A simple Test-Query Program

 *  Using the library: A Simple Test-Query Program

#include<memory>  //shared_ptr
#include<sstream> //istringstream

using namespace std;
typedef vector<string>::size_type line_no;

class QueryResult
friend ostream& print(ostream&,const QueryResult&);
    QueryResult(string s,shared_ptr<set<line_no>> p,shared_ptr<vector<string>> f):
    string sought;
    shared_ptr<set<line_no>> lines;
    shared_ptr<vector<string>> file;

class TextQuery
    QueryResult query(const string&) const;
    shared_ptr<vector<string>> file;
    map<string,shared_ptr<set<line_no>>> wm;

TextQuery::TextQuery(ifstream &is):file(new vector<string>)
    string lineText;
        line_no n=file->size();   //current line number;
        istringstream line(lineText);
        string word;
            auto &lines=wm[word];  //lines is a share_ptr<set<line_no>>
                lines.reset(new set<line_no>);
QueryResult TextQuery::query(const string &sought) const
    static shared_ptr<set<line_no>> nodata(new set<line_no>);

    auto loc=wm.find(sought);
        return QueryResult(sought,nodata,file);
        return QueryResult(sought,loc->second,file);

ostream &print(ostream &os,const QueryResult &qr)
    os << qr.sought << " occurs " << qr.lines->size();

        os<<" times"<<endl;
        os<<" time"<<endl;

    for(auto num : *qr.lines)
        os << "(line"<<num<<")    "<< *(qr.file->begin()+num-1)<<endl;
    return os;

int main()
    ifstream  infile("1.txt");  //input a file,filename
    TextQuery tq(infile);
        cout<< "enter the word to look for,or q to quit: "<<endl;
        string s;
        if(!(cin >> s) || s=="q") break;   //input the search word
    return 0;
时间: 2024-08-30 13:55:17

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