hdu 1009 贪心

FatMouse‘ Trade

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)

Total Submission(s): 51935    Accepted Submission(s): 17434

Problem Description

FatMouse prepared M pounds of cat food, ready to trade with the cats guarding the warehouse containing his favorite food, JavaBean.

The warehouse has N rooms. The i-th room contains J[i] pounds of JavaBeans and requires F[i] pounds of cat food. FatMouse does not have to trade for all the JavaBeans in the room, instead, he may get J[i]* a% pounds of JavaBeans if he pays F[i]* a% pounds of
cat food. Here a is a real number. Now he is assigning this homework to you: tell him the maximum amount of JavaBeans he can obtain.


The input consists of multiple test cases. Each test case begins with a line containing two non-negative integers M and N. Then N lines follow, each contains two non-negative integers J[i] and F[i] respectively. The last test case is followed by two -1‘s. All
integers are not greater than 1000.


For each test case, print in a single line a real number accurate up to 3 decimal places, which is the maximum amount of JavaBeans that FatMouse can obtain.

Sample Input

5 3
7 2
4 3
5 2
20 3
25 18
24 15
15 10
-1 -1

Sample Output







using namespace std;
struct point
	double x,y;
bool cmp(point xx,point yy)
		return true;
	return false;
int main()
	int n;
	double m;
		for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
		double sum=0;
		for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
			else if(m>0)
	return 0;

时间: 2024-12-11 19:47:57

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