You Don't Know JS: Scope & Closures(翻译的试试)

Chapter 1: What is Scope?


One of the most fundamental paradigms of nearly all programming languages is the ability to store values in variables, and later retrieve or modify those values. In fact, the ability to store values and pull values out of variables is what gives a program state.


Without such a concept, a program could perform some tasks, but they would be extremely limited and not terribly interesting.


But the inclusion of variables into our program begets the most interesting questions we will now address: where do those variables live? In other words, where are they stored? And, most importantly, how does our program find them when it needs them?


These questions speak to the need for a well-defined set of rules for storing variables in some location, and for finding those variables at a later time. We‘ll call that set of rules: Scope.


But, where and how do these Scope rules get set?


Compiler Theory


It may be self-evident, or it may be surprising, depending on your level of interaction with various languages, but despite the fact that JavaScript falls under the general category of "dynamic" or "interpreted" languages, it is in fact a compiled language. It is not compiled well in advance, as are many traditionally-compiled languages, nor are the results of compilation portable among various distributed systems.


But, nevertheless, the JavaScript engine performs many of the same steps, albeit in more sophisticated ways than we may commonly be aware, of any traditional language-compiler.


In traditional compiled-language process, a chunk of source code, your program, will undergo typically three steps before it is executed, roughly called "compilation":


You Don't Know JS: Scope & Closures(翻译的试试)

时间: 2024-07-30 03:02:15

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