ieee80211 phy1: Failed to select rate control algorithm

 *      ieee80211 phy1: Failed to select rate control algorithm
 * 说明:
 *     MT7601u驱动rate control algorithm。
 *                                      2017-9-15 深圳 龙华樟坑村 曾剑锋

    1. Failed to select rate control algorithm
    2. Wireless not working with AR9285 wireless chip.

    1. 参考:
        CONFIG_MAC80211_RC_PID is not set
        CONFIG_MAC80211_RC_MINSTREL is not set
    2. make menuconfig
        .config - Backports from "Linux" "v4.2.6-0-g1c02865" (backports "v4.2.6-1-0-g90
          Backports from "Linux" "v4.2.6-0-g1c02865" (backports "v4.2.6-1-0-g90118c
         │  Arrow keys navigate the menu.  <Enter> selects submenus --->.          │
         │  Highlighted letters are hotkeys.  Pressing <Y> includes, <N> excludes, │
         │  <M> modularizes features.  Press <Esc><Esc> to exit, <?> for Help, </> │
         │  for Search.  Legend: [*] built-in  [ ] excluded  <M> module  < >       │
         │ ┌────^(-)─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │
         │ │    [*]   cfg80211 wireless extensions compatibility                 │ │
         │ │    <M> Generic IEEE 802.11 Networking Stack (mac80211)              │ │
         │ │    [*] Minstrel                                                     │ │
         │ │    [*]   Minstrel 802.11n support                                   │ │
         │ │    [ ]     Minstrel 802.11ac support                                │ │
         │ │        Default rate control algorithm (Minstrel)  --->              │ │
         │ │    [*] Enable mac80211 mesh networking (pre-802.11s) support        │ │
         │ │    [ ] Enable LED triggers                                          │ │
         │ │    [*] Export mac80211 internals in DebugFS                         │ │
         │ └────v(+)─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ │
         │        <Select>    < Exit >    < Help >    < Save >    < Load >         │
时间: 2024-12-14 04:37:46

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