


Document Control................................................................................................................................ii








Open and ClosedIssues for this Deliverable..............................................................................29

Open Issues...................................................................................................................................29

Closed Issues................................................................................................................................29









1.1 确认系统使用版本


SELECT app.application_short_name, app.application_name,pi.patch_level
FROM fnd_product_installations pi,fnd_application_vl app
WHERE app.application_id =pi.application_id


1.2 确认系统中是否已经打过此Patch

SELECT * FROMad_bugs t WHERE t.bug_number = "Patch编号‘

1.3 到metalink上下载patch

    1. 比对系统已安装模块版本与Patch版本,下载对应版本的Patch文件。注意:有的Patch是中英文的,需要将两个文件全部下载。

      1.4查看下载到的patch包里的 REANME



      1. 本地解压Patch安装包,上传到服务器patch文件夹里(没有可以新建)
      2. 用系统应用用户登陆 Linux(是系统应用用户,不是数据库用户);
      3. 停系统应用;
      4. 用adadmin启用系统维护模式;
      5. 用adpatch安装Patch,先安装英文Patch,(如果有中文patch)后安装简体中文Patch;
      6. 用SQL查询Patch是否已经安装进去
      7. 用adadmin停用系统维护模式;
      8. 重启系统应用;
      9. 登陆,查看Form能否正常打开,问题是否解决;








        1. 切换目录 cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME
        2. 停应用 adstpall.shapps/[apps password]



          2.Your default directory is‘/u01/test/apps/apps_st/appl‘.

          Is this the correct APPL_TOP[Yes] ?Yes

          3.Filename [adadmin.log] :patch10036698.log

          4.You can be notified by email if a failure occurs.

          Do you wish to activate thisfeature [No] ?No

          5.Please enter the batchsize [1000] :1000

          6.You are about to use or modify Oracle Applications product tables

          in your ORACLE database ‘TEST‘

          using ORACLE executables in‘/u01/test/apps/tech_st/10.1.2‘.

          Is this the correct database[Yes] ?Yes

          7.Enter the password for your ‘SYSTEM‘ ORACLE schema:manager

          8.Enter the ORACLE password of Application Object Library [APPS] :apps

          9.在出现的选项中选择选择:5. Change Maintenance Mode

          10.继续选择:1. Enable Maintenance Mode



          1.运行 adpatch

          2.Your default directory is‘/u01/dev/apps/apps_st/appl‘.

          Is this the correct APPL_TOP[Yes] ?Yes

          3.Filename [adpatch.log] : patch10036698.log

          You can be notified by emailif a failure occurs.

          4.Do you wish to activate this feature [No] ?No

          5.Please enter the batchsize [1000] : 1000

          6.You are about to apply a patch to the installation of OracleApplications

          in your ORACLE database ‘DEV‘

          using ORACLE executables in‘/u01/dev/apps/tech_st/10.1.2‘.

          Is this the correct database[Yes] ?Yes

          7.AutoPatch needs the password for your ‘SYSTEM‘ ORACLE schema

          in order to determine yourinstallation configuration.

          Enter the password for your‘SYSTEM‘ ORACLE schema: manager

          8.Enter the ORACLE password of Application Object Library [APPS] :apps

          9.Enter thedirectory where your Oracle Applications patch has been unloaded

          The default directory is[/home/applprod/patch/9287896] :/home/applprod/patch/9287896

          10.Pleaseenter the name of your AutoPatch driver file :u9287896.drv


          11.Do you wish to apply this patch now [No] ?Yes

          12.Enter the number of parallel workers [32] :16

          英文Patch安装完成后,如果有中文Patch,需要继续安装中文patch,转到中文patch的目录,$cd /home/applprod/patch/9287896_ZHS,具体步骤与英文Patch相同。


          同启用维护模式。在10中选择 2. Disable Maintenance Mode

          1. 重启应用

            1. 切换目录 cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME

            2.启应用 adstrtal.shapps/[apps password]


            3.1 Patch包解压,上传


            上传<喎?"http://www.2cto.com/kf/ware/vc/" target="_blank" class="keylink">vcD4KCjxwPjxpbWcgc3JjPQ=="http://www.2cto.com/uploadfile/Collfiles/20140218/201402180911174.jpg" alt="\">



            (2)运行停应用脚本adstpall.sh apps/[apps password]

            Last login: Fri Jan24 17:52:58 2014 from

            • 切换目录

              [[email protected] ~]$ cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME

            • 停应用

              [[email protected]]$ adstpall.shapps/apps

              Youare running adstpall.sh version 120.10.12010000.4

              Thelogfile for this session is located at/u01/UAT/inst/apps/UAT_ebsapp/logs/appl/admin/log/adstpall.log

              Executingservice control script:




              Youare running jtffmctl.sh version 120.3

              Shuttingdown Fulfillment Server for UAT on port 9301 ...

              jtffmctl.sh:exiting with status 0

              .endstd out.

