20 Useful Javascript Frameworks for your Upcoming Project (转)

20 Useful Javascript Frameworks for your Upcoming Project

Posted in Resources By ashish On May 14, 2015

Advanced JavaScript programming can often be very difficult and time-consuming to work with. To deal with these difficulties, a lot of JavaScript libraries have been developed. These JavaScript libraries are often called JavaScript frameworks.

JavaScript frameworks  aims to simplify front end application development depicting the power of JavaScript language.These JavaScript frameworks have become very popular in the market these days.

We have gathered a list of free JavaScript libraries which will increase lot  possibilities for a smooth and effective web applications development for achieving excellence in the purpose .For creating web and mobile application one should be familiar with these libraries and how do they work.

So our today’s article is a list of javascript frameworks which may be useful for your work and also save your time.

KineticJS HTML5 Canvas Framework

KineticJS is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework that extends the 2d context by enabling canvas interactivity for desktop and mobile applications.


Create JavaScript apps, compile to JavaScript, MVC extension frameworks, and more.


Appium is an open source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid and mobile web apps. It drives iOS and Android apps using the WebDriver protocol.

The M Project

The-M-Project is a mobile HTML5 JavaScript framework that helps you build great mobile apps, easy and fast.

Ember.js: Create Ambitious Apps

A framework for creating ambitious web applications.

Derby:  Realtime Applications

DerbyJS is a full-stack framework for writing modern web applications.

Lungo: HTML5  Framework

A HTML5 framework for your mobile applications for who want to design, build and share cross-device apps.

iio Engine

iio engine is a framework that speeds the creation and deployment of HTML5 Canvas applications.


Flowtime.js is a framework for easily building HTML presentations or websites. It’s built with web standards in mind and on top of a solid full page grid layout. The animations are managed with native and accelerated CSS3 transitions. Javascript takes care of the navigation behaviour and adds advanced functionalities and configuration options.


Flight is a lightweight, component-based JavaScript framework that maps behavior to DOM nodes. Twitter uses it for their web applications.


?Durandal intends to make the creation and maintenance of single-page applications easy and enjoyable.


RIOT.JS is amazing, and sooo underrated. It is the easiest way into full strength MV* apps if you come from a jQuery background and do not want to learn all the abstraction methods associated with the likes of Angular and Backbone.

WinJS: The Windows Library for JavaScript

?A JavaScript framework for Windows released as an open source project by Microsoft themselves. It allows you to create top applications (Windows Phone development is also possible) using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, offering advanced options such as List View, Flip View and Semantic Zoom.


Famo.us is the only JavaScript framework that includes an open source 3D layout engine fully integrated with a 3D physics animation engine that can render to DOM, Canvas, or WebGL.


T3 is a minimalist JavaScript framework that provides core structure to code.


Email.js is a set of components that can be used to write email apps in pure JavaScript on the client in HTML5 or on the server in node.js. They can be used together or separately.


Svidget.js is a JavaScript framework for creating immersive and fully interactive SVG widgets. By componentizing your data visualizations as widgets, you can quickly and easily embed them on any website while keeping a clean separation between SVG and HTML.


Reapp is a Javascript mobile framework that is fast and enables users to make hybrid apps quickly and easily. It can be installed really easy and it has several features that make it stand out against React, npm, Webpack and easy CLI, handling animations, styles, themes, views, components and mixins.


Ratchet is a minimal framework for crafting mobile apps using CSS, HTML and JavaScript component.


A cool JavaScript framework for building HTML5 apps for mobile and web environments with high-quality tools that can run everywhere.

Other some useful links , to read


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UPDATE: I have just published a new hands-on Lab on Cloud Academy!
You can give it a try for free and start practicing with Amazon Machine Learning on a real AWS environment.


