Add Audio output function for VM

  1. Power off the VM
  2. Go to Summary, right click and select“Browse Datastore”
  3. Click into “<VM name>” folder
  4. Highlight “<VM Name>”
    Click “Download a file from this datastore to your local machine”
    Browse to the destination folder and click OK
    Click Yes for any warning
  5. Browse to the destination folder andmake a copy of the .vmx file, name it “<VM Name>-copy.vmx”
  6. Click open “<VM Name>.vmx” withNotepad
  7. Scroll to the end of file and manually type the following

sound.present = "true"

sound.virtualDev =  "hdaudio"

sound.fileName = "-1"

sound.autodetect = "true"

sound.pciSlotNumber = "34"

  1. Save the file and go back to theDatastore Browser. Click “Upload files to this datastore” > “Upload File…”
    Browse and select the modified “<VM Name>.vmx”.
    Click Yes for any warnings.

    Health check procedures:

  2. Power on the VM and check if “HD audio” isadded to the VM hardware
  3. Login the VM andcheck for the speaker icon in the system tray

    Rollback procedures:

  4. Logon     vSphere Client console with operator account
  5. Power     off the VM
  6. Go     to Summary, right click and select “Browse Datastore”
  7. Click     into “<VM Name>”     folder
  8. Browse     to the destination folder, rename “<VM     Name>-copy.vmx” back to “<VM     Name>.vmx”
  9. Go     back to the Datastore Browser. Click “Upload files to this datastore” >     “Upload File…”
  10. Browse     and select “<VM Name>.vmx”.
  11. Click     Yes for any warnings.
  12. Power     on the VM and check if “HD audio” is removed from to the VM hardware
时间: 2024-12-13 02:34:32

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