Problem E : Easy Project Time Limit: 2 s Description Mia and her friends are preparing for the project that the professor has given them! They received a huge project, indeed, and this entire project can be divided into n tasks, numbered 1, 2, ..., n
17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Given a digit string, return all possible letter combinations that the number could represent. A mapping of digit to letters (just like on the telephone buttons) is given below. Input:Digit string "23"Ou
第一次就去拉了点思维很神奇的CF题目 # Origin Title A CodeForces 607A Chain Reaction B CodeForces 385C Bear and Prime Numbers C CodeForces 670D2 Magic Powder - 2 D CodeForces 360B Levko and Array E CodeForces 68B Energy exchange F CodeForces 24
传送门 题解:给你一堆点问你能不能找出一条直线,使其穿过的点大于n*x. 题解:想起某道CF题目,给你一堆点问你能不能找出两条直线使其穿过所有的点.当时就是在一定时限内随机找了两个点,再枚举每个点是否满足,如果超过该时限仍然不满足则直接返回no.这题也是一样的做法,直接随机两个点,再枚举过去.因为x为0.1到0.9,所以如果所给数据满足条件,那么它有极大概率能够跑出结果.4发只有一次超时 #include<bits/stdc++.h> //CLOCKS_PER_SEC #define se s