错误代码 1052 Column 'stu id' in field list is ambiguous


1 queries executed, 0 success, 1 errors, 0 warnings

查询:select stu_id, (SELECT stu_name FROM t_student_info t WHERE t_student_info.stu_id = t.stu_id) stu_name from t_student_info t, t_...

错误代码: 1052
Column ‘stu_id‘ in field list is ambiguous

执行耗时   : 0 sec
传送时间   : 0 sec
总耗时      : 0 sec


    t_student_info t
  WHERE t_student_info.stu_id = t.stu_id) stu_name
  t_student_info t,
  t_score_info t0
WHERE t.`stu_id` = t0.`stu_id` 



	(SELECT t.stu_name FROM t_student_info t WHERE t.stu_id = t1.stu_id) stu_name
	t_student_info t1,
	t_score_info t0
	t1.`stu_id` = t0.`stu_id`


错误代码 1052 Column 'stu id' in field list is ambiguous


时间: 2024-08-29 15:30:26

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错误代码: 1052 Column 'stu_id' in field list is ambiguous

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