2016.4.15 近期要读的论文


1. Krizhevsky, A., Sutskever, I. & Hinton, G. ImageNet
classification with deepconvolutional neural networks. In Proc. Advances in
Neural InformationProcessing Systems 25 1090–1098 (2012).This report was a
breakthrough that used convolutional nets to almost halvethe error rate for
object recognition, and precipitated the rapid adoption ofdeep learning by the
computer vision community.

2. Farabet, C., Couprie, C., Najman, L. & LeCun, Y. Learning
hierarchical features forscene labeling. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach.
Intell. 35, 1915–1929 (2013).

3. Tompson, J., Jain, A., LeCun, Y. & Bregler, C. Joint training
of a convolutionalnetwork and a graphical model for human pose estimation. In
Proc. Advances inNeural Information Processing Systems 27 1799–1807 (2014).

4. Szegedy, C. et al. Going deeper with convolutions. Preprint at
http://arxiv.org/abs/1409.4842 (2014).


28. Glorot, X., Bordes, A. & Bengio. Y. Deep sparse rectifier
neural networks. In Proc.14th International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence and Statistics 315–323(2011).

This paper showed that
supervised training of very deep neural networks is much faster if the hidden
layers are composed of ReLU.


31. Hinton, G. E. What kind of graphical model is the brain? In
Proc. 19th International Joint Conference on Artificial intelligence
1765–1775 (2005).

32. Hinton, G. E., Osindero, S. & Teh, Y.-W. A fast learning
algorithm for deep belief nets. Neural Comp. 18, 1527–1554 (2006).

This paper introduced a
novel and effective way of training very deep neural networks by pre-training
one hidden layer at a time using the unsupervised learning procedure for
restricted Boltzmann machines.

33. Bengio, Y., Lamblin, P., Popovici, D. & Larochelle, H.
Greedy layer-wise training of deep networks. In Proc. Advances in Neural
Information Processing Systems 19 153–160 (2006).

This report demonstrated
that the unsupervised pre-training method introduced in ref. 32 significantly
improves performance on test data and generalizes the method to other
unsupervised representation-learning techniques, such as auto-encoders.

34. Ranzato, M., Poultney, C., Chopra, S. & LeCun, Y. Efficient
learning of sparse representations with an energy-based model. In Proc.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 19 1137–1144 (2006).

无监督初始化,bp fine-tune

33. Bengio, Y., Lamblin, P., Popovici, D. & Larochelle, H.
Greedy layer-wise trainingof deep networks. In Proc. Advances in Neural
Information Processing Systems 19 153–160 (2006).

This report demonstrated
that the unsupervised pre-training method introduced in ref. 32 significantly
improves performance on test data and generalizes the method to other
unsupervised representation-learning techniques, such as auto-encoders.

34. Ranzato, M., Poultney, C., Chopra, S. & LeCun, Y. Efficient
learning of sparse representations with an energy-based model. In Proc.
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 19 1137–1144 (2006).

35. Hinton, G. E. & Salakhutdinov, R. Reducing the
dimensionality of data with neural networks. Science 313, 504–507 (2006).

小数据上采用pre-training + fine-tune进行手写数字识别和行人检测

36. Sermanet, P., Kavukcuoglu, K., Chintala, S. & LeCun, Y.
Pedestrian detection with unsupervised multi-stage feature learning. In Proc.
International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
http://arxiv.org/abs/1212.0142 (2013).


37. Raina, R., Madhavan, A. & Ng, A. Y. Large-scale deep
unsupervised learning using graphics processors. In Proc. 26th Annual
International Conference on Machine Learning 873–880 (2009).

小数据集上pre-training 防止过拟合

40. Bengio, Y., Courville, A. & Vincent, P. Representation
learning: a review and new perspectives. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine
Intell. 35, 1798–1828 (2013).


41. LeCun, Y. et al. Handwritten digit recognition with a
back-propagation network. In Proc. Advances in Neural Information Processing
Systems 396–404 (1990).

This is the first paper on
convolutional networks trained by backpropagation for the task of classifying
low-resolution images of handwritten digits.

