開設Spigot Minecraft伺服器

指令 作用
/help [頁數] 顯示幫助
/gamemode [0/1/2] 調整游戲模式
/op [玩家名稱] 將 [玩家名稱] 設定為管理員
/deop [玩家名稱] 取消 [玩家名稱] 的管理員權限
/kick [玩家名稱] 將 [玩家名稱] 踢出伺服器
/ban [玩家名稱] 封禁 [玩家名稱]
/pardon [玩家名稱] 取消 [玩家名稱] 的封禁
/say [內容] 從命令端給對全體玩家內說 [內容]
/tell [玩家名稱] [內容] 給 [玩家名稱] 私聊 [內容]
/stop 關閉伺服器
#Minecraft server properties
#Tue Jul 08 10:45:07 HKT 2014
generator-settings=					#用於設定超平坦世界的函數,留空即可
op-permission-level=4				#設定OP的許可權等級
allow-nether=true					#是否允許生成/進入下界
level-name=world					#世界名稱及其文件夾名
enable-query=false					#允許使用GameSpy4協議的伺服器監聽器(用於收集伺服器信息)
allow-flight=false					#是否允許玩家在生存模式透過MOD飛行
announce-player-achievements=true	#是否公開顯示玩家成就
server-port=25565					#伺服器端口(默認為25565)
level-type=DEFAULT					#世界類型
enable-rcon=false					#是否允許遠程訪問伺服器控制台
level-seed=							#世界種子
force-gamemode=false				#玩家是否總是以默認游戲模式進入伺服器
server-ip=							#伺服器IP,一般來說留空即可
max-build-height=256				#最高建築高度(最高256)
spawn-npcs=true						#是否生成村民NPC
white-list=false					#是否開啟白名單認證
spawn-animals=true					#是否生成動物
hardcore=false						#是否開啟極限模式
snooper-enabled=true				#是否允許伺服器定期發送統計數據
online-mode=true					#是否開啟正版認證(開啟後只有正版玩家可進入)
resource-pack=						#資源包URL(可讓玩家選擇是否使用伺服器提供的資源包)
pvp=true							#可否PVP
difficulty=1						#難度
enable-command-block=false			#是否可以使用命令方塊
gamemode=0							#默認游戲模式
player-idle-timeout=0				#如果該玩家無反應超過設定值(單位:分鐘),將會被踢出
max-players=20						#最大玩家數量
spawn-monsters=true					#是否生成怪物
generate-structures=true			#是否生成建築物
view-distance=10					#客戶端視野距離的上限

motd=A Minecraft Server				#伺服器在伺服器列表頁所顯示的信息

[10:49:53 INFO]: --------- Help: Index ---------------------------
[10:49:53 INFO]: Use /help [n] to get page n of help.
[10:49:53 INFO]: Aliases: Lists command aliases
[10:49:53 INFO]: Bukkit: All commands for Bukkit
[10:49:53 INFO]: Minecraft: All commands for Minecraft
[10:49:53 INFO]: /achievement: Gives the specified player an achievement or changes a statistic value. Use ‘*‘ to give all achievements.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /ban: Prevents the specified player from using this server
[10:49:53 INFO]: /ban-ip: Prevents the specified IP address from using this server
[10:49:53 INFO]: /banlist: View all players banned from this server
[10:49:53 INFO]: /clear: Clears the player‘s inventory. Can specify item and data filters too.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /defaultgamemode: Set the default gamemode
[10:49:53 INFO]: /deop: Takes the specified player‘s operator status
[10:49:53 INFO]: /difficulty: Sets the game difficulty
[10:49:53 INFO]: /effect: Adds/Removes effects on players
[10:49:53 INFO]: /enchant: Adds enchantments to the item the player is currently holding. Specify 0 for the level to remove an enchantment. Specify force to ignore normal enchantment restrictions
[10:49:53 INFO]: /gamemode: Changes the player to a specific game mode
[10:49:53 INFO]: /gamerule: Sets a server‘s game rules
[10:49:53 INFO]: /give: Gives the specified player a certain amount of items
[10:49:53 INFO]: /help: Shows the help menu
[10:49:53 INFO]: /kick: Removes the specified player from the server
[10:49:53 INFO]: /kill: Commits suicide, only usable as a player
[10:49:53 INFO]: /list: Lists all online players
[10:49:53 INFO]: /me: Performs the specified action in chat
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:achievement: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:ban: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:ban-ip: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:banlist: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:clear: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:defaultgamemode: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:deop: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:difficulty: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:effect: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:enchant: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:gamemode: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:gamerule: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:give: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:help: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:kick: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:kill: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:list: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:me: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:op: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:pardon: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:pardon-ip: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:playsound: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:say: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:scoreboard: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:seed: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:setidletimeout: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:setworldspawn: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:spawnpoint: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:spreadplayers: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:tell: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:testfor: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:time: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:toggledownfall: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:tp: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:weather: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:whitelist: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /minecraft:xp: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /netstat: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /op: Gives the specified player operator status
[10:49:53 INFO]: /pardon: Allows the specified player to use this server
[10:49:53 INFO]: /pardon-ip: Allows the specified IP address to use this server
[10:49:53 INFO]: /playsound: Plays a sound to a given player
[10:49:53 INFO]: /plugins: Gets a list of plugins running on the server
[10:49:53 INFO]: /reload: Reloads the server configuration and plugins
[10:49:53 INFO]: /restart: Restarts the server
[10:49:53 INFO]: /save-all: Saves the server to disk
[10:49:53 INFO]: /save-off: Disables server autosaving
[10:49:53 INFO]: /save-on: Enables server autosaving
[10:49:53 INFO]: /say: Broadcasts the given message as the sender
[10:49:53 INFO]: /scoreboard: Scoreboard control
[10:49:53 INFO]: /seed: Shows the world seed
[10:49:53 INFO]: /setblock: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /setidletimeout: Sets the server‘s idle timeout
[10:49:53 INFO]: /setworldspawn: Sets a worlds‘s spawn point. If no coordinates are specified, the player‘s coordinates will be used.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /spawnpoint: Sets a player‘s spawn point
[10:49:53 INFO]: /spreadplayers: Spreads players around a point
[10:49:53 INFO]: /stop: Stops the server with optional reason
[10:49:53 INFO]: /summon: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /tell: Sends a private message to the given player
[10:49:53 INFO]: /tellraw: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /testfor: Tests whether a specifed player is online
[10:49:53 INFO]: /testforblock: A Mojang provided command.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /time: Changes the time on each world
[10:49:53 INFO]: /timings: Manages Spigot Timings data to see performance of the server.
[10:49:53 INFO]: /toggledownfall: Toggles rain on/off on a given world
[10:49:53 INFO]: /tp: Teleports the given player (or yourself) to another player or coordinates
[10:49:53 INFO]: /tps: Gets the current ticks per second for the server
[10:49:53 INFO]: /version: Gets the version of this server including any plugins in use
[10:49:53 INFO]: /weather: Changes the weather
[10:49:53 INFO]: /whitelist: Manages the list of players allowed to use this server
[10:49:53 INFO]: /xp: Gives the specified player a certain amount of experience. Specify <amount>L to give levels instead, with a negative amount resulting in taking levels.

#Minecraft server properties
#Sat Sep 19 10:49:44 HKT 2015
motd=A Minecraft Server
时间: 2024-08-07 21:20:55

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