Linux shell 数组使用

    Ubuntu12.04 TLS 64bit, bash 4.2.25




(2)关联数组可以使用字符串作为索引,bash 4.0开始支持,旧版版不支持





数组名 = ()


1. 数组名 = (elem1 elem2 elem3 ......)


2. 数组名[0] = "test1"

数组名[1] = "test2"




declare -A 数组名


1. 数组名 = ([index1] = val1 [index2] = val2 .....)

2. 数组名[index1] = val1

数组名[index2] = val2



        ${#数组名[*]} 或 {#数组名[@]}




        ${数组名[*]} 或 ${数组名[@]}


        ${数组名[*]/查找字符/替换字符} 或 ${数组名[@]/查找字符/替换字符}



         unset 数组名  #删除整个数组
         unset 数组名[索引值]  #删除指定的元素


        ${数组名[*]:起始位置:长度}  或  ${数组名[@]:起始位置:长度}



    comm_arr=(1 2 3 4 5)
    echo "comm_arr1 len is ${#comm_arr[*]}"
    echo "comm_arr2 len is ${#comm_arr2[@]}"
    echo "comm_arr1 all elem is : ${comm_arr[*]}"
    echo "comm_arr2 all elem is :${comm_arr2[@]}"
    echo "comm_arr[4] = ${comm_arr[4]}"
    echo "comm_arr[2] = ${comm_arr2[2]}"
    echo "comm_arr[100] = ${comm_arr[100]}" #索引值不存在,但不出错,结果为空
    echo "3 in comm_arr is replace 200 : ${comm_arr[*]/3/200}"
    echo "comm_arr is ${comm_arr[*]}" #原数组没有被修改
    comm_arr2=(${comm_arr2[@]/7/9})  #替换原数组
    echo "7 in comm_arr2 is replace 9 and modify comm_arr2"
    echo "comm_arr2 is ${comm_arr2[*]}"
    echo "splite comm_arr 1-3 is : ${comm_arr[*]:1:3}"
    comm_arr_split=(${comm_arr[@]:2:3}) #获得从第三个位置子开始3个元素的子数组
    echo "sub arr : len = ${#comm_arr_split[*]} , elems is : ${comm_arr_split[@]}"
    echo "del before, comm_arr is ${comm_arr[*]}"
    echo "del a elem"
    unset comm_arr[0] #删除某个元素
    echo "del after, comm_arr is ${comm_arr[*]}"
    echo "del all arr"
    unset comm_arr #删除整个数组
    echo "del after, comm_arr is ${comm_arr[*]}" #为空
    declare -A link_arr
    declare -A link_arr2
    link_arr2=([age]=20 [name]=zhangsan [sex]=m)
    echo "link arr len: ${#link_arr[*]}"
    echo "link arr2 len: ${#link_arr2[@]}"
    echo "link arr index=apple, elem is ${link_arr[‘apple‘]}"
    echo "link arr2 index=name, elem is ${link_arr2[name]}"
    echo "link arr index=name not exist, but no error, ${link_arr[name]}" #虽然没有这个索引,但不会错误,只是结果为空
    echo "apple is ${link_arr[*]}"
    echo "link_arr2 is ${link_arr2[@]}"
    echo "link arr2 zhangsan is replace lisi, ${link_arr2[*]/zhangsan/lisi}" #原数组没有修改
    echo "link arr2 is ${link_arr2[*]}"
    #link_arr2=(${link_arr2[*]/zhangsan/lisi}) #报错,关联数组必须使用下标
    #echo "link arr2 is ${link_arr2[*]}"
    #echo "link arr2 name=${link_arr2[name]}"
    echo "link arr2 age-name: ${link_arr2[*]:name:2}"
    echo "del before link arr2 is ${link_arr2[*]}"
    unset link_arr2[age]
    echo ""del after link arr2 is ${link_arr2[*]}
    unset link_arr
    echo "del all arr ${link_arr[*]}"


comm_arr1 len is 5
            comm_arr2 len is 3
            comm_arr1 all elem is : 1 2 3 4 5
            comm_arr2 all elem is :6 7 8
            comm_arr[4] = 5
            comm_arr[2] = 8
            comm_arr[100] =
            3 in comm_arr is replace 200 : 1 2 200 4 5
            comm_arr is 1 2 3 4 5
            7 in comm_arr2 is replace 9 and modify comm_arr2
            comm_arr2 is 6 9 8
            splite comm_arr 1-3 is : 2 3 4
            sub arr : len = 3 , elems is : 3 4 5
            del before, comm_arr is 1 2 3 4 5
            del a elem
            del after, comm_arr is 2 3 4 5
            del all arr
            del after, comm_arr is
            link arr len: 2
            link arr2 len: 3
            link arr index=apple, elem is 10$
            link arr2 index=name, elem is zhangsan
            link arr index=name not exist, but no error,
            apple is 100Y 10$
            link_arr2 is zhangsan 20 m
            link arr2 zhangsan is replace lisi, lisi 20 m
            link arr2 is zhangsan 20 m
            link arr2 age-name: zhangsan 20
            del before link arr2 is zhangsan 20 m
            del after link arr2 is zhangsan m
            del all arr

时间: 2024-10-10 08:30:29

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# Linux shell将字符串分割成数组 result=$(facter | awk '/ipaddress/ && !/ipaddress_lo/ {print $1 " " $3}') array=($result) # 判断一个变量是否存在(不是判断是否为空) if [ -z ${var+x} ]; then echo "var is unset"; else echo "var is set to '$var'"; f