Why the RGB to YCbCr formula

Why the RGB to YCbCr

6 Replies

We saw in the earlier post, Bitmap images used the R-G-B planes directly to represent colour images. But medical research proved that the human eye has different sensitivity to colour and brightness. Thus there came about the transformation of RGB to YCbCr.

Y: Luminance; Cb: Chrominance-Blue; and Cr: Chrominance-Red are the components. Luminance is very similar to the grayscale version of the original image. Cb is strong in case of parts of the image containing the sky (blue), both Cb and Cr are weak in case of a colour like green, and Cr is strong in places of occurrence of reddish colours.

The main question that comes to mind, is why this transformation. Medical investigation of the eye has led to findings that the rods some 120 million in number, are much more sensitive than the cones which are around 6-7 million in number. The rods are not sensitive to colour, while the cones which provide much of the eye’s colour sensitivity are found to be located close to a central region called the macula.

Well, the point of all this is that, we really do not need to keep all the information that is now represented in these colour frames (Cb and Cr) and thus these are usually sub-sampled (like in JPEG compression). The formulae for converting from RGB to YCbCr are given below.

Y = (77/256)R + (150/256)G + (29/256)B
Cb = ‐(44/256)R ‐ (87/256)G + (131/256)B + 128
Cr = (131/256)R ‐ (110/256)G ‐ (21/256)B + 128

The down-sampling of chrominance is done in 2 major variants used for most of the codecs.

  • 4:4:4 – In this, there is no sub-sampling of the
    chroma components, and can be as well referred and used directly as a
    RGB image. High-end scanners / cameras / capture devices use this format
    to not lose any data.
  • 4:2:2 – The chroma components are horizontally
    sub-sampled and their resolution is halved as compared to the luminance
    counterpart in this scheme. High-end digital video formats and still
    images generally employ this scheme.
  • 4:2:0 – In this variant, the chroma components are
    sub-sampled by a factor of 2, both horizontally as well as vertically,
    thus reducing to a factor of a quarter. The standard video compression
    MPEG uses this scheme.

This now prepares us to face the first steps in most compression techniques, the colour space transform followed by downsampling.


时间: 2024-10-11 16:13:28

Why the RGB to YCbCr formula的相关文章

RGB 与 (RGB转 YCbCr再转为 RGB)的图像

RGB 与 (RGB转 YCbCr再转为 RGB)的图像   不可逆,可以从 矩阵的逆运算看出来. 附上 matlab 代码: clc,clear; Source=imread('1.jpg');%读入原始RGB图像 figure(1); subplot(1,2,1); imshow(Source):title('original image');%显示图像 [r c d]=size(Source);%计算图像大小 %------计算红色分量并显示分解图------% R(:,:,1)=Sour


http://blog.csdn.net/a14730497/article/details/17886127 Y:明亮度(Luminance或Luma),也就是灰阶值.“亮度”是透过RGB输入信号来建立的,方法是将RGB信号的特定部分叠加到一起. Cb:反映的是RGB输入信号蓝色部分与RGB信号亮度值之间的差异.Cr:反映了RGB输入信号红色部分与RGB信号亮度值之间的差异. 在以下两个公式中RGB和YCbCr各分量的值的范围均为0-255. RGB转换为YCbCr Y   = 0.257*R


YCbCr 一.YCbCr介绍 啊 二.MATLAB实现 简单 1 clc; 2 clear all; 3 RGB = imread('flower.bmp'); %读取图像 4 5 R = RGB(:,:,1); %R分量 6 G = RGB(:,:,2); %G分量 7 B = RGB(:,:,3); %B分量 8 9 [ROW,COL,N] = size(RGB); %获得图像尺寸[高度,长度,维度] 10 for i = 1:ROW 11 for j = 1:COL 12 Y(i,j)


RGB4:4:4 YCbCr4:4:4 YCbCr4:2:2 YCbCr4:2:0 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zhongguo135/p/9451827.html


在人脸检测中会用到YCbCr颜色空间,因此就要进行RGB与YCbCr颜色空间的转换.在下面的公式中RGB和YCbCr各分量的值的范围均为0-255. RGB转到YCbCr: float y= (color.r * 0.256789 + color.g * 0.504129 + color.b * 0.097906)+ 16.0; float cb= (color.r *-0.148223 + color.g * -0.290992 + color.b * 0.439215)+ 128.0; fl


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YUV / RGB 格式及快速转换算法

1 前言 自然界的颜色千变万化,为了给颜色一个量化的衡量标准,就需要建立色彩空间模型来描述各种各样的颜色,由于人对色彩的感知是一个复杂的生理和心理联合作用 的过程,所以在不同的应用领域中为了更好更准确的满足各自的需求,就出现了各种各样的色彩空间模型来量化的描述颜色.我们比较常接触到的就包括 RGB / CMYK / YIQ / YUV / HSI等等. 对于数字电子多媒体领域来说,我们经常接触到的色彩空间的概念,主要是RGB , YUV这两种(实际上,这两种体系包含了许多种具体的颜色表达方式和模


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