
POJ 2531  dfs递归枚举

Network Saboteur

Time Limit: 2000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K
Total Submissions: 9580   Accepted: 4560


A university network is composed of N computers. System administrators gathered information on the traffic between nodes, and carefully divided the network into two subnetworks in order to minimize traffic between parts. 
A disgruntled computer science student Vasya, after being expelled from the university, decided to have his revenge. He hacked into the university network and decided to reassign computers to maximize the traffic between two subnetworks. 
Unfortunately, he found that calculating such worst subdivision is one of those problems he, being a student, failed to solve. So he asks you, a more successful CS student, to help him. 
The traffic data are given in the form of matrix C, where Cij is the amount of data sent between ith and jth nodes (Cij = Cji, Cii = 0). The goal is to divide the network nodes into the two disjointed subsets A and B so as to maximize the sum ∑Cij (i∈A,j∈B).


The first line of input contains a number of nodes N (2 <= N <= 20). The following N lines, containing N space-separated integers each, represent the traffic matrix C (0 <= Cij <= 10000). 
Output file must contain a single integer -- the maximum traffic between the subnetworks.


Output must contain a single integer -- the maximum traffic between the subnetworks.

Sample Input

0 50 30
50 0 40
30 40 0

Sample Output




using namespace std;

const int maxn=30;

int N,C[maxn][maxn];
int dist[maxn];
int ans;
bool vis[maxn];//1表示在集合A,0表示还在集合B

void dfs(int cur,int step,int limit,int sum)
    if(cur+limit-step>N) return;//这个剪枝貌似有点弱,只是从256ms优化到了188ms
    for(int i=1;i<=N;i++){ //从B添加结点cur掉A中
        if(vis[i]) sum-=C[cur][i];//减少到A的边
        else sum+=C[cur][i];//增加到B的边
    if(step==limit){ //到达限制,比较ans,返回
        if(sum>ans) ans=sum;
    for(int i=cur+1;i<=N;i++){
        dfs(i,step+1,limit,sum); //添加下一个
    for(int i=1;i<=N;i++){ //从A中拿回来
        if(vis[i]) sum+=C[cur][i];
        else sum-=C[cur][i];

int main()
        for(int i=1;i<=N;i++){
            for(int j=1;j<=N;j++){
        for(int i=1;i<=N/2;i++){ //枚举A中的结点个数
            for(int st=1;st<=N;st++){ //递归枚举,st为起点
    return 0;


时间: 2024-08-05 02:35:15



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在说递归之前,我给大家说一个小故事,故事就是在说递归之前,我给大家说一个小故事,故事就是在说递归之前,我给大家说一个小故事,故事就是在说递归之前,我给大家说一个小故事,故事就是在说递归之前我给大家说一个小故事...... 这个故事的名字就叫做递归...哈哈. 故事虽然有点扯淡,但它却很好的解释神马叫做递归. 递归的正式定义: 在数学和计算机科学中,递归指由一种(或多种)简单的基本情况定义的一类对象或方法,并规定其他所有情况都能被还原为其基本情况. 例如,下列为某人祖先的递归定义: 某人的双亲是他

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为做一个项目选择最合适的语言固然重要,但是,掌握一门自己熟练的兵器,也很重要. ===================================================================================================================== 继续总结搜索类的题目,这一类的题目,目前仅分析简单粗暴的dfs搜索,以及简单的剪枝. 参考的题目: http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=