
The Base64 index table:

Value Char   Value Char   Value Char   Value Char
0 A 16 Q 32 g 48 w
1 B 17 R 33 h 49 x
2 C 18 S 34 i 50 y
3 D 19 T 35 j 51 z
4 E 20 U 36 k 52 0
5 F 21 V 37 l 53 1
6 G 22 W 38 m 54 2
7 H 23 X 39 n 55 3
8 I 24 Y 40 o 56 4
9 J 25 Z 41 p 57 5
10 K 26 a 42 q 58 6
11 L 27 b 43 r 59 7
12 M 28 c 44 s 60 8
13 N 29 d 45 t 61 9
14 O 30 e 46 u 62 +
15 P 31 f 47 v 63 /

A quote from Thomas HobbesLeviathan (be aware of spaces between lines):

Man is distinguished, not only by his reason, but by this singular passion from
other animals, which is a lust of the mind, that by a perseverance of delight
in the continued and indefatigable generation of knowledge, exceeds the short
vehemence of any carnal pleasure.

is represented as a byte sequence of 8-bit-padded ASCII characters encoded in MIME‘s Base64 scheme as follows:


In the above quote, the encoded value of Man is TWFu. Encoded in ASCII, the characters M, a, and n are stored as the bytes 77, 97, and 110, which are the 8-bit binary values 01001101, 01100001, and 01101110. These three values are joined together into a 24-bit string, producing 010011010110000101101110. Groups of 6 bits (6 bits have a maximum of 26 = 64 different binary values) are converted into individual numbers from left to right (in this case, there are four numbers in a 24-bit string), which are then converted into their corresponding Base64 character values.

Text content M a n
ASCII 77 (0x4d) 97 (0x61) 110 (0x6e)
Bit pattern 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0
Index 19 22 5 46
Base64-encoded T W F u

As this example illustrates, Base64 encoding converts three octets into four encoded characters.


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7)

base64_encode — Encodes data with MIME base64


string base64_encode ( string $data )

Encodes the given data with base64.

This encoding is designed to make binary data survive transport through transport layers that are not 8-bit clean, such as mail bodies.

Base64-encoded data takes about 33% more space than the original data.


完整的base64定义可见RFC 1421和RFC 2045。编码后的数据比原始数据略长,为原来的43。在电子邮件中,根据RFC 822规定,每76个字符,还需要加上一个回车换行。可以估算编码后数据长度大约为原长的135.1%。


当原数据长度不是3的整数倍时, 如果最后剩下一个输入数据,在编码结果后加2个“=”;如果最后剩下两个输入数据,编码结果后加1个“=”;如果没有剩下任何数据,就什么都不要加,这样才可以保证数据还原的正确性。

American Standard Code for Information Interchange

Originally based on the English alphabet, ASCII encodes 128 specified characters into seven-bit integers as shown by the ASCII chart on the right.[8] The characters encoded are numbers 0 to 9, lowercase letters a to z, uppercase letters A to Z, basic punctuation symbols, control codes that originated with Teletype machines, and a space. For example, lowercase j would become binary 1101010 and decimal 106. ASCII includes definitions for 128 characters: 33 are non-printing control characters (many now obsolete)[9] that affect how text and space are processed[10] and 95 printable characters, including the space (which is considered an invisible graphic[1]:223[11]).

时间: 2025-01-02 05:38:46



public function actionStationShare(){ $appId = "wxd9d820ef5950a00a"; $Secret = "addfa2636c1e9a0ee63e89fe2e5c9b0b"; $url = Yii::$app->request->get('url'); $token = $this->getAccessToken($appId,$Secret); $ticket = $this->getJ


1.代码自动提示 在我们忘记方法名或者想偷懒时,代码自动提示很管用.不过Eclipse默认是输入"."后才会出现包或类成员的提示,也就意味着我们必须先输入一个完整的类名,提示才能出来:或者每次都按下 alt + / .如何才能让它每次只要输入字母之后,也能出现提示呢?在这里可以设置:Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Content Assist -> Auto Activation delay是自动弹出提


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当需要再次安装SQL Server时,如果序列号找不到了,可以试着从已经安装的实例里找回序列号,因为安装完SQL Server后,序列号(Product Key)被保存在注册表里: MSDN订阅下载的安装包是内置序列号的,则没有这个困扰. 一. 序列号保存在哪 通过无文档记载的扩展存储过程xp_regread读取注册表: --For SQL Server 2008, 2008 R2 use master GO exec xp_regread 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE','SOFTW

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server /* *run command: * g++ server.cpp -o server && ./server */ #ifndef SERVER #define SERVER #include<arpa/inet.h> #include<assert.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<pthread.h> #include<errno.h>


字符数组 C++中字符数组用char str[]可以用来表示一个字符串. (1)   数组的大小和字符串的长度. 数组的大小一定要大于字符串的长度,因为系统会自动补上一个'\0'作为字符串的结束标志.当然对于未初始化的也补'\0'. #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { char str[11] = "I am happy"; // 系统会自动补上'\0'空


文章都是从我的个人博客上粘贴过来的哦,更多内容请点击 正如很多同学所知道的,楼主开始学习python了,前进的道路曲曲折折,有荆棘也有陷阱,从最简单的小程序写起,每天练习,将python进行到底. 有一点比较别扭的就是python的换行之后空四个空格,ruby都是两个,并且python在方法和循环语句的第一句都要加冒号 mysql> show create table user; mysql> alter table user add sal


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