using UnityEngine; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; [RequireComponent(typeof(CharacterMotor))] [RequireComponent(typeof(CharacterStatus))] [RequireComponent(typeof(CharacterAttack))] [RequireComponent(typeof(CharacterInventory))] public class CharacterSystem : MonoBehaviour { public float Speed = 2; // Move speed public float SpeedAttack = 1.5f; // Attack speed public float TurnSpeed = 5; // turning speed public float[] PoseAttackTime;// list of time damage marking using to sync with attack animation public string[] PoseAttackNames;// list of attack animation public string[] ComboAttackLists;// list of combo set public string[] PoseHitNames;// pose animation when character got hit public int WeaponType; // type of attacking public string PoseIdle = "Idle"; public string PoseRun = "Run"; public bool IsHero; //private variable private bool diddamaged; private int attackStep = 0; private string[] comboList; private int attackStack; private float attackStackTimeTemp; private float frozetime; private bool hited; private bool attacking; CharacterMotor motor; void Start() { motor = gameObject.GetComponent<CharacterMotor>(); // Play pose Idle first gameObject.animation.CrossFade(PoseIdle); attacking = false; } void Update() { // Animation combo system if(ComboAttackLists.Length<=0){// if have no combo list return; } comboList = ComboAttackLists[WeaponType].Split(","[0]);// Get list of animation index from combolists split by WeaponType if(comboList.Length > attackStep){ int poseIndex = int.Parse(comboList[attackStep]);// Read index of current animation from combo array if(poseIndex < PoseAttackNames.Length){ // checking index of PoseAttackNames list AnimationState attackState = this.gameObject.animation[PoseAttackNames[poseIndex]]; // get animation PoseAttackNames[poseIndex] attackState.layer = 2; attackState.blendMode = AnimationBlendMode.Blend; attackState.speed = SpeedAttack; if(attackState.time >= attackState.length * 0.1f){ // set attacking to True when time of attack animation is running to 10% of animation attacking = true; } if(attackState.time >= PoseAttackTime[poseIndex]){ // if the time of attack animation is running to marking point (PoseAttackTime[poseIndex]) // calling CharacterAttack.cs to push a damage out if(!diddamaged){ // push a damage out this.gameObject.GetComponent<CharacterAttack>().DoDamage(); } } if(attackState.time >= attackState.length * 0.8f){ // if the time of attack animation is running to 80% of animation. It‘s should be Finish this pose. attackState.normalizedTime = attackState.length; diddamaged = true; attacking = false; attackStep += 1; if(attackStack>1){ // checking if a calling attacking is stacked fightAnimation(); }else{ if(attackStep>=comboList.Length){ // finish combo and reset to idle pose resetCombo(); this.gameObject.animation.Play(PoseIdle); } } // reset character damage system this.gameObject.GetComponent<CharacterAttack>().StartDamage(); } } } if(hited){// Freeze when got hit if(frozetime>0){ frozetime--; }else{ hited = false; this.gameObject.animation.Play(PoseIdle); } } if(Time.time > attackStackTimeTemp+2){ resetCombo(); } } public void GotHit(float time){ if(!IsHero){ if(PoseHitNames.Length>0){ // play random Hit animation this.gameObject.animation.Play(PoseHitNames[Random.Range(0,PoseHitNames.Length)], PlayMode.StopAll); } frozetime = time * Time.deltaTime;// froze time when got hit hited = true; } } private void resetCombo(){ attackStep = 0; attackStack = 0; } private void fightAnimation(){ attacking = false; if(attackStep>=comboList.Length){ resetCombo(); } int poseIndex = int.Parse(comboList[attackStep]); if(poseIndex < PoseAttackNames.Length){// checking poseIndex is must in the PoseAttackNames list. if(this.gameObject.GetComponent<CharacterAttack>()){ // Play Attack Animation this.gameObject.animation.Play(PoseAttackNames[poseIndex],PlayMode.StopAll); } diddamaged = false; } } public void Attack() { if(frozetime<=0){ attackStackTimeTemp = Time.time; fightAnimation(); attackStack+=1; } } public void Move(Vector3 dir){ if(!attacking){ moveDirection = dir; }else{ moveDirection = dir/2f; } } Vector3 direction; private Vector3 moveDirection { get { return direction; } set { direction = value; if(direction.magnitude > 0.1f) { var newRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(direction); transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation,newRotation,Time.deltaTime * TurnSpeed); } direction *= Speed * 0.5f * (Vector3.Dot(gameObject.transform.forward,direction) + 1); if(direction.magnitude > 0.001f) { // Play Runing Animation when moving float speedaimation = direction.magnitude * 3; gameObject.animation.CrossFade(PoseRun); if(speedaimation<1){ speedaimation = 1; } // Speed animation sync to Move Speed gameObject.animation[PoseRun].speed = speedaimation; } else{ // Play Idle Animation when stoped gameObject.animation.CrossFade(PoseIdle); } if(motor){ motor.inputMoveDirection = direction; } } } float pushPower = 2.0f; void OnControllerColliderHit(ControllerColliderHit hit)// Character can push an object. { var body = hit.collider.attachedRigidbody; if(body == null || body.isKinematic){ return; } if(hit.moveDirection.y < -0.3){ return; } var pushDir = Vector3.Scale(hit.moveDirection,new Vector3(1,0,1)); body.velocity = pushDir * pushPower; } }
这段代码解决了我写配置表来控制动画攻击的问题 不需要用Time.time的变量来判断了
时间: 2024-10-06 10:40:58