Best JavaScript Debugging Tools

Debugging JavaScript code can be real pain in ass as finding errors in bunch of code is quite time consuming and arduous task for developers

In this article we have gathered some of the Best JavaScript Debugging Tools that will turn out to be handy while debugging millions of JavaScript code without much hassle and help you to achieve more accurate results. If you are aware of any other JavaScript Debuggers, please let us know by posting a comment below.

1. Sublime Web Inspector

If you use Sublime Text Editor for your JavaScript editing, then Sublime Web Inspector allows you to debug from the same program you edit with. It works on top of WebInspectorProtocol, with all information displayed in console and text files.

2. Js Bin

JS Bin is an open source collaborative web development debugging tool. JS Bin allows you to edit and test JavaScript and HTML. Once you’re happy you can save, and send the URL to a peer for review or help.

3. JavaScript Debug

This code provides a simple wrapper for the console’s logging methods, and was created to allow a very easy-to-use, cross-browser logging solution, without requiring excessive or unwieldy object detection. If a console object is not detected, all logged messages will be stored internally until a logging callback is added. If a console object is detected, but doesn’t have any of the debug, info,warn, and error logging methods, log will be used in their place.

4. Theseus

Theseus is a new type of JavaScript debugger for Node.js, Chrome, and both simultaneously. It is an extension for the Brackets code editor. Theseus shows the number of times that every function has been called next to its definition. Functions that have never been called are also given a gray background. You can watch the code light up as you interact with the web page.

5. JS Hint

JSHint is a community-driven tool to detect errors and potential problems in JavaScript code and to enforce your team’s coding conventions. It is very flexible so you can easily adjust it to your particular coding guidelines and the environment you expect your code to execute in. JSHint is open source and will always stay this way.

6. Aardwolf

Aardwolf is a remote JavaScript debugger for Android / iOS / Windows Phone 7 / BlackBerry OS 6+ and is written in JavaScript. It’s available under the MIT license.

7. Debug

Debug is a small library for logging debug messages. Since it is just a wrapper around console.log, it works in both Node and the Browser. It allows you to filter logging output without changing your source and it also outputs time differences which lets you easily tell how much time has elapsed between log message.

8. Vorlonjs

Vorlon.js is an open source, extensible, platform-agnostic tool for remotely debugging and testing your JavaScript. Powered by node.js and socket.io. You can install Vorlon.JS and add a single line of JavaScript to your web app. Run your server and start the Vorlon.JS dashboard. Debug JavaScript on nearly any platform with a web environment. Plugins allow you to add new features and resources.

9. JavaScript Debugger

Venkman is the code name for Mozilla’s JavaScript Debugger. Venkman aimed to provide a powerful JavaScript debugging environment for Mozilla based browsers.

10. Pioneer

Pioneer is an easy to understand JavaScript DSL to interact with your app using a real browser, for testing its state compared to expectations. It makes it easier to write and debug your interaction tests, and it’s stack agnostic.

11. FindBugs

This tool helps locate bugs in the Java programs by implementing static analysis. FindBugs is available for free and can be used as a GUI or plugin for NetBeans, IntelliJ, Eclipse and mode IDEs.

12. Hyperproxy

hyperProxy is a node.js is a local proxy for using local files for debugging and testing of production sites by front-end developers. It’s easy to setup, configure, and use, and avoids using your live production site (and your users) as a testing ground.

13. Firebug

Firebug integrates with Firefox to put a wealth of development tools at your fingertips while you browse. You can edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page.

14. Tutti

Tutti is a open source web application that enables you to interactively execute Javascript on multiple web browsers at the same time. It is used by simply creating a room (session) and connecting to that room by copy-pasting the unique URL generated from any browser you want. After that, when you execute a JavaScript command from the shell, it will be executed on every connected browser with the help of technologies like Socket.IO, node.js and WebSocket.

15. Jsdt

Javascript Debug Toolkit is a software can debug javascript in ie,firefox,safari,chrome,opera,mobile ie browser,mobile opera browser and so on .It works in all the browser support ajax

时间: 2024-11-06 11:04:08

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