

You are peer reviewing a fellow DBA‘s backup plan for his NOARCHIVELOG mode database, as shown


1. Put the tablespaces in backup mode.

2. Back up the datafiles for all tablespaces.

3. Take the tablespaces out of backup mode.

4. Back up all archived redo logs.

Your colleague asks for you to comment on his plan. Which response would be correct?

A. The plan will work as is.

B. The plan needs to be modified to allow for an archive-log switch after step 3.

C. The plan needs to be modified so that a backup of the archived redo logs occurs before step 1.

D. The plan needs to be adjusted to shut down the database after step 1 and to restart the database after

step 2.

E. The plan cannot work as presented.

Answer: E

您同等地评估一位同行的 DBA 备份计划用于他的非归档记录模式数据库,如下所示:



3。 将表空间带出备份模式。


你的同事要求你对他的计划发表评论。 哪个响应是正确的?

E. 计划不能像所呈列的那样工作

Since the database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode, the entire plan will not work since you can not perform

hot backups in NOARCHIVELOG mode.

If the database was in ARCHIVELOG mode, then you would

choose option B.



时间: 2024-12-04 13:11:22



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