              .enderr out.


              Executingservice control script:




              Youare running adcmctl.sh version 120.17.12010000.5

              Shuttingdown concurrent managers for UAT ...


              Submittedrequest 616685 for CONCURRENT FND SHUTDOWN

              adcmctl.sh:exiting with status 0

              adcmctl.sh:check the logfile /u01/UAT/inst/apps/UAT_ebsapp/logs/appl/admin/log/adcmctl.txtfor more information ...

              .endstd out.

              .enderr out.


              Executingservice control script:




              Youare running adoafmctl.sh version 120.8

              StoppingOPMN managed OAFM OC4J instance ...

              adoafmctl.sh:exiting with status 0

              adoafmctl.sh:check the logfile /u01/UAT/inst/apps/UAT_ebsapp/logs/appl/admin/log/adoafmctl.txtfor more information ...

              .endstd out.

              .enderr out.


              Executingservice control script:




              Youare running adformsctl.sh version120.16.12010000.3

              StoppingOPMN managed FORMS OC4J instance ...

              adformsctl.sh:exiting with status 0

              adformsctl.sh:check the logfile /u01/UAT/inst/apps/UAT_ebsapp/logs/appl/admin/log/adformsctl.txtfor more information ...

              .endstd out.

              .enderr out.


              Executingservice control script:




              Youare running adoacorectl.sh version 120.13

              StoppingOPMN managed OACORE OC4J instance ...

              adoacorectl.sh:exiting with status 0

              adoacorectl.sh:check the logfile /u01/UAT/inst/apps/UAT_ebsapp/logs/appl/admin/log/adoacorectl.txtfor more information ...

              .endstd out.

              .enderr out.


              Executingservice control script:




              Youare running adapcctl.sh version 120.7.12010000.2

              StoppingOPMN managed Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) instance ...

              opmnctl:stopping opmn managed processes...

              adapcctl.sh:exiting with status 0

              adapcctl.sh:check the logfile/u01/UAT/inst/apps/UAT_ebsapp/logs/appl/admin/log/adapcctl.txt for moreinformation ...

              .endstd out.

              .enderr out.


              Executingservice control script:




              adalnctl.shversion 120.3

              Shuttingdown listener process APPS_UAT.

              adalnctl.sh:exiting with status 0

              adalnctl.sh:check the logfile /u01/UAT/inst/apps/UAT_ebsapp/logs/appl/admin/log/adalnctl.txtfor more information ...

              .endstd out.

              .enderr out.


              Executingservice control script:




              Youare running adopmnctl.sh version 120.6.12010000.5

              StoppingOracle Process Manager (OPMN) and themanaged processes ...

              opmnctl:stopping opmn and all managed processes...

              adopmnctl.sh:exiting with status 0

              adopmnctl.sh:check the logfile/u01/UAT/inst/apps/UAT_ebsapp/logs/appl/admin/log/adopmnctl.txt for moreinformation ...

              .endstd out.

              .enderr out.


              Allenabled services on this node are stopped.

              adstpall.sh:Exitingwith status 0

              adstpall.sh:check the logfile/u01/UAT/inst/apps/UAT_ebsapp/logs/appl/admin/log/adstpall.log for moreinformation ...

              [[email protected]]$

              3.2 启用维护模式

              Last login: Sat Feb 15 10:58:03 2014 from

              • 启用维护模式

                [[email protected] ~]$ adadmin

                Copyright(c) 2002 Oracle Corporation

                Redwood Shores, California, USA

                OracleApplications AD Administration

                Version 12.0.0

                NOTE: You may not use this utility for custom development

                unless you have writtenpermission from Oracle Corporation.

                Your default directory is "/u01/UAT/apps/apps_st/appl‘.

              • 确认目录

                Is this the correct APPL_TOP [Yes] ? YES

                AD Administration records your AD Administration session in a textfile

                you specify. Enter your ADAdministration log file name or press [Return]

                to accept the default file name shown in brackets.

              • 输入生成的日志文件名

                Filename [adadmin.log] : patch10036698001.log

                ************* Start of AD Administration session *************

                AD Administration version: 12.0.0

                AD Administration started at: Sat Feb 15 2014 11:00:22

                APPL_TOP is set to /u01/UAT/apps/apps_st/appl

                You can be notified by email if a failure occurs.

