Yeoman - scaffold JavaScript Web Application

Yeoman - scaffold JavaScript Web Application (setup new JavaScript web app quickly)

depend on two tools:
-Grunt, JavaScript task runner
-Bower, A package manager for web

step0, install Node.js and NPM
step1, install Grunt: # npm install -g grunt-cli
step2, install Bower: # npm install -g bower
step3, install Yeoman: # npm -g install yo

step4, install Yeoman generator for Marionette.js: # npm install -g generator-marionette
step5, install Mocha generator(Marionette generator required): # npm install -g generator-mocha-amd

step6, create Marionette Application:

  # mkdir webapptest
      # cd webapptest
      # yo marionette

step7, run application: # grunt

1. for more generator
2. build tool(Grunt/Gulp), package manager(Bower/npm)

3. 主要参考

时间: 2024-08-05 04:51:40

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