#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #define SIZE 10 struct node { int num; struct node *next; }; struct stud { char name[10]; int num; }sw[5],sr[5],*pw,*pr; void selectsort(int *); void bubblesort(int *); void quicksort(int *,int,int); void InsertSort(int *,int ); int BinSearch(int *,int,int,int); struct node * creat(int); void reverse(struct node *); struct node *merge(struct node *,struct node*); struct node * circle(int); int select(struct node *,int ,int ); void WordCount(char str[]); int main() { int i,j; int a[10]={3,2,5,4,1,8,9,7,6,0}; for(i=0;i<SIZE;i++) { printf("%d ",a[i]); } printf("\n"); //bubblesort(a); //selectsort(a); //quicksort(a,0,SIZE-1); InsertSort(a,SIZE); for(j=0;j<SIZE;j++) { printf("%d ",a[j]); } int x; printf("\nPlease input the number you want to find:"); scanf("%d",&x); int pos=BinSearch(a,0,SIZE-1,x); printf("The position of %d is: %d\n",x,pos+1); //************************** struct node *cir; int c,king; printf("The total of circle:"); scanf("%d",&c); cir=circle(c); king=select(cir,c,3); printf("The king is:%d\n",king); //************************** struct node *p,*q,*m; int n,mm; printf("Please input the total node you want:"); scanf("%d",&n); p=creat(n); printf("Please input the total node you want:"); scanf("%d",&mm); q=creat(mm); /* p=p->next; while(p) { printf("%d ",p->num); p=p->next; }*/ //printf("\nafter reverse:\n"); //q=creat(n); //reverse(p); m=merge(p,q); printf("\nafter reverse:\n"); m=m->next; while(m) { printf("%d ",m->num); m=m->next; } /* p=p->next; while(p) { printf("%d ",p->num); p=p->next; } */ // FILE *fp; if((fp=fopen("d:\\st.dat","wb+"))==NULL) { printf("Cannot open!\n"); return ; } pw=sw; pr=sr; printf("Please input data:name num\n"); for(i=0;i<5;i++) { scanf("%s%d",sw[i].name,&sw[i].num); } fwrite(pw,sizeof(struct stud),5,fp); rewind(fp); fread(pr,sizeof(struct stud),5,fp); for(i=0;i<5;i++) printf("%s %d",sw[i].name,sw[i].num); return 0; } void selectsort(int a[]) { int i,j,key,temp; for(i=0;i<SIZE-1;i++) { key=i; for(j=i+1;j<SIZE;j++) { if(a[key]>a[j]) key=j; } if(key!=i) { temp=a[key]; a[key]=a[i]; a[i]=temp; } } } void bubblesort(int *a) { int i,j,temp; for(i=0;i<SIZE-1;i++) { for(j=0;j<SIZE-i-1;j++) { if(a[j]>a[j+1]) { temp=a[j]; a[j]=a[j+1]; a[j+1]=temp; } } } } void quicksort(int *a,int l,int r) { int i=l,j=r,key=a[l]; if(l>=r) return ; while(i<j) { while(i<j&&a[j]>=key) j--; a[i]=a[j]; while(i<j&&a[i]<=key) i++; a[j]=a[i]; } a[i]=key; quicksort(a,l,i-1); quicksort(a,i+1,r); } int BinSearch(int *a,int s,int t,int key) { int low=s,high=t,mid; if(s<=t) { mid=(low+high)/2; if(a[mid]==key) return mid; else if(a[mid]>key) return BinSearch(a,low,mid-1,key); else return BinSearch(a,mid+1,high,key); } return -1; } struct node * creat(int n) { int i; struct node *head,*p,*tail; head=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); head->next=NULL; tail=head; for(i=0;i<n;i++) { p=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); scanf("%d",&p->num); p->next=NULL; tail->next=p; tail=p; } return head; } void reverse(struct node *head) { struct node *p,*q; p=head->next; head->next=NULL; while(p) { q=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); q->num=p->num; q->next=head->next; head->next=q; p=p->next; } } struct node *merge(struct node *head1,struct node *head2) { struct node *h1,*h2,*tail; h1=head1->next; h2=head2->next; tail=head1; head2->next=NULL; while(h1&&h2) { if(h1->num<h2->num) { tail->next=h1; tail=h1; h1=h1->next; } else { tail->next=h2; tail=h2; h2=h2->next; } } if(h1) tail->next=h1; else tail->next=h2; return head1; } struct node * circle(int n) { struct node *p,*head,*tail; int i; head=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); tail=head; head->next=NULL; scanf("%d",&head->num); for(i=2;i<=n;i++) { p=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); scanf("%d",&p->num); p->next=NULL; tail->next=p; tail=p; } p->next=head; return head; } int select(struct node *head,int n,int m) { struct node *p,*q; int i=0,count=0; //p=head->next; q=head; while(q->next!=head) q=q->next; while(count<n-1) { i++; p=q->next; if(i%m==0) { printf("%3d ",p->num); q->next=p->next; count++; } else q=p; } printf("\n"); return q->num; } void InsertSort(int a[],int length) { int i,j,key; //length=strlen(a); for(i=1;i<length;i++) { key=a[i]; for(j=i-1;j>=0;j--) { if(a[j]>key) a[j+1]=a[j]; else break; } a[j+1]=key; } } void WordCount(char str[]) { int i,word=0,num=0; for(i=0;str[i]!=‘\0‘;i++) { if(str[i]==‘ ‘) word=0; else if(word==0) { num++; word=1; } } printf("Total Number:%d\n",num); }
时间: 2025-01-21 21:11:20