Quick Tip: How to Add Syntax Highlighting to Any Project

Quick Tip: How to Add Syntax Highlighting to Any Projectpublic String showAllArticleForPage() throws Exception{HttpServletRequest request = ServletActionContext.getRequest();String username=(String) ActionContext.getContext().getSession().get("user");System.out.println("showAllArticleForPage===发表文章和改动文章后跳转的页面
=username="+username);String pageIndexS = request.getParameter("pageIndex");Integer pageIndex = 1;Boolean pcOrmobile=HttpRequestDeviceUtils.isMobileDevice(request);System.out.println("pcOrmobile=="+HttpRequestDeviceUtils.isMobileDevice(request));if(pcOrmobile){
return "mobile";}if(!"".equals(pageIndexS) && pageIndexS != null){pageIndex = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("pageIndex"));request.setAttribute("pageIndex", pageIndex);}//request.setAttribute("pager", articleService.showAllArticleForPageByUsername(username,pageIndex));//request.setAttribute("pager",
articleService.showAllArticleForPage(pageIndex));request.setAttribute("type", "sign");return "articlesList";}

时间: 2024-07-31 12:23:28

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