              • 确认激活操作

                Do you wish to activate this feature [No] ? NO

              • 输入批大小

                Please enter the batchsize [1000] : 1000

                Please enter the name of the Oracle Applications System that this

                APPL_TOP belongs to.

                The Applications System name must be unique across all Oracle

                Applications Systems at your site, must be from 1 to 30 characters

                long, may only contain alphanumeric and underscore characters,

                and must start with a letter.

                Sample Applications System names are: "prod","test", "demo" and


                Applications System Name [UAT] : UAT *

                NOTE: If you do not currently have certain types of files installed

                in this APPL_TOP, you may not be able to perform certain tasks.

                Example 1: If you don‘t have files used for installing or upgrading

                the database installed in this area, you cannot install or upgrade

                the database from this APPL_TOP.

                Example 2: If you don‘t have forms files installed in this area, youcannot

                generate them or run them from this APPL_TOP.

                Example 3: If you don‘t have concurrent program files installed inthis area,

                you cannot relink concurrent programs or generate reports from thisAPPL_TOP.

                Do you currently have files used for installing or upgrading thedatabase

                installed in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *

                Do you currently have Java and HTML files for HTML-basedfunctionality

                installed in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *

                Do you currently have Oracle Applications forms files installed

                in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *

                Do you currently have concurrent program files installed

                in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *

                Please enter the name Oracle Applications will use to identify thisAPPL_TOP.

                The APPL_TOP name you select must be unique within an OracleApplications

                System, must be from 1 to 30 characters long, may only contain

                alphanumeric and underscore characters, and must start with aletter.

                Sample APPL_TOP Names are: "prod_all","demo3_forms2", and "forms1".

                APPL_TOP Name [ebsapp] : ebsapp *

                You are about to use or modify Oracle Applications product tables

                in your ORACLE database ‘UAT‘

                using ORACLE executables in ‘/u01/UAT/apps/tech_st/10.1.2‘.

              • 确认数据库路径

                Is this the correct database [Yes] ? YES

                AD Administration needs the password for your ‘SYSTEM‘ ORACLE schema

                in order to determine your installation configuration.

              • 输入system用户密码

                Enter the password for your ‘SYSTEM‘ ORACLE schema: manager

                The ORACLE username specified below for Application Object Library

                uniquely identifies your existing product group: APPLSYS

              • 输入apps用户密码

                Enter the ORACLE password of Application Object Library [APPS]: apps

                AD Administration is verifying your username/password....Unable toconnect.

                AD Administration error:

                The following ORACLE error:

                ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied

                occurred while executing the SQL statement:

                CONNECT APPLSYS/*****

                Error: The given ORACLE password is not the correct password.

                Please re-enter the ORACLE username and password.

                Enter the ORACLE password of Application Object Library [APPS]:

                AD Administration is verifying your username/password.

                The status of various features in this run of AD Administration is:

                <-Featureversion in->

                Feature Active? APPLTOP Data model Flags

                ------------------------------ ------- -------- ----------- -----------

                CHECKFILE Yes 1 1 Y N N Y N Y

                PREREQ Yes 6 6 Y N N Y N Y

                CONCURRENT_SESSIONS No 2 2 Y Y N Y Y N

                PATCH_TIMING Yes 2 2 Y N N Y N Y

                PATCH_HIST_IN_DB Yes 6 6 Y N N Y N Y

                SCHEMA_SWAP Yes 1 1 Y N N Y Y Y

                JAVA_WORKER Yes 1 1 Y N N Y N Y

                CODELEVEL Yes 1 1 Y N N Y N Y

                Identifier for the current session is 36769

                Reading product information from file...

                Reading language and territory information from file...

                Reading language information from applUS.txt ...

                AD Administration warning:

                Product Data File


                does not exist for product"zfa".

                This product is registered in the database but the

                above file does not exist in APPL_TOP. The product

                will be ignored without error.

                AD Administration warning:

                Product Data File


                does not exist for product"zsa".

                This product is registered in the database but the

                above file does not exist in APPL_TOP. The product

                will be ignored without error.

                AD Administration warning:

                Product Data File


                does not exist for product"jts".

                This product is registered in the database but the

                above file does not exist in APPL_TOP. The product

                will be ignored without error.

                Reading database to see what industry is currently installed.

                Reading FND_LANGUAGES to see what is currently installed.

