CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath Types
When using the ‘CABasicAnimation’ from the QuartzCore Framework in Objective-C, you have to specify an animationWithKeyPath. This is
a long string and is not easily listed in the CABasicAnimation, CAPropertyAnimation, or the CAAnimation class. I ended up finding a handy chart within the Core Animation Programming guide in Apple’s iPhone OS Reference Library. Hope this helps save someone
time, at least it will for me.
我们能够通过animationWithKeyPath键值对的方式来改变动画 animationWithKeyPath的值: transform.scale = 比例轉換 transform.scale.x = 闊的比例轉換 transform.scale.y = 高的比例轉換 transform.rotation.z = 平面圖的旋轉 opacity = 透明度 margin zPosition backgroundColor cornerRadius borderWidthframebounds
contents contentsRect cornerRadius hidden mask masksToBounds
position shadowColor shadowOffset shadowOpacity shadowRadius
时间: 2024-12-29 17:14:01