42. LeCun, Y., Bottou, L., Bengio, Y. & Haffner, P.
Gradient-based learning applied to document recognition. Proc. IEEE 86,
2278–2324 (1998).

This overview paper on the
principles of end-to-end training of modular systems such as deep neural
networks using gradient-based optimization showed how neural networks (and in
particular convolutional nets) can be combined with search or inference
mechanisms to model complex outputs that are interdependent, such as sequences
of characters associated with the content of a document.


43. Hubel, D. H. & Wiesel, T. N. Receptive fields, binocular
interaction, and functional architecture in the cat’s visual cortex. J.
Physiol. 160, 106–154 (1962).

44. Felleman, D. J. & Essen, D. C. V. Distributed hierarchical
processing in the primate cerebral cortex. Cereb. Cortex 1, 1–47 (1991).


45. Cadieu, C. F. et al. Deep neural networks rival the
representation of primate it cortex for core visual object recognition. PLoS
Comp. Biol. 10, e1003963 (2014).


49. Simard, D., Steinkraus, P. Y. & Platt, J. C. Best practices
for convolutional neural networks. In Proc. Document Analysis and Recognition
958–963 (2003).


50. Vaillant, R., Monrocq, C. & LeCun, Y. Original approach for
the localisation of objects in images. In Proc. Vision, Image, and Signal
Processing 141, 245–250(1994).

51. Nowlan, S. & Platt, J. in Neural Information Processing
Systems 901–908 (1995).


52. Lawrence, S., Giles, C. L., Tsoi, A. C. & Back, A. D. Face
recognition: a convolutional neural-network approach. IEEE Trans. Neural
Networks 8, 98–113(1997).


53. Ciresan, D.,
Meier, U. Masci, J. & Schmidhuber, J. Multi-column deep neural network for
traffic sign classification. Neural Networks 32, 333–338 (2012).


54. Ning, F. et
al. Toward automatic phenotyping of developing embryos from videos. IEEE Trans.
Image Process. 14, 1360–1371 (2005).


36. Sermanet, P., Kavukcuoglu, K., Chintala, S. & LeCun, Y.
Pedestrian detection with unsupervised multi-stage feature learning. In Proc.
International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
http://arxiv.org/abs/1212.0142 (2013).

50. Vaillant, R., Monrocq, C. & LeCun, Y. Original approach for
the localisation of objects in images. In Proc. Vision, Image, and Signal
Processing 141, 245–250(1994).

51. Nowlan, S. & Platt, J. in Neural Information Processing
Systems 901–908 (1995).

56. Garcia, C.
& Delakis, M. Convolutional face finder: a neural architecture for fast and
robust face detection. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell. 26,1408–1423

57. Osadchy, M.,
LeCun, Y. & Miller, M. Synergistic face detection and pose estimation with
energy-based models. J. Mach. Learn. Res. 8, 1197–1215 (2007).

58. Tompson, J.,
Goroshin, R. R., Jain, A., LeCun, Y. Y. & Bregler, C. C. Efficient object localization
using convolutional networks. In Proc. Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition http://arxiv.org/abs/1411.4280


59. Taigman, Y.,
Yang, M., Ranzato, M. & Wolf, L. Deepface: closing the gap to human-level
performance in face verification. In Proc. Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition 1701–1708 (2014).


62. Srivastava, N., Hinton, G., Krizhevsky, A., Sutskever, I. &
Salakhutdinov, R. Dropout: a simple way to prevent neural networks from
overfitting. J. Machine Learning Res. 15, 1929–1958 (2014).


4. Szegedy, C. et al. Going deeper with convolutions. Preprint at
http://arxiv.org/abs/1409.4842 (2014).

58. Tompson, J., Goroshin, R. R., Jain, A., LeCun, Y. Y. &
Bregler, C. C. Efficient object localization using convolutional networks. In
Proc. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
http://arxiv.org/abs/1411.4280 (2014).

59. Taigman, Y., Yang, M., Ranzato, M. & Wolf, L. Deepface:
closing the gap to human-level performance in face verification. In Proc.
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 1701–1708 (2014).