                Currently, the following languages are installed:

                Code Language Status

                ---- --------------------------------------- ---------

                US American English Base

                ZHS Simplified Chinese Install

                Reading language information from applZHS.txt ...

                Your base language will be AMERICAN.

                Your other languages to install are: SIMPLIFIED CHINESE

                Setting up module information.

                Reading database for information about the modules.

                Saving module information.

                Reading database for information about the products.

                Reading database for information about how products depend on eachother.

                Reading topfile.txt ...

                Saving product information.

                AD code level : [B.3]

                AD AdministrationMain Menu


                1. Generate Applications Files menu

                2. Maintain Applications Files menu

                3. Compile/Reload Applications DatabaseEntities menu

                4. Maintain Applications Database Entitiesmenu

                5. Change Maintenance Mode

                6. Exit AD Administration

              • 选择更改模式

                Enter your choice [6] : 5

                ChangeMaintenance Mode


                Maintenance Mode is currently: [Disabled].

                Maintenance mode should normally be enabled when patching

                Oracle Applications and disabled when users are logged on

                to the system. See the OracleApplications Maintenance

                Utilities manual for more information about maintenance mode.

                Please select an option:

                1. Enable Maintenance Mode

                2. Disable Maintenance Mode

                1. Return to Main Menu

                  • 选择启用维护模式

                    Enter your choice [3] : 1

                    sqlplus -s &un_apps/*****@/u01/UAT/apps/apps_st/appl/ad/12.0.0/patch/115/sql/adsetmmd.sql ENABLE

                    Successfully enabled Maintenance Mode.

                  • 返回

                    Review the messages above, then press [Return] to continue.”回车”

                    Backing up restart files, if any......Done.

                    ChangeMaintenance Mode


                    Maintenance Mode is currently: [Enabled].

                    Maintenance mode should normally be enabled when patching

                    Oracle Applications and disabled when users are logged on

                    to the system. See the OracleApplications Maintenance

                    Utilities manual for more information about maintenance mode.

                    Please select an option:

                    1. Enable Maintenance Mode

                    2. Disable Maintenance Mode

                    3. Return to Main Menu

                  • 返回

                    Enter your choice [3] : ”回车”

                    AD AdministrationMain Menu


                    1. Generate Applications Files menu

                    2. Maintain Applications Files menu

                    3. Compile/Reload Applications DatabaseEntities menu

                    4. Maintain Applications Database Entitiesmenu

                    5. Change Maintenance Mode

                    6. Exit AD Administration

                  • 退出

                    Enter your choice [6] : “回车”

                    Backing up restart files, if any......Done.

                    There is no timing information available for the current session.

                    AD Administration is complete.

                    Errors and warnings are listed in the log file


                    and in other log files in the same directory.

                    [[email protected] ~]$


                    Last login: Sat Feb 15 10:59:402014 from

                    • 切换到patch文件夹目录

                      [[email protected] ~]$cd /u01/UAT/patch/10036698

                    • 安装patch

                      [[email protected] 10036698]$adpatch

                      Copyright (c) 2002 OracleCorporation

                      Redwood Shores,California, USA

                      Oracle ApplicationsAutoPatch

                      Version 12.0.0

                      NOTE: You may not use thisutility for custom development

                      unless you have written permission fromOracle Corporation.

                      Attention: AutoPatch no longerchecks for unapplied pre-requisite patches.

                      You must use OAM Patch Wizardfor this feature. Alternatively, you can

                      review the README forpre-requisite information.

                      Your default directory is‘/u01/UAT/apps/apps_st/appl‘.

                    • 确认路径

                      Is this the correct APPL_TOP[Yes] ?YES

                      AutoPatch records yourAutoPatch session in a text file

                      you specify. Enter your AutoPatch log file name or press[Return]

                      to accept the default file nameshown in brackets.

                    • 输入一个日志名字

                      Filename [adpatch.log] :10036698002.log

                      You can be notified by email ifa failure occurs.

                    • 是否激活

                      Do you wish to activate thisfeature [No] ?NO

                    • 批大小

                      Please enter the batchsize[1000] :1000

                      Please enter the name of theOracle Applications System that this

                      APPL_TOP belongs to.

                      The Applications System namemust be unique across all Oracle

                      Applications Systems at yoursite, must be from 1 to 30 characters

                      long, may only containalphanumeric and underscore characters,

                      and must start with a letter.

                      Sample Applications Systemnames are: "prod", "test", "demo" and


                      Applications System Name [UAT]: UAT *

                      NOTE: If you do not currentlyhave certain types of files installed

                      in this APPL_TOP, you may notbe able to perform certain tasks.

