



A. First change certificate from perm to X509 pem type

C:\openssl\bin>openssl x509 -outform der -in www.thepopsystem.cer -out www.thepopsystem.com.pem

B. Import server certificates, the default password of keystore is changeit

sudo /tpc/jdk1.8/bin/keytool -import -keystore /tpc/openfire/resources/security/keystore -alias www.thepopsystem.com -file /tpc/apache2.4/conf/ssl2017/www.thepopsystem.com.pem

type Yes.

C. Remove default certificates

After importing your certificate you must remove the default certificates using the keytool.

First list all the certificates in this store

sudo /tpc/jdk1.8/bin/keytool -list -keystore /tpc/openfire/resources/security/keystore

sudo /tpc/jdk1.8/bin/keytool -delete -keystore /tpc/openfire/resources/security/keystore -alias

       sudo /tpc/jdk1.8/bin/keytool -delete -keystore /tpc/openfire/resources/security/keystore -alias


Step one: Convert x509 Cert and Key to a pkcs12 file

openssl pkcs12 -export -in server.crt -inkey server.key                -out server.p12 -name [some-alias]                -CAfile ca.crt -caname root

Note: Make sure you put a password on the p12 file - otherwise you‘ll get a null reference exception when you try to import it. (In case anyone else had this headache). (Thanks jocull!)

Note 2: You might want to add the -chainoption to preserve the full certificate chain. (Thanks Mafuba)

openssl pkcs12 -export -in server.crt -inkey server.key  -out server.p12 -name [some-alias]  ca.crt -caname root

sudo /tpc/jdk1.8/bin/keytool -storepasswd -keystore /tpc/openfire/resources/security/keystore
openssl pkcs12 -export -in  www.thepopsystem.cer -inkey www.thepopsystem.com.key -out testkeystorethepopsystem.p12 -name www.thepopsystem.com -CAfile globalsign.crt -caname globalsign

Step two: Convert the pkcs12 file to a java keystore

keytool -importkeystore         -deststorepass [changeit] -destkeypass [changeit] -destkeystore server.keystore         -srckeystore server.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass some-password         -alias [some-alias]

sudo /tpc/jdk1.8/bin/keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass changeit -destkeypass changeit -destkeystore /tpc/openfire/resources/security/keystore -srckeystore /tpc/apache2.4/conf/ssl2017/testkeystorethepopsystem.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass changeit  -alias www.thepopsystem.com


 D. Configure Openfire

Open the Openfire Admin Console in your favorite browser and add or change the following system properties:

  • xmpp.socket.ssl.active -- set to ‘true‘ to active SSL
  • xmpp.socket.ssl.port -- the port to use for SSL (default is 5223 for XMPP)
  • xmpp.socket.ssl.storeType -- the store type used ("JKS" is the Sun Java Keystore format used by the JDK keytool). If this property is not defined, Openfire will assume a value of "JKS".
  • xmpp.socket.ssl.keystore -- the location of the keystore file relative to your Openfire installation root directory. You can leave this property blank to use the default keystore.  NOT set it using default
  • xmpp.socket.ssl.keypass -- the keystore/key password default is changeit
  • xmpp.socket.ssl.truststore -- leave blank to not use a truststore, otherwise the location of the truststore file relative to your Openfire installation root directory.
  • xmpp.socket.ssl.trustpass -- the truststore/key password you changed in step 6.

E. Restart Openfire

sudo  /tpc/openfire/bin/openfire stop

sudo  rm /tpc/openfire/logs/*.*

sudo  /tpc/openfire/bin/openfire start

sudo  more /tpc/openfire/logs/all.log

时间: 2024-08-30 14:35:59

04 - Install Openfire的相关文章

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