TrinityCore由生成两个执行文件authserver和world server以及一堆DLL(或so)文件的子项目组成(先忽略map_extractor等几个工具项目)。
authserver是登录验证服,它主要提供登录验证和获取服务器(区服)列表的功能。world server是真正的游戏服务器,提供游戏里的一切功能。相对而言,auth server比较简单,那我就从它入手啊,先看一下它的main函数,在源码的基础上,我加上了注释。
//该函数在src\server\authserver\Main.cpp中 int main(int argc, char** argv) { std::string configFile = _TRINITY_REALM_CONFIG; //读取程序的参数,存入variables_map中 //如果参数中含有help,则输出信息,中止程序 auto vm = GetConsoleArguments(argc, argv, configFile); // exit if help is enabled if (vm.count("help")) return 0; //读取配置文件 std::string configError; if (!sConfigMgr->LoadInitial(configFile, configError)) { printf("Error in config file: %s\n", configError.c_str()); return 1; } //向控制台输出一配置信息 TC_LOG_INFO("server.authserver", "%s (authserver)", _FULLVERSION); TC_LOG_INFO("server.authserver", "<Ctrl-C> to stop.\n"); TC_LOG_INFO("server.authserver", "Using configuration file %s.", configFile.c_str()); TC_LOG_INFO("server.authserver", "Using SSL version: %s (library: %s)", OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT, SSLeay_version(SSLEAY_VERSION)); TC_LOG_INFO("server.authserver", "Using Boost version: %i.%i.%i", BOOST_VERSION / 100000, BOOST_VERSION / 100 % 1000, BOOST_VERSION % 100); // authserver PID file creation //创建一个文件,向其中写入PID std::string pidFile = sConfigMgr->GetStringDefault("PidFile", ""); if (!pidFile.empty()) { if (uint32 pid = CreatePIDFile(pidFile)) TC_LOG_INFO("server.authserver", "Daemon PID: %u\n", pid); else { TC_LOG_ERROR("server.authserver", "Cannot create PID file %s.\n", pidFile.c_str()); return 1; } } // Initialize the database connection //初始化程序的数据库连接 if (!StartDB()) return 1; // Get the list of realms for the server //初始化world server列表 //也就是在auth数据库执行:"SELECT id, name, address, localAddress, localSubnetMask, port, icon, //flag, timezone, allowedSecurityLevel, population, gamebuild FROM realmlist WHERE flag <> 3 ORDER BY name" //并将结果存入单例类RealmList的m_realms中 sRealmList->Initialize(_ioService, sConfigMgr->GetIntDefault("RealmsStateUpdateDelay", 20)); if (sRealmList->size() == 0) { TC_LOG_ERROR("server.authserver", "No valid realms specified."); StopDB(); return 1; } // Start the listening port (acceptor) for auth connections //从配置文件中读取监听的IP和端口 int32 port = sConfigMgr->GetIntDefault("RealmServerPort", 3724); if (port < 0 || port > 0xFFFF) { TC_LOG_ERROR("server.authserver", "Specified port out of allowed range (1-65535)"); StopDB(); return 1; } std::string bindIp = sConfigMgr->GetStringDefault("BindIP", ""); //初始化auth server AsyncAcceptor<AuthSession> authServer(_ioService, bindIp, port); // Set signal handlers //绑定SIGINT(退出)信号的处理函数 boost::asio::signal_set signals(_ioService, SIGINT, SIGTERM); #if PLATFORM == PLATFORM_WINDOWS signals.add(SIGBREAK); #endif signals.async_wait(SignalHandler); // Set process priority according to configuration settings //设置进程(线程)的优先级 SetProcessPriority("server.authserver"); // Enabled a timed callback for handling the database keep alive ping //增加一个定时器,用于与数据库保持心跳连接 _dbPingInterval = sConfigMgr->GetIntDefault("MaxPingTime", 30); _dbPingTimer.expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::minutes(_dbPingInterval)); _dbPingTimer.async_wait(KeepDatabaseAliveHandler); // Start the io service worker loop //开始事件循环; // Close the Database Pool and library //关闭数据库 StopDB(); TC_LOG_INFO("server.authserver", "Halting process..."); return 0; }
时间: 2024-12-07 00:23:59