DAC Usage3:Monitor Data-tier Applications

If you deploy a DAC to a managed instance of the Database Engine, information about the deployed DAC is incorporated into the SQL Server Utility the next time the utility collection set is sent from the instance to the utility control point. You can then view basic health information about the DAC by using the Management Studio Utility Explorer.

The SSMS Object Explorer displays basic configuration information about each DAC deployed to an instance of the Database Engine, regardless of whether the instance is managed in the SQL Server Utility. Also, the database associated with a deployed DAC can be monitored using the same procedures for monitoring any database.


1,Using the SQL Server Utility

The Deployed Data-tier Applications detail page in the Management Studio Utility Explorer displays a dashboard that reports the resource utilization of all DACs that have been deployed to managed instances of the Database Engine. The top pane of the details page lists each deployed DAC with visual indicators showing whether their utilization of CPU and file resources are outside the policies defined for the SQL Server Utility. If you select any DAC in the list view, further details are displayed in tabs in the bottom pane of the page.

After using the Deployed Data-tier Applications detail page to quickly identify any DACs that are either under-utilizing or stressing their hardware resource, you can make plans to address any problems. Multiple DACs that are not fully utilizing their current hardware resources could be consolidated to a single server, freeing some of the servers for other uses. If a DAC is stressing the resources on its current server, the DAC can be moved to a larger server, or additional resources can be added to the current server.

The minimum and maximum limits for resource usage are defined by application monitoring policies defined in the Utility Administration details page. Database administrators can tailor the policies to match the limits established by their organizations. For example, one company might set 75% as the maximum CPU utilization for a DAC, while another company might set the maximum at 80%.

2,Using the DAC System Views and Tables

The following views display information about data-tier application (DAC) instances. These views are in the msdb database and are owned by the dbo schema.


Monitor Data-tier Applications

时间: 2024-10-20 23:11:44

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