velocity 的 escape实现

EscapeHtmlReference的escape方法调用以下方法实现: org.apache.commons.lang.Entities.HTML40.escape(writer, string);代码如下:
public void escape(Writer writer, String str) throws IOException {    int len = str.length();

for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {        char c = str.charAt(i);        String entityName = this.entityName(c);        if(entityName == null) {            if(c > 127) {                writer.write("&#");                writer.write(Integer.toString(c, 10));                writer.write(59);   //就是个分号            } else {                writer.write(c);            }        } else {            writer.write(38);            writer.write(entityName);            writer.write(59);        }    }

时间: 2024-12-08 04:39:25

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