                      Example 1: If you don‘t havefiles used for installing or upgrading

                      the database installed in thisarea, you cannot install or upgrade

                      the database from thisAPPL_TOP.

                      Example 2: If you don‘t haveforms files installed in this area, you cannot

                      generate them or run them fromthis APPL_TOP.

                      Example 3: If you don‘t haveconcurrent program files installed in this area,

                      you cannot relink concurrentprograms or generate reports from this APPL_TOP.

                      Do you currently have filesused for installing or upgrading the database

                      installed in this APPL_TOP[YES] ? YES *

                      Do you currently have Java andHTML files for HTML-based functionality

                      installed in this APPL_TOP[YES] ? YES *

                      Do you currently have OracleApplications forms files installed

                      in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *

                      Do you currently have concurrentprogram files installed

                      in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *

                      Please enter the name OracleApplications will use to identify this APPL_TOP.

                      The APPL_TOP name you selectmust be unique within an Oracle Applications

                      System, must be from 1 to 30characters long, may only contain

                      alphanumeric and underscorecharacters, and must start with a letter.

                      Sample APPL_TOP Names are:"prod_all", "demo3_forms2", and "forms1".

                      APPL_TOP Name [ebsapp] : ebsapp*

                      You are about to apply a patchto the installation of Oracle Applications

                      in your ORACLE database ‘UAT‘

                      using ORACLE executables in‘/u01/UAT/apps/tech_st/10.1.2‘.

                    • 确认数据库

                      Is this the correct database[Yes] ?YES

                      AutoPatch needs the passwordfor your ‘SYSTEM‘ ORACLE schema

                      in order to determine yourinstallation configuration.

                    • 输入system用户密码

                      Enter the password for your‘SYSTEM‘ ORACLE schema: manager

                      The ORACLE username specifiedbelow for Application Object Library

                      uniquely identifies yourexisting product group: APPLSYS

                    • 输入apps用户密码

                      Enter the ORACLE password ofApplication Object Library [APPS] : apps

                      AutoPatch is verifying yourusername/password.

                      The status of various featuresin this run of AutoPatch is:

                      <-Feature version in->

                      Feature Active? APPLTOP Data model Flags

                      ------------------------------ ------- -------- ----------- -----------

                      CHECKFILE Yes 1 1 Y N N Y N Y

                      PREREQ Yes 6 6 Y N N Y N Y

                      CONCURRENT_SESSIONS No 2 2 Y Y N Y Y N

                      PATCH_TIMING Yes 2 2 Y N N Y N Y

                      PATCH_HIST_IN_DB Yes 6 6 Y N N Y N Y

                      SCHEMA_SWAP Yes 1 1 Y N N Y Y Y

                      JAVA_WORKER Yes 1 1 Y N N Y N Y

                      CODELEVEL Yes 1 1 Y N N Y N Y

                      Identifier for the currentsession is 36770

                      Reading product informationfrom file...

                      Reading language and territory informationfrom file...

                      Reading language informationfrom applUS.txt ...

                      AutoPatch warning:

                      Product Data File


                      does not exist for product "zfa".

                      This product is registered inthe database but the

                      above file does not exist inAPPL_TOP. The product

                      will be ignored without error.

                      AutoPatch warning:

                      Product Data File


                      does not exist for product "zsa".

                      This product is registered inthe database but the

                      above file does not exist inAPPL_TOP. The product

                      will be ignored without error.

                      AutoPatch warning:

                      Product Data File


                      does not exist for product "jts".

                      This product is registered inthe database but the

                      above file does not exist inAPPL_TOP. The product

                      will be ignored without error.

                      Reading database to see whatindustry is currently installed.

                      Reading FND_LANGUAGES to seewhat is currently installed.

                      Currently, the followinglanguages are installed:

                      Code Language Status

                      ---- ------------------------------------------------

                      US American English Base

                      ZHS Simplified Chinese Install

                      Reading language informationfrom applZHS.txt ...

                      Your base language will beAMERICAN.

                      Your other languages to installare: SIMPLIFIED CHINESE

                      Setting up module information.

                      Reading database forinformation about the modules.

                      Saving module information.

                      Reading database forinformation about the products.

                      Reading database forinformation about how products depend on each other.

                      Reading topfile.txt ...

                      Saving product information.

                      AD code level : [B.3]

                      Trying to obtain a lock...

                      Attempting to instantiate the current-viewsnapshot...

                      Was already instantiated. So no instantiationdone this time.

