[ Alcatraz ]管理Xcode插件

[ Alcatraz 配置 ]


$ curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/supermarin/Alcatraz/master/Scripts/install.sh | sh

PS: |-> 使用步骤: 安装完成==》重启Xcode==》Window==》Package Manager  <-|


1> CocoaPods 管理框架

2> FuzzyAutocomplete 自动补充代码(模糊搜索)

3> OMColorSense 颜色:使用UIColor / NSColor

4> KSImageNamed 图片:使用imageNamed:

5> SCXcodeMinimap 编辑视图:

文件目录: ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/

比如[ Alcatraz ]:

Through Alcatraz

Download the sources, build the project and restart Xcode

Download SCXcodeMinimap.xcplugin.zip from the releases tab, unzip and move it to the Xcode plugins folder ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/SCXcodeMinimap.xcplugin

If you encounter any issues you can uninstall it by removing the ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/SCXcodeMinimap.xcplugin folder



1> Installation( 安装 )

To install, open up your terminal and paste this:

curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/supermarin/Alcatraz/master/Scripts/install.sh | sh
or download the repository from Github and build it in Xcode. You‘ll need to restart Xcode after the installation.

Alcatraz requires Xcode Command Line Tools, which can be installed in Xcode via Preferences > Downloads

2>Troubleshooting( 解决问题 )

If "nothing" happens when installing packages, try the following self-help steps:

Verify which copy (if more than one are installed) of git is being run (which git).
Make sure you‘re running a recent version of git (git --version).
If you‘ve used Xcode developer preview releases in the past, make certain Xcode isn‘t stuck using an inappropriate developer path by resetting it (sudo xcode-select --reset).

3> Uninstall( 卸载 )

Open up your terminal and paste this:

$ rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/Alcatraz.xcplugin
To remove all packages installed via Alcatraz, run

$ rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Alcatraz/


非常棒的iOS框架、库、教程,“Xcode插件” 和 “组件列表” !

Libraries And Frameworks

URL: [ Library and Frameworks ]


SDURLCache - URLCache subclass with on-disk cache support on iPhone/iPad.


CWCoreData - Additions and utilities to make it concurrency easier with the Core Data framework.
Objective-Record - Objective Record is a lightweight ActiveRecord way of managing Core Data objects.
Magical Record - Super Awesome Easy Fetching for Core Data.
SSDataKit - Eliminate your Core Data boilerplate code
ios-queryable - ios-queryable is an implementation of IQueryable/IEnumerable for Core Data
ReactiveCoreData - ReactiveCoreData (RCD) is an attempt to bring Core Data into the ReactiveCocoa (RAC) world.
Ensembles - A synchronization framework for Core Data.
SLRESTfulCoreData - Objc naming conventions, autogenerated accessors at runtime, URL substitutions and intelligent attribute mapping.

MBProgressHUD - Drop-in class for displays a translucent HUD with an indicator and/or labels while work is being done in a background thread.
SVProgressHUD - A clean and lightweight progress HUD for your iOS app.
ProgressHUD - ProgressHUD is a lightweight and easy-to-use HUD for iOS 7.


GPU Image - An open source iOS framework for GPU-based image and video processing.
UIImage DSP - IOS UIImage processing functions using the vDSP/Accellerate framework for speed.
QR Code Scanner - QR Code implementation
AsyncImageView - Simple extension of UIImageView for loading and displaying images asynchronously without lock up the UI.

JSONKit - Objective-C JSON
TouchJSON - A humane JSON Objective-C un-framework.
JSON-Framework - This framework implements a strict JSON parser and generator in Objective-C.
Mantle - Model framework for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch.

Route-me - Open source map library for iOS.
MapBox - Mapbox iOS SDK, an open source alternative to MapKit.


AFNetworking - A delightful iOS and OS X networking framework.
RestKit - RestKit is an Objective-C framework for iOS that aims to make interacting with RESTful web services simple, fast and fun.
FSNetworking - Foursquare iOS networking library
ASIHTTPRequest - Easy to use CFNetwork wrapper for HTTP requests, Objective-C, Mac OS X and iPhone.
Overcoat - Overcoat is a small but powerful library that makes creating REST clients simple and fun.

Orbiter - Push Notification Registration for iOS.

passbook - Passbook gem let‘s you create pkpass for passbook iOS 6+.

Twitter Text Obj - An Objective-C implementation of Twitter‘s text processing library.
Nimbus - Nimbus is a toolkit for experienced iOS software designers.

Socket Rocket - A conforming Objective-C WebSocket client library.


Cocoa Pods - CocoaPods is the dependency manager for Objective-C projects. It has thousands of libraries and can help you scale your projects elegantly.
Xcode Maven - The Xcode Maven Plugin can be used in order to run Xcode builds embedded in a Maven lifecycle.
Gradle - The gradle xcode plugin can be used to build iOS or Mac OS X Projects using gradle.