63. Sermanet, P. et al. Overfeat: integrated recognition,
localization and detection using convolutional networks. In Proc. International
Conference on Learning Representations http://arxiv.org/abs/1312.6229 (2014).

64. Girshick, R., Donahue, J., Darrell, T. & Malik, J. Rich
feature hierarchies for accurate object detection and semantic segmentation. In
Proc. Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 580–587 (2014).

65. Simonyan, K. & Zisserman, A. Very deep convolutional
networks for large-scale image recognition. In Proc. International Conference
on Learning Representations http://arxiv.org/abs/1409.1556 (2014).


21. Bengio, Y., Delalleau, O. & Le Roux, N. The curse of highly
variable functions for local kernel machines. In Proc. Advances in Neural
Information Processing Systems 18 107–114 (2005).


40. Bengio, Y., Courville, A. & Vincent, P. Representation
learning: a review and new perspectives. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine
Intell. 35, 1798–1828 (2013).


68. Bengio, Y. Learning Deep Architectures for AI (Now, 2009).

69. Montufar, G. & Morton, J. When does a mixture of products
contain a product of mixtures? J. Discrete Math. 29, 321–347 (2014).


70. Montufar, G. F., Pascanu, R., Cho, K. & Bengio, Y. On the
number of linear regions of deep neural networks. In Proc. Advances in Neural
Information Processing Systems 27 2924–2932 (2014).


71. Bengio, Y., Ducharme, R. & Vincent, P. A neural
probabilistic language model. In Proc. Advances in Neural Information
Processing Systems 13 932–938 (2001). This paper introduced neural language
models, which learn to convert a word symbol into a word vector or word
embedding composed of learned semantic features in order to predict the next
word in a sequence.


91. Hinton, G. E., Dayan, P., Frey, B. J. & Neal, R. M. The
wake-sleep algorithm for unsupervised neural networks. Science 268, 1558–1161

92. Salakhutdinov, R. & Hinton, G. Deep Boltzmann machines. In
Proc. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics
448–455 (2009).

93. Vincent, P., Larochelle, H., Bengio, Y. & Manzagol, P.-A.
Extracting and composing robust features with denoising autoencoders. In Proc.
25th International Conference on Machine Learning 1096–1103 (2008).

94. Kavukcuoglu, K. et al. Learning convolutional feature
hierarchies for visual recognition. In Proc. Advances in Neural Information
Processing Systems 23 1090–1098 (2010).

95. Gregor, K. & LeCun, Y. Learning fast approximations of
sparse coding. In Proc. International Conference on Machine Learning 399–406

96. Ranzato, M., Mnih, V., Susskind, J. M. & Hinton, G. E.
Modeling natural images using gated MRFs. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine
Intell. 35, 2206–2222(2013).

97. Bengio, Y., Thibodeau-Laufer, E., Alain, G. & Yosinski, J.
Deep generative stochastic networks trainable by backprop. In Proc. 31st
International Conference on Machine Learning 226–234 (2014).

98. Kingma, D., Rezende, D., Mohamed, S. & Welling, M.
Semi-supervised learning with deep generative models. In Proc. Advances in
Neural Information Processing Systems 27 3581–3589 (2014).


99. Ba, J., Mnih, V. & Kavukcuoglu, K. Multiple object
recognition with visual attention. In Proc. International Conference on
Learning Representations。http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.7755 (2014).


100. Mnih, V. et al. Human-level control through deep reinforcement
learning. Nature518, 529–533 (2015).

rnn learn strategies for
selectively attending to one part at a time

76. Bahdanau, D., Cho, K. & Bengio, Y. Neural machine
translation by jointly learning to align and translate. In Proc. International
Conference on Learning Representations http://arxiv.org/abs/1409.0473 (2015).

86. Xu, K. et al. Show, attend and tell: Neural image caption
generation with visual attention. In Proc. International Conference on Learning
Representations http://arxiv.org/abs/1502.03044 (2015).


102. Vinyals, O., Toshev, A., Bengio, S. & Erhan, D. Show and
tell: a neural image caption generator. In Proc. International Conference on
Machine Learning http://arxiv.org/abs/1502.03044 (2014).

时间: 2024-08-27 02:42:56

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