转: android emulator 命令详解

在命令行输入: emulator -help,即可显示emulator支持的所有命令。

Android Emulator usage:

emulator [options] [-qemu args]

    -sysdir <dir>                 在目录<dir>中搜索system.img 
    -system <file>                读取system.img文件<file>    
    -datadir <dir>                写入用户数据到目录 <dir> 
    -kernel <file>                使用指定内核kernel-qemu文件 
    -ramdisk <file>               指定ram 镜像文件ramdisk.img 
    -image <file>                  obsolete, use -system <file> instead 
    -init-data <file>              initial data image (default <system>/userdata.img 
    -initdata <file>               same as ‘-init-data <file>‘ 
    -data <file>                   data image 
                                   (default <datadir>/userdata-qemu.i 
    -partition-size <size>         分区大小MBs 
    -cache <file>                  cache.img 
    -no-cache                      禁止缓存 
    -nocache                       禁止缓存 
    -sdcard <file>                 sdcard.img 
    -wipe-data                     reset the use data image (copy it from initda 
    -avd <name>                    使用指定AVD设备 
    -skindir <dir>                 search skins in <dir> (default <system>/skins 

    -skin <name>                   select a given skin 
    -no-skin                       don‘t use any emulator skin 
    -noskin                        same as -no-skin 
    -memory <size>                 物理内存大小MBs 
    -netspeed <speed>              最大网速 
    -netdelay <delay>              网络延迟 
    -netfast                       disable network shaping 
    -trace <name>                  enable code profiling (F9 to start) 
    -show-kernel                   显示内核消息 
    -shell                         终端启用root shell 
    -no-jni                        disable JNI checks in the Dalvik runtime 
    -nojni                         same as -no-jni 
    -logcat <tags>                 查看日志 
    -no-audio                      disable audio support 
    -noaudio                       same as -no-audio 
    -audio <backend>               use specific audio backend 
    -audio-in <backend>            use specific audio input backend 
    -audio-out <backend>           use specific audio output backend 
    -raw-keys                      disable Unicode keyboard reverse-mapping 
    -radio <device>                无线猫 
    -port <port>                   连接控制台的TCP端口. 
    -ports <consoleport>,<adbport> TCP ports used for the console and adb bridge

-onion <image>                 use overlay PNG image over screen 
    -onion-alpha <%age>            specify onion-skin translucency 
    -onion-rotation 0|1|2|3        specify onion-skin rotation 
    -scale <scale>                 窗口缩放 
    -dpi-device <dpi>              specify device‘s resolution in dpi (default 1 
    -http-proxy <proxy>            HTTP/HTTPS 代理 
    -timezone <timezone>           时区 
    -dns-server <servers>          DNS服务器 
    -cpu-delay <cpudelay>          throttle CPU emulation 
    -no-boot-anim                  disable animation for faster boot 
    -no-window                     disable graphical window display 
    -version                       版本 
    -report-console <socket>       report console port to remote socket 
    -gps <device>                  redirect NMEA GPS to character device 
    -keyset <name>                 specify keyset file name 
    -shell-serial <device>         specific character device for root shell 
    -old-system                    support old (pre 1.4) system images 
    -tcpdump <file>                记录网络数据包 
    -bootchart <timeout>           enable bootcharting 
    -prop <name>=<value>           设置系统属性

-qemu args...                 pass arguments to qemu 
     -qemu -h                      显示qemu帮助

-verbose                      same as ‘-debug-init‘ 
     -debug <tags>                 enable/disable debug messages 
     -debug-<tag>                  enable specific debug messages 
     -debug-no-<tag>               disable specific debug messages

-help                         帮助 
     -help-<option>                print option-specific help

-help-disk-images             about disk images 
     -help-keys                    supported key bindings 
     -help-debug-tags              debug tags for -debug <tags> 
     -help-char-devices            character <device> specification 
     -help-environment             environment variables 
     -help-keyset-file             key bindings configuration file 
     -help-virtual-device          virtual device management 
     -help-sdk-images              about disk images when using the SDK 
     -help-build-images            about disk images when building Android 
     -help-all                     帮助(所有)




时间: 2024-08-01 09:26:53

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