TestFlight - A free mobile platform for developers, managers ans testers.
Crashlytics - Crash Reporting
appium - Appium is an open source test automation framework for use with native and hybrid mobile apps.
Cucumber - Behavior driver development for iOS.
Kif - An iOS Functional Testing Framework.
Subliminal - An understated approach to iOS integration testing.
UIAutomation - JavaScript library to write test scripts that exercise your app’s user interface elements while the app runs on a connected device.
ios-driver - Test any IOS native, hybrid, or mobile web application using Selenium / WebDriver.
Zucchini - A visual iOS testing framework that loves your apps.

RubyMotion - RubyMotion is a revolutionary toolchain that lets you quickly develop and test native iOS and OS X applications for iPhone, iPad and Mac, all using the Ruby language.


SCXcodeMiniMap - SCXcodeMiniMap is a plugin that adds a source editor MiniMap to Xcode.
Show in Github - Xcode plugin to open the GitHub page of the commit of the currently selected line in the editor window.
BBUFullIssueNavigator - Xcode plugin for showing all issue content in the issue navigator.
BBUDebuggerTuckAway - Xcode plugin for auto-hiding the debugger once you start typing in the source code editor.
SCXcodeSwitchExpander - SCXcodeSwitchExpander is a small Xcode plugin that expands switch statements by inserting missing cases.
VVDocumenter-Xcode - Xcode plug







|-> GitHub: SpongeBob-GitHub

|--> Copyright (c) 2015 Bing Ma.

时间: 2024-08-04 14:55:44

[ Alcatraz ]管理Xcode插件的相关文章


简介: Alcatraz 是一个帮你管理 Xcode 插件.模版以及颜色配置的工具.它可以直接集成到 Xcode 的图形界面中,让你感觉就像在使用 Xcode 自带的功能一样 下载和管理插件步骤 一 .进入官网地址  http://alcatraz.io 进入官网后会看到上图 二.打开终端 输入 (使用如下的命令行来安装 Alcatraz:) curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/supermarin/Alcatraz/deploy/Scrip


Alcatraz 是一个帮你管理 Xcode 插件.模版以及颜色配置的工具.它可以直接集成到 Xcode 的图形界面中,让你感觉就像在使用 Xcode 自带的功能一样. 安装和删除 使用如下的命令行来安装 Alcatraz: 1 curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/supermarin/Alcatraz/master/Scripts/install.sh | sh 如果你不想使用 Alcatraz 了,可以使用如下命令来删除: 1 2 rm -rf ~/Libra


首先上地址: https://github.com/wawsc5354524/Alcatraz 这个是管理插件的插件的地址. 安装方法也很简单: Installation To install, open up your terminal and paste this: curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/supermarin/Alcatraz/master/Scripts/install.sh | sh or download the repository fr


使用Alcatraz来管理Xcode插件 MAR 5TH, 2014 简介 Alcatraz是一个帮你管理Xcode插件.模版以及颜色配置的工具.它可以直接集成到Xcode的图形界面中,让你感觉就像在使用Xcode自带的功能一样. 安装和删除 使用如下的命令行来安装Alcatraz: 12 mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins;curl -L http://git.io/lOQWeA | t

[转]在Xcode中编辑运行 Python 脚本

http://www.zhihu.com/question/19872198 打开Xcode,File->New->Project选中OS X下的Other点击External Build System 然后Next.Build Tool填写你的python解释器,如/usr/bin/python创建工程后,File->New->File->OS X->Other ->Empty->Next.创建好后,点选菜单栏Product->Edit Scheme


1.打开终端 2.输入     open ~/Library/Application\ Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins 3.出现 4.想删除那个就随意吧.


Alcatraz 1.简介 Alcatraz是一个能帮你管理Xcode插件丶模版及颜色配置的工具.它可以直接集成在Xcode的图形界面中,让你感觉就像在使用Xcode自带的功能一样. 2.安装和删除 使用如下的终端来安装Alcatraz: curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/supermarin/Alcatraz/master/Scripts/install.sh | sh 如果你不想使用Alcatraz了,可以使用如下命令来删除: rm -rf ~/Librar


简介 Alcatraz是一个帮你管理Xcode插件.模版以及颜色配置的工具.它可以直接集成到Xcode的图形界面中,让你感觉就像在使用Xcode自带的功能一样. 安装和删除 使用如下的命令行来安装Alcatraz: 1 2 mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins; curl -L http://git.io/lOQWeA | tar xvz -C ~/Library/Application\


简介 Alcatraz是一个能帮你管理Xcode插件/模版及颜色配置的工具.它可以直接集成在Xcode的图形界面中,让你感觉就像在使用Xcode自带的功能一样. 安装Alcatraz的方式有两种,一种为终端命令行方法,一种为编译运行方法,由于通过终端命令行安装需要番墙,比较复杂,这里就不做介绍了,给出一个命令行安装方法地址,会番墙或喜欢命令行方式的可以去看看: 安装Alcatraz终端命令行方法. 这里我们着重介绍另一种方法,通过官网下载项目工程安装: Github官网上下载,地址是:https