                      **************** S T A R T O F U P L O A D ****************

                      Start date: Sat Feb 15 201411:02:52

                      0 "left over"javaupdates.txt files uploaded to DB: Sat Feb 15 2014 11:02:52

                      0 patches uploaded from theADPSV format patch history files: Sat Feb 15 2014 11:02:52

                      Uploading information aboutfiles copied during the previous runs ...

                      0 "left over"filescopied_<session_id>.txt files uploaded to DB: Sat Feb 15 201411:02:52

                      ****************** E N D O F U P L O A D ******************

                      End date: Sat Feb 15 201411:02:52

                      Enter the directory where yourOracle Applications patch has been unloaded

                    • 输入patch所在文件夹

                      The default directory is[/u01/UAT/patch/10036698] :/u01/UAT/patch/10036698

                    • 输入patch驱动文件(一般是patch文件里的u+patch号.drv)

                      Please enter the name of yourAutoPatch driver file :u10036698.drv

                      Getting Oracle ApplicationsRelease...

                      Current installed releaseis 12.1.3

                      Reading patch driver file...

                      Parsing and loading patch driver file...

                      56 lines processed.

                      Not checking patch integrity as integritychecking flag is turned off.

                      Successfully read patch driverfile.

                      Determining target release...

                      Current target release is 12.1.3

                      Determining which bug fixes toapply...

                      Done determining which bugfixes to apply.

                      Log and Info File sync point:

                      Sat Feb 15 2014 11:03:25

                      Turning off actions thatreference unrecognized products.

                      Log and Info File sync point:

                      Sat Feb 15 2014 11:03:25

                      End of unrecognized productschecking.

                      AutoPatch will run in serialmode.

                      Did not need to apply newapplterr.txt.


                      Applying new applprod.txt (if any) forSpecified driver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file


                      Version checking for driver files forSpecified driver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file


                      Copy driver files into installation area forSpecified driver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file


                      ForceCopy driver files into installation areafor Specified driver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file

                      Screening out files not validfor this installation...

                      Determining valid on-sitefiles...


                      Extract object modules from libraries forSpecified driver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file


                      Version checking for Specified driver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file


                      Determine directories to create for Specifieddriver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file


                      Determine executables to link for Specifieddriver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file


                      Determine forms to generate for Specifieddriver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file


                      Determine Oracle Reports libraries to generatefor Specified driver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file


                      Determine reports to generate for Specifieddriver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file


                      Determine if need to generate message filesfor Specified driver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file

                      Looking for active bug fixeswith no active actions...


                      Display customized files changed by patch forSpecified driver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file


                      Copy files into installation area forSpecified driver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file


                      ForceCopy files into installation area forSpecified driver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file


                      Archive object modules into product librariesfor Specified driver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file


                      Create Directories for Specified driver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file


                      Relink for Specified driver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file


                      Perform second half of mirrored copies forSpecified driver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file

                      Updating Oracle ApplicationsJava files if necessary...

                      ** Backing up$JAVA_TOP/META-INF/JRIMETA.DAT...

                      Copying JRIMETA.DAT to JRIMETA.DAT.BackedupByAdpatch...

                      Copied JRIMETA.DAT toJRIMETA.DAT.BackedupByAdpatch.

                      ** Successfully backed up JRIMETA.DAT.

                      Running adjcopy.class:

                      adjava -mx512m -nojitoracle.apps.ad.jri.adjcopy @/u01/UAT/apps/apps_st/appl/admin/UAT/out/apps.cmd

                      Successfully ran adjcopy.class

                      Removed touch file.

                      Removed apps.cmd.

                      ** Successfully performed jcopy actions.

                      Skipping ...

                      Running AutoConfig to instantiate templateswhich affect

                      the generation of JAR files since none ofthese templates

                      were patched during this run of adpatch.

                      ** Generating the product JAR files...

                      Signing product JAR files in JAVA_TOP -


                      using entity PROD_ebstest and certificate 1.

                      Successfully createdjavaVersionFile.

                      Generating product JAR files in JAVA_TOP -

                      /u01/UAT/apps/apps_st/comn/java/classes withcommand:

                      adjava -mx512m -nojit [email protected]/u01/UAT/apps/apps_st/appl/admin/UAT/out/genjars.cmd

                      Successfully generated product JAR filesin JAVA_TOP -


                      Copying Registry.dat from the Forms Javadirectory to /u01/UAT/apps/apps_st/comn/java/classes ...

                      ** Successfully generated the product JARfiles.

                      Checking to see if adjborg.txt or any filesincluded in

                      adjborg.txt were copied by this patch...

                      Neither adjborg.txt nor any file included in

                      adjborg.txt was copied by this patch.

