How to backup and restore database in SQL Server

/*By Dylan SUN*/

If you want to backup and restore one database in SQL Server.

Firstly, create a shared folder, and add everyone with read/write right.

Secondly, backup your database.

You can use the following script :

backup database DatabaseName to disk ='\\SharedFolder\backup_database\DatabaseBackup.bak' with INIT, stats=10

Thirdly, restore your database

You have two methods to restore the database.

1. Use command line

If your database exists, you can drop it.


Recreate it


Find the logical names for the data files and log files of the database backup.

restore filelistonly from disk='\\SharedFolder\backup_database\DatabaseBackup.bak'

Then you can restore your database with the following information.

  FROM DISK = '\\SharedFolder\backup_database\DataBaseBackup.bak'
  MOVE 'DB_PRIMARY1' TO 'c:\temp\DB.mdf',
  MOVE 'DB_PRIMARY2' TO 'c:\temp\DB2ndf',
  MOVE 'DB_log' TO 'c:\temp\DB_log.ldf';

2. Use SSMS

Right Click DataBases, and then click "Restore database..."

Choose "Device", and then add the backup file

And then click OK, SSMS will restore the database itself.

时间: 2024-11-10 07:27:57

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