网页出现scanstyles does nothing in Webkit / Mozilla的解决方法

  今天ytkah要验证一些百度服务,那边的客服MM说她用ie浏览器打开网页出现"scanstyles does nothing in Webkit / Mozilla / Opera",但是在我们这边的显示正常啊,换了几个浏览器都没出现那个弹出提示框,让她换个webbrowser(浏览器)又没那个问题。

  在技术论坛上搜索了一下,发现很多网友也出现了这个问题,而且很多反映都是IE 11或Win 8环境下发生的。

  当然微软官方也给出了一些解决方案,翻译过来:a.按 F12 进入 开发者模式,b.点击 浏览器模式IE*(*为版本号,),c.选择你现在使用的IE浏览器版本,比如IE 11,d.按 F12 退出 开发者模式。原文如下:

1. Which websites are you trying to access when you receive this message?

2. Are you receiving this message in Internet Explorer 10 or in Firefox?

3. Which web browser is set as default?

If you are receiving this message in IE 10, then it may occur if the website is improperly programmed or due to compatibility issues.

You may check in compatibility mode or in browser mode.

You may also try the following steps to check in browser mode.

a. Press F12.
Note the Developer Tools pane opens at the bottom of the Internet Explorer window.

b. On the menu bar of the Developer Tools pane, click Browser mode: IEx.

Note In this button name, "IEx" represents the actual version number of the current browser view setting.

c. In the Browser mode list, click the previous version of Internet Explorer.

d. Press F12 to close the Developer Tools pane.

If the issue is fixed in compatibility or browser mode, then you may get in touch with the website provider for further assistance.

Hope the information helps. Let us know if you need further assistance with Windows related issues. We will be happy to help.


时间: 2025-01-04 03:07:43

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