                      Checking to see if adjborg2.txt or any filesincluded in

                      adjborg2.txt were copied by this patch...

                      Neither adjborg2.txt nor any file includedin

                      adjborg2.txt was copied by this patch.


                      Compile JSP files for Specified driver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file

                      or this APPL_TOP does notimplement the "web" server type


                      Run SQL scripts and EXEC commands forSpecified driver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file


                      Compile invalid objects for Specified driver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file


                      Generate forms library files for Specifieddriver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file


                      Generate forms menu files for Specified driver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file


                      Generate forms for Specified driver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file


                      Generate reports libraries for Specifieddriver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file


                      Generate reports for Specified driver

                      since no such action is present for this driverfile


                      Generate Messages for Specified driver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file


                      Generate Workflow resource files for Specifieddriver

                      since no such action is present for thisdriver file

                      Skipping ...

                      Running AutoConfig since none of its templateswere

                      patched during this run of adpatch.

                      Saving Patch Historyinformation to Database...

                      Trying to obtain a lock...

                      > Inserted 1 patch historyrecords (total).

                      Gathering Statistics forAD_PATCH_HIST_TEMP

                      Done Gathering Statistics forAD_PATCH_HIST_TEMP

                      >>> Inserted 1 bughistory records for this patch (total).

                      >>>>> Inserted 0action history records for this bug (total).

                      Gathering Statistics forAD_PATCH_HIST_TEMP

                      Done Gathering Statistics forAD_PATCH_HIST_TEMP

                      >>> Inserted 3 bughistory records for this patch (total).

                      >>>>> Inserted 0action history records for this bug (total).

                      Updating the current-view snapshot...

                      Uploading Java objects to patchhistory tables...

                      Number of lines processed = 2

                      Updating the current-view snapshot...

                      Completed uploading Javaobjects to patch history tables.

                      Done saving Patch History information.

                      About to do IREP processing...

                      Attempting to process IREP files ...

                      Successfully processed IREP files.

                      Done IREP processing.

                      Copying applprod.tmp toapplprod.txt (if needed)...

                      Did not need to copy applprod.tmp toapplprod.txt.

                      Copyingadmin/<sid>/applterr.txt to admin/applterr.txt (if needed)...

                      Did not need to copyadmin/UAT/applterr.txt to admin/applterr.txt.

                      There is no timing informationavailable for the current session.

                      AutoPatch is complete.

                      AutoPatch may have writteninformational messages to the file


                      Errors and warnings are listedin the log file


                      and in other log files in thesame directory.

                      You have new mail in/var/spool/mail/appluat

                      [[email protected] 10036698]$


                      SELECT * FROM ad_bugs tWHERE t.bug_number =‘10036698‘;



                      AD Administration Main Menu


                      1. Generate Applications Files menu

                      2. Maintain Applications Files menu

                      3. Compile/Reload Applications DatabaseEntities menu

                      4. Maintain Applications Database Entitiesmenu

                      5. Change Maintenance Mode

                      6. Exit AD Administration

                      • 选择更改模式

                        Enter your choice [6] : 5

                        ChangeMaintenance Mode


                        Maintenance Mode is currently: [Disabled].

                        Maintenance mode should normally be enabled when patching

                        Oracle Applications and disabled when users are logged on

                        to the system. See the OracleApplications Maintenance

                        Utilities manual for more information about maintenance mode.

                        Please select an option:

                        1. Enable Maintenance Mode

                        2. Disable Maintenance Mode

                        1. Return to Main Menu

                          • 选择关闭维护模式

                            Enter your choice [3] : 2

                            3.6 重启应用

                            Last login: Sat Feb 15 11:04:372014 from

                            • 切换到脚本目录

                              [[email protected] ~]$ cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME

                            • 重启

                              [[email protected] scripts]$ adstrtal.sh apps/apps






时间: 2024-12-13 09:02:25


win7win8 64位汇编开发环境合集安装与设置

win7win8 64位汇编开发环境合集安装与设置 下载 win7 win8  64位汇编开发环境.rar 下载地址(免积分下载) http://download.csdn.net/detail/liuchuang_mfc/9473974 打开DOSBox0.74-win32-installer.exe进行安装 将debug.exe,edit.com,link.exe,masm.exe这几个程序拷贝到d:\myassembly目录下就可以 找到你安装的路径目录下.以记事本打开文件:DOSBox


