Introdution to Spring Mobile

1. In Eclipse, create a new Maven Project using the spring-mvc-jpa-archetype.

2. Add the spring-mobile-device dependency to pom.xml.

[html] view plaincopy







3. Add the following Spring Mobile interceptors in servlet-context.xml




<!-- Resolve the device that originated the web request -->

[html] view plaincopy

<beans:bean class="" />


<!-- Manage the user‘s site preference -->


<beans:bean class="" />


<!-- Redirects mobile users to -->


<beans:bean class="" factory-method="urlPath">         <beans:constructor-arg value="/m" />


<beans:constructor-arg value="/quickspringmobile/spring" />





4. The resolved device is available under the currentDevice request attribute. The site preference is available under the currentSitePreference request attribute.






<beans:bean class="" />


<beans:bean class="" />





时间: 2024-12-24 05:20:01

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# =================================================================== # COMMON SPRING BOOT PROPERTIES # # This sample file is provided as a guideline. Do NOT copy it in its # entirety to your own application. ^^^ # ===================================

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# =================================================================== # COMMON SPRING BOOT PROPERTIES # # This sample file is provided as a guideline. Do NOT copy it in its # entirety to your own application.               ^^^ # =====================