SqlCommand.DeriveParameters failed


SqlCommand.DeriveParameters failed because the SqlCommand.CommandText property value is an invalid multipart name "SELECT * from tableA", the current limit of "4" is insufficient。


使用Enterprise Library进行数据库操作时,如果直接使用sql 语句而非存储过程,一定要用重载方法:
_db.ExecuteDataSet(CommandType type,String sql)


public virtual DataSet ExecuteDataSet(
	string storedProcedureName,
	params Object[] parameterValues




Database.ExecuteDataSet Method (DbCommand)

public virtual DataSet ExecuteDataSet(
	DbCommand command

Database.ExecuteDataSet Method (CommandType, String)

public virtual DataSet ExecuteDataSet(
	CommandType commandType,
	string commandText

Database.ExecuteDataSet Method (DbCommand, DbTransaction)

public virtual DataSet ExecuteDataSet(
	DbCommand command,
	DbTransaction transaction

Database.ExecuteDataSet Method (String, Object[])

public virtual DataSet ExecuteDataSet(
	string storedProcedureName,
	params Object[] parameterValues

Database.ExecuteDataSet Method (DbTransaction, CommandType, String)

public virtual DataSet ExecuteDataSet(
	DbTransaction transaction,
	CommandType commandType,
	string commandText

Database.ExecuteDataSet Method (DbTransaction, String, Object[])

public virtual DataSet ExecuteDataSet(
	DbTransaction transaction,
	string storedProcedureName,
	params Object[] parameterValues

版权声明:作者:jiankunking 出处:http://blog.csdn.net/jiankunking 本文版权归作者和CSDN共有,欢迎转载,但未经作者同意必须保留此段声明,且在文章页面明显位置给出原文连接。

时间: 2024-12-07 22:17:35

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