使用eBay API基本步骤介绍 要开始使用eBay API,需要如下基本步骤: 1.    注册开发帐号: https://developer.ebay.com/join/Default.aspx 2.    选择API类型: eBay有大约6种API 开发语言,例如.net和Java的SDK http://developer.ebay.com/products/trading/ http://developer.ebay.com/products/overview/api-by-featur

Python 开发工具和框架安装

引言: 其实之前对于 Python,只是知道有这门语言而已.大部分还是使用 .net 开发的,之前也学了 MVC+EF 开发,但是由于工作上完全用不到,也就没有在博客记录学习的东西了. 最近又接触到了爬虫这项技术,然后了解到 Python 开发爬虫好像很厉害的样子.于是就来了兴趣,兴趣是一个重要的东西,于是就开始慢慢接触 Python 了. 然后就从最基本的配置开发环境什么的.突然发现做 .net 真的是很方便啊,开发环境根本就不用担心,windows 系统上只需要装上 Visual Studi


[关键词]计算机:软件开发技术:应用:发展 引言 计算机技术的发展与应用给人们的工作与生活带来了极大的变革,再加上移动终端与网络的普及,计算机软件开发技术得以快速发展.一般来说,计算机软件开发技术指的是编程人员通过编写代码来开发一款软件,并使软件具备较强的实用功能与稳定性,促使政府.企业.学校以及个人等都能使用这款软件完成某些工作,从而优化某些复杂工作流程.提升工作效率,提升人们生活品质.软件开发技术最初使用的是手工软件开发方式,不仅耗时长,效率也极低,随着时代的进步与科技的发展,经过不断的实践

Android开发技术周报 Issue#66

好消息,Android 开发技术周报开通了邮件订阅,赶快来订阅吧,订阅请戳我戳我戳我,还有还有现在也可以推荐资源给Android开发技术周报了,推荐资源请戳我戳我戳我 新闻 在 Google 看来,应用商店都将消亡,而搜索永存 搜索才是王道,让用户在 Google 搜索结果里直接安装 App 教程 Android Scroller完全解析,关于Scroller你所需知道的一切 郭神新作,详解 Scroller Android应用安全开发之源码安全 实用 APK 反调试技巧 如何自学Android

Windows Phone 8.1 开发技术概览 (Universal APP)

原文:Windows Phone 8.1 开发技术概览 (Universal APP) 前一阵真的比较懒 WP8.1 已经出来这么长时间了现在才更新BLOG让大家久等了,今天我先为大家介绍下 WP 8.1的开发框架,什么是微软所推崇的 Universal APP,以及我们要开发 Universal APP的时候要注意哪些内容. 如果是您是一个刚刚接触 WP开发的朋友可以先看下我之前的文章了解一下故事背景:Windows Phone 8 与 windows 8 开发技术概览 首先给大家完善一个概念


<大 数据技术丛书:Hadoop应用开发技术详解>共12章.第1-2章详细地介绍了Hadoop的生态系统.关键技术以及安装和配置:第3章是 MapReduce的使用入门,让读者了解整个开发过程:第4-5章详细讲解了分布式文件系统HDFS和Hadoop的文件I/O:第6章分析了 MapReduce的工作原理:第7章讲解了如何利用Eclipse来编译Hadoop的源代码,以及如何对Hadoop应用进行测试和调试:第8-9章 细致地讲解了MapReduce的开发方法和高级应用:第10-12章系统地讲

Android开发技术周报 Issue#27

教程 Android开发技术前线第五期 (@MrSimp1e) 深入Android图形管道.Romain Guy的性能优化案例.图片加载框架Glide.模仿iOS的模糊视图,都是些不错的文章. Android内存优化之MAT工具使用教程系列 (@高建武_Gracker) 正所谓工欲善其事,必先利其器,在对Android应用进行内存优化MAT(Memory Analyzer Tool)是一把必不可少的利剑,MAT一个基于Eclipse的内存分析工具,是一个快速.功能丰富的JAVA heap分析工具

Android开发技术周报 Issue#31

教程 LeakCanary: 让内存泄露无所遁形 一些对象有着有限的生命周期.当这些对象所要做的事情完成了,我们希望他们会被回收掉.但是如果有一系列对这个对象的引用,那么在我们期待这个对象生命周期结束的时候被收回的时候,它是不会被回收的.它还会占用内存,这就造成了内存泄露.持续累加,内存很快被耗尽. 移动端尺寸基础知识 (@慕课网) 初涉移动端设计和开发的同学们,基本都会在尺寸问题上纠结好一阵子才能摸到头绪.我也花了很长时间才弄明白,感觉有必要写一篇足够通俗易懂的教程来帮助大家.从原理说起,理清