cocoa pods Installation

CocoaPods is built with Ruby and it will be installable with the default Ruby available on OS X. You can use a Ruby Version manager, however we recommend that you use the standard Ruby available on OS X unless you know what you‘re doing.

Using the default Ruby install will require you to use sudo when installing gems. (This is only an issue for the duration of the gem installation, though.)

$ sudo gem install cocoapods
If you encounter any problems during installation, please visit this guide.

<Sudo-less installation

If you do not want to grant RubyGems admin privileges for this process, you can tell RubyGems to install into your user directory by passing either the --user-install flag to gem install or by configuring the RubyGems environment. The latter is in our opinion the best solution. To do this, create or edit the .profile file in your home directory and add or amend it to include these lines:

export GEM_HOME=$HOME/.gem
export PATH=$GEM_HOME/bin:$PATH
Note that if you choose to use the --user-install option, you will still have to configure your .profile file to set the PATH or use the command prepended by the full path. You can find out where a gem is installed with gem which cocoapods. E.g.

$ gem install cocoapods --user-install  用sudo方式安装在Mac OSX 10.11上报错
$ gem which cocoapods
$ /Users/eloy/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/bin/pod install
<Updating CocoaPods

To update CocoaPods you simply install the gem again
$ [sudo] gem install cocoapods
Or for a pre-release version
$ [sudo] gem install cocoapods --pre    gem install cocoapods --user-install --pre

时间: 2024-10-10 16:05:22

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platform :ios, '7.0'inhibit_all_warnings!xcodeproj 'Demo.xcodeproj'target :Demo1 do   pod 'MBProgressHUD', '~> 0.9.1'   pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 2.5.4'   pod 'MJRefresh', '~> 2.3.2'end target :Demo2 do   pod 'MBProgressHUD', '~> 0.9.1'   pod 'A

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cocoa pods自己的笔记

备注:这里只是个人的观点,有的地方也是copy,多多指教,个人笔记,有侵犯你们版权的地方还望海涵!!! 卡主不动 安装流程: pod install --verbose --no-repo-update pod update --verbose --no-repo-update 出现Setting up CocoaPods master repo

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一 安装rvm和cocoapods 1,打开终端输入 $ curl -L | bash -s stable 2,指定源 $ source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm 3,打印出所有版本 rvm list known 4,安装其中一个版本 rvm install 2.0.0 5,提示输入安装路径 按 回车键 确认 6,开始安装cocoapods  输入$sudo gem install cocoapods 二 使用cocoapods a  新建一个项目,名字PodT