参考文章: http://blog.csdn.net/jinzhuojun/article/details/9900105
使用之前的注入代码注入自己的so并执行so中函数 -> so中函数解析ELF文件获取GOT表的位置和大小 -> 获取需要挂钩的原函数地址,以及自定义用于挂钩的函数地址 -> 遍历GOT表的每一项判断是否有与需要挂钩的原函数地址相同的项 -> 找到后把该项的地址替换为自定义用于挂钩的函数地址 -> 最后在自定义用于挂钩的函数中调用原函数
这种挂钩存在很多弊端: 如果只能挂钩函数的头部,无法达到对整个进程都有效等。
//Demo #include <stdio.h> int count = 0; void sevenWeapons(int number) { char* str = "Hello,LiBieGou!"; printf("%s %d\n",str,number); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { while(1) { sevenWeapons(count); count++; sleep(1); } return 0; }
//Inject代码 #include <jni.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <dlfcn.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <android/log.h> #include <sys/ptrace.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #define LOG_TAG "INJECT" #define LOGD(fmt, args...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG, LOG_TAG, fmt, ##args) #define DEBUG_PRINT(format, args...) LOGD(format, ##args) #define LIBC_PATH "/system/lib/libc.so" #define LINKER_PATH "/system/bin/linker" #define CPSR_T_MASK ( 1u << 5 ) /*-------------------------------------------------- * 功能: 通过进程的名称获取对应的进程Pid * * 返回值: 未找到返回-1 *--------------------------------------------------*/ int FindProIdByProName(const char *lpszProName) { DIR* lpDirp = NULL; struct dirent* lpDirentp = NULL; int nPid = 0; FILE *fp = NULL; char szLines[1024] = {0}; char szCmdlinePath[256] = {0}; int nFind = 0; lpDirp = opendir("/proc"); if(lpDirp == NULL) { DEBUG_PRINT("[-]FindProIdByProName::opendir error\r\n"); return -1; } while ((lpDirentp = readdir(lpDirp)) != NULL) { nPid = atoi(lpDirentp->d_name); memset(szCmdlinePath, sizeof(szCmdlinePath), 0); snprintf(szCmdlinePath, sizeof(szCmdlinePath), "/proc/%d/cmdline", nPid); fp = fopen(szCmdlinePath, "r"); if (fp != NULL) { fgets(szLines, sizeof(szLines), fp); if (strcmp(szLines, lpszProName) == 0) { nFind = 1; DEBUG_PRINT("[+]Find ProId = %d\r\n", nPid); fclose(fp); fp = NULL; break; } fclose(fp); fp = NULL; } } if (nFind == 0) { DEBUG_PRINT("[-]No Find ProId\r\n"); return -1; } return nPid; } /*-------------------------------------------------- * 功能: 附加进程 * * 返回值: 失败返回-1 *--------------------------------------------------*/ int PtraceAttach(int nPid) { //被跟踪进程将成为当前进程的子进程,并进入中止状态。 if (ptrace(PTRACE_ATTACH, nPid, NULL, NULL) == -1) { return -1; } int nStatus = 0; //如果子进程进入暂停执行情况则马上返回,但结束状态不予以理会。 //父进程退出时, 不影响子进程 waitpid(nPid, &nStatus , WUNTRACED); return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------- * 功能: 获取指定进程的寄存器信息 * * 返回值: 失败返回-1 *--------------------------------------------------*/ int PtraceGetRegs(int nPid, struct pt_regs *lpRegs) { if (ptrace(PTRACE_GETREGS, nPid, NULL, lpRegs) == -1) { return -1; } return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------- * 功能: 取消附加 * * 返回值: 失败返回-1 *--------------------------------------------------*/ int PtraceDetach(int nPid) { if (ptrace(PTRACE_DETACH, nPid, NULL, NULL) == -1) { return -1; } return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------- * 功能: 获取进程中指定模块的首地址 * * 参数: * nPid 需要注入的进程Pid, 如果为0则获取自身进程 * lpLibraryPath 需要获取模块路径 * * 返回值: 失败返回NULL, 成功返回Addr *--------------------------------------------------*/ void* GetModuleBase(int nPid, const char *lpLibraryPath) { char szPath[256] = {0}; char szLines[1024] = {0}; char *lpCh = NULL; void *lpBaseAddr = NULL; if (nPid == 0) { snprintf(szPath, sizeof(szPath), "/proc/self/maps"); } else { snprintf(szPath, sizeof(szPath), "/proc/%d/maps", nPid); } FILE *fp = fopen(szPath, "r"); if (fp != NULL) { while (fgets(szLines, sizeof(szLines), fp)) { if (strstr(szLines, lpLibraryPath)) { lpCh = strtok(szLines, "-"); lpBaseAddr = strtoul(lpCh, NULL, 16); fclose(fp); break; } } fclose(fp); fp = NULL; } return lpBaseAddr; } /*-------------------------------------------------- * 功能: 获取目标进程中函数指针 * * 参数: * nPid 需要注入的进程Pid * lpLibraryPath 需要获取的函数所在的lib库路径 * lpFunctionAddr 需要获取的函数所在当前进程内存中的地址 * * 目标进程中函数指针 = 目标进程模块基址 - 自身进程模块基址 + 内存中的地址 * * 返回值: 失败返回NULL, 成功返回Addr *--------------------------------------------------*/ void* GetRemoteFunctionAddr(int nPid, const char *lpLibraryPath, void *lpFunctionAddr) { //获取目标进程模块基址 void *lpRemoteBaseAddr = GetModuleBase(nPid, lpLibraryPath); void *lpLocalBaseAddr = GetModuleBase(0, lpLibraryPath); void *lpRemoteFunctionAddr = NULL; if ((lpRemoteBaseAddr == NULL) || (lpLocalBaseAddr == NULL)) { return lpRemoteFunctionAddr; } DEBUG_PRINT("[+] GetRemoteFunctionAddr: local[%p], remote[%p]\n", lpLocalBaseAddr, lpRemoteBaseAddr); lpRemoteFunctionAddr = (void *)((uint32_t)lpRemoteBaseAddr - (uint32_t)lpLocalBaseAddr + (uint32_t)lpFunctionAddr); return lpRemoteFunctionAddr; } /*-------------------------------------------------- * 功能: 向目标进程指定的地址中写入数据 * * 参数: * nPid 需要注入的进程Pid * lpAddr 需要写入的目标进程地址 * lpData 需要写入的数据缓冲区 * nLength 需要写入的数据长度 * * 返回值: -1 *--------------------------------------------------*/ int PtraceWriteProcessMemory(int nPid, void *lpAddr, const uint8_t *lpData, uint32_t nLength) { uint32_t i, j, remain; uint8_t *lpDataBuff = NULL; union u { long val; char chars[sizeof(long)]; } d; j = nLength / 4; remain = nLength % 4; lpDataBuff = lpData; //先4字节拷贝 for (i = 0; i < j; i++) { memcpy(d.chars, lpDataBuff, 4); ptrace(PTRACE_POKETEXT, nPid, lpAddr, d.val); lpAddr += 4; lpDataBuff += 4; } //最后不足4字节的,单字节拷贝 if (remain > 0) { d.val = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKTEXT, nPid, lpAddr, 0); for (i = 0; i < remain; i ++) { d.chars[i] = *lpDataBuff ++; } ptrace(PTRACE_POKETEXT, nPid, lpAddr, d.val); } return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------- * 功能: 修改目标进程寄存器的值 * * 参数: * nPid 需要注入的进程Pid * lpRegs 需要修改的新寄存器信息 * * 返回值: -1 *--------------------------------------------------*/ int PtraceSetRegs(int nPid, struct pt_regs *lpRegs) { if (ptrace(PTRACE_SETREGS, nPid, NULL, lpRegs) == -1) { return -1; } return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------- * 功能: 恢复程序运行 * * 参数: * nPid 需要注入的进程Pid * * 返回值: -1 *--------------------------------------------------*/ int PtraceContinue(int nPid) { if (ptrace(PTRACE_CONT, nPid, NULL, NULL) == -1) { return -1; } return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------- * 功能: 调用远程函数指针 * * 参数: * nPid 需要注入的进程Pid * pfnFunctionAddr 调用的函数指针地址 * lpParamArg 调用的参数 * nParamCount 调用的参数个数 * lpRegs 远程进程寄存器信息(ARM前4个参数由r0 ~ r3传递) * * 返回值: 失败返回-1 *--------------------------------------------------*/ int PtraceCallRemoteFunction(int nPid, void *pfnFunctionAddr, long *lpParamArg, int nParamCount, struct pt_regs *lpRegs) { uint32_t i = 0; int nStatus = 0; //首先将前4个参数赋值给r0~r3 for (; (i < nParamCount) && (i < 4); i++) { lpRegs->uregs[i] = lpParamArg[i]; } //如果有超过4个的参数, 则将剩余参数拷贝到目标栈上 if (i < nParamCount) { //抬高栈顶sub esp, xxx lpRegs->ARM_sp -= (nParamCount - i) * sizeof(long); if (PtraceWriteProcessMemory(nPid, (void *)lpRegs->ARM_sp, (const uint8_t *)&lpParamArg[i], (uint32_t)((nParamCount - i) * sizeof(long))) == -1) { DEBUG_PRINT("[-]PtraceCallRemoteFunction::PtraceWriteProcessMemory Error\r\n"); return -1; } } //将PC的值设置为函数地址 lpRegs->ARM_pc = pfnFunctionAddr; //设置ARM_cpsr寄存器的值 if (lpRegs->ARM_pc & 1) { /* thumb */ lpRegs->ARM_pc &= (~1u); lpRegs->ARM_cpsr |= CPSR_T_MASK; } else { /* arm */ lpRegs->ARM_cpsr &= ~CPSR_T_MASK; } //设置返回地址为0的原因见下面注释 lpRegs->ARM_lr = 0; //修改目标进程寄存器的值 if (PtraceSetRegs(nPid, lpRegs) == -1) { DEBUG_PRINT("[-]PtraceCallRemoteFunction::PtraceSetRegs Error\r\n"); return -1; } /* WUNTRACED告诉waitpid,如果子进程进入暂停状态,那么就立即返回。 如果是被ptrace的子进程,那么即使不提供WUNTRACED参数,也会在子进程进入暂停状态的时候立即返回。 对于使用ptrace_cont运行的子进程,它会在3种情况下进入暂停状态: ①下一次系统调用; ②子进程退出; ③子进程的执行发生错误。 这里的0xb7f就表示子进程进入了暂停状态,且发送的错误信号为11(SIGSEGV),它表示试图访问未分配给自己的内存, 或试图往没有写权限的内存地址写数据。 那么什么时候会发生这种错误呢? 显然,当子进程执行完注入的函数后,由于我们在前面设置了regs->ARM_lr = 0,它就会返回到0地址处继续执行,这样就会产生SIGSEGV了! */ do { //恢复程序运行, 由于之前Attach被挂起了 if (PtraceContinue(nPid) == -1) { DEBUG_PRINT("[-]PtraceCallRemoteFunction::PtraceContinue Error\r\n"); return -1; } waitpid(nPid, &nStatus, WUNTRACED); } while(nStatus != 0xb7f); return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------- * 功能: 调用远程函数指针 * * 参数: * nPid 需要注入的进程Pid * lpFunctionName 调用的函数名称, 此参数仅作Debug输出用 * pfnFunctionAddr 调用的函数指针地址 * lpParamArg 调用的参数 * nParamCount 调用的参数个数 * lpRegs 远程进程寄存器信息(ARM前4个参数由r0 ~ r3传递) * * 返回值: 失败返回-1 *--------------------------------------------------*/ int CallRemoteFunction(int nPid, const char *lpFunctionName, void *pfnFunctionAddr, long *lpParamArg, int nParamCount, struct pt_regs *lpRegs) { DEBUG_PRINT("[+] Calling %s in target process.\n", lpFunctionName); //call if (PtraceCallRemoteFunction(nPid, pfnFunctionAddr, lpParamArg, nParamCount, lpRegs) == -1) { return -1; } //获取返回值 if (PtraceGetRegs(nPid, lpRegs) == -1) { DEBUG_PRINT("[-]CallRemoteFunction::PtraceGetRegs Error\r\n"); return -1; } DEBUG_PRINT("[+] Target process returned from %s, return value=%p, pc=%p\r\n", lpFunctionName, lpRegs->ARM_r0, lpRegs->ARM_pc); return 0; } /*-------------------------------------------------- * 功能: 远程注入 * * 参数: * nPid 需要注入的进程Pid * lpLibraryPath 需要注入的.so路径 * lpFunctionName .so中导出的函数名 * lpFunctionParam 函数的参数 * * 返回值: 注入失败返回-1 *--------------------------------------------------*/ int InjectRemoteProcess(int nPid, const char *lpLibraryPath, const char *lpFunctionName, const char *lpFunctionParam) { int nRet = 0; void *pfnmmap = NULL; void *pfndlopen = NULL; void *pfndlsym = NULL; void *pfndlclose = NULL; void *lpMmapBase = NULL; struct pt_regs Regs = {0}; struct pt_regs OldRegs = {0}; long ParamArg[10] = {0}; void *hSo = NULL; void *pfnRemoteFunction = NULL; void *pfnsleep = NULL; DEBUG_PRINT("[+] Injecting process: %d\n", nPid); //附加目标进程 if (PtraceAttach(nPid) == -1) { DEBUG_PRINT("[-]PtraceAttach Error\r\n"); return -1; } //获取保存寄存器信息, 恢复时用 if (PtraceGetRegs(nPid, &Regs) == -1) { DEBUG_PRINT("[-]PtraceGetRegs Error\r\n"); nRet = -1; goto SAFE_END; } //保存 memcpy(&OldRegs, &Regs, sizeof(Regs)); pfnmmap = GetRemoteFunctionAddr(nPid, LIBC_PATH, (void *)mmap); if (pfnmmap == NULL) { DEBUG_PRINT("[-]pfnmmap == NULL\r\n"); nRet = -1; goto SAFE_END; } DEBUG_PRINT("[+] pfnmmap Addr: %p\r\n", pfnmmap); //申请远程空间 //构造参数void* mmap(void* start,size_t length,int prot,int flags,int fd,off_t offset); ParamArg[0] = 0; ParamArg[1] = 0x4000; ParamArg[2] = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC; ParamArg[3] = MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE; ParamArg[4] = 0; ParamArg[5] = 0; //调用远程函数指针 if (CallRemoteFunction(nPid, "mmap", pfnmmap, ParamArg, 6, &Regs) == -1) { nRet = -1; goto SAFE_END; } //远程申请的Buffer首地址 lpMmapBase = Regs.ARM_r0; pfndlopen = GetRemoteFunctionAddr(nPid, LINKER_PATH, (void *)dlopen); pfndlsym = GetRemoteFunctionAddr(nPid, LINKER_PATH, (void *)dlsym); pfndlclose = GetRemoteFunctionAddr(nPid, LINKER_PATH, (void *)dlclose); pfnsleep = GetRemoteFunctionAddr(nPid, LIBC_PATH, (void *)sleep); if ((pfndlopen == NULL) || (pfndlsym == NULL) || (pfndlclose == NULL) || (pfnsleep == NULL)) { DEBUG_PRINT("[-]pfndlopen | pfndlsym | pfndlclose | pfnsleep == NULL\r\n"); nRet = -1; goto SAFE_END; } DEBUG_PRINT("[+] Get imports: dlopen: %p, dlsym: %p, dlclose: %p\r\n", pfndlopen, pfndlsym, pfndlclose); printf("lpLibraryPath Length: %d\r\n", strlen(lpLibraryPath) + 1); //远程申请的Buffer首地址写入需要注入的so路径 if (PtraceWriteProcessMemory(nPid, lpMmapBase, lpLibraryPath, strlen(lpLibraryPath) + 1) == -1) { DEBUG_PRINT("[-]InjectRemoteProcess::PtraceWriteProcessMemory Error\r\n"); nRet = -1; goto SAFE_END; } //传递参数, 准备调用dlopen void * dlopen(const char * pathname, int mode); ParamArg[0] = lpMmapBase; ParamArg[1] = RTLD_NOW| RTLD_GLOBAL; if (CallRemoteFunction(nPid, "dlopen", pfndlopen, ParamArg, 2, &Regs) == -1) { nRet = -1; goto SAFE_END; } hSo = Regs.ARM_r0; //传递参数, 准备调用pfndlsym void* dlsym( void* handle, const char* name ); ParamArg[0] = hSo; #define FUNCTION_NAME_OFFSET 0x100 //lpFunctionName需要写入远程的buffer中才能使用 if (PtraceWriteProcessMemory(nPid, lpMmapBase + FUNCTION_NAME_OFFSET, lpFunctionName, strlen(lpFunctionName) + 1) == -1) { DEBUG_PRINT("[-]InjectRemoteProcess::PtraceWriteProcessMemory Error\r\n"); nRet = -1; goto SAFE_END; } ParamArg[1] = lpMmapBase + FUNCTION_NAME_OFFSET; if (CallRemoteFunction(nPid, "dlsym", pfndlsym, ParamArg, 2, &Regs) == -1) { nRet = -1; goto SAFE_END; } pfnRemoteFunction = Regs.ARM_r0; DEBUG_PRINT("hook_entry_addr = %p\r\n", pfnRemoteFunction); //传递参数, 准备调用注入模块中的函数 void MyHook(void) if (CallRemoteFunction(nPid, lpFunctionName, pfnRemoteFunction, ParamArg, 0, &Regs) == -1) { nRet = -1; goto SAFE_END; } /* printf("Press enter to dlclose and detach\r\n"); getchar(); //传递参数, 准备调用dlclose ParamArg[0] = hSo; if (CallRemoteFunction(nPid, "dlclose", pfndlclose, ParamArg, 1, &Regs) == -1) { nRet = -1; } */ SAFE_END: //恢复原始寄存器信息 if (PtraceSetRegs(nPid, &OldRegs) == -1) { DEBUG_PRINT("[-]PtraceSetRegs Error\r\n"); } //取消附加 if (PtraceDetach(nPid) == -1) { DEBUG_PRINT("[-]PtraceDetach Error\r\n"); } return nRet; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int nProId = FindProIdByProName("./hello"); if (nProId == -1) { return -1; } if (InjectRemoteProcess(nProId, "/data/local/tmp/MyTest.so", "MyHook", NULL) == -1) { DEBUG_PRINT("[+]InjectRemoteProcess Failed\r\n"); } else { DEBUG_PRINT("[+]InjectRemoteProcess Success\r\n"); } return 0; }
//Hook代码 #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef unsigned int (*PFNSLEEP)(unsigned int); typedef unsigned short Elf32_Half; typedef unsigned long Elf32_Word; typedef unsigned long Elf32_Addr; typedef unsigned long Elf32_Off; #define EI_NIDENT (16) #define SHT_PROGBITS 1 typedef struct { unsigned char e_ident[EI_NIDENT]; /* Magic number and other info */ Elf32_Half e_type; /* Object file type */ Elf32_Half e_machine; /* Architecture */ Elf32_Word e_version; /* Object file version */ Elf32_Addr e_entry; /* Entry point virtual address */ Elf32_Off e_phoff; /* Program header table file offset */ Elf32_Off e_shoff; /* Section header table file offset */ Elf32_Word e_flags; /* Processor-specific flags */ Elf32_Half e_ehsize; /* ELF header size in bytes */ Elf32_Half e_phentsize; /* Program header table entry size */ Elf32_Half e_phnum; /* Program header table entry count */ Elf32_Half e_shentsize; /* Section header table entry size */ Elf32_Half e_shnum; /* Section header table entry count */ Elf32_Half e_shstrndx; /* Section header string table index */ } Elf32_Ehdr; typedef struct { Elf32_Word sh_name; /* Section name (string tbl index) */ Elf32_Word sh_type; /* Section type */ Elf32_Word sh_flags; /* Section flags */ Elf32_Addr sh_addr; /* Section virtual addr at execution */ Elf32_Off sh_offset; /* Section file offset */ Elf32_Word sh_size; /* Section size in bytes */ Elf32_Word sh_link; /* Link to another section */ Elf32_Word sh_info; /* Additional section information */ Elf32_Word sh_addralign; /* Section alignment */ Elf32_Word sh_entsize; /* Entry size if section holds table */ } Elf32_Shdr; //新函数 unsigned int NewSleep(unsigned int seconds) { printf("Hello NewSleep\r\n"); //调用原始函数,也可以定义一个函数指针来调 //return (*pfnSleep)(seconds); return sleep(seconds); } //解析Got表的内存偏移和表的大小 int GetGotTableInfo(int *lpnVirtualAddr, int *lpnSize) { int nRet = -1; FILE *fp = fopen("/data/local/tmp/hello", "r"); if (fp == NULL) { return -1; } Elf32_Ehdr Elf32Header; Elf32_Shdr Elf32SectionHeader; //不做返回值检查了 fread(&Elf32Header, sizeof(Elf32_Ehdr), 1, fp); fseek(fp, Elf32Header.e_shstrndx * Elf32Header.e_shentsize + Elf32Header.e_shoff, SEEK_SET); fread(&Elf32SectionHeader, Elf32Header.e_shentsize, 1, fp); char *lpStringTable = (char *)malloc(Elf32SectionHeader.sh_size); if (lpStringTable == NULL) { goto SAFE_END; } fseek(fp, Elf32SectionHeader.sh_offset, SEEK_SET); fread(lpStringTable, Elf32SectionHeader.sh_size, 1, fp); fseek(fp, Elf32Header.e_shoff, SEEK_SET); int nNameIndex = 0; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < Elf32Header.e_shnum; i++) { fread(&Elf32SectionHeader, Elf32Header.e_shentsize, 1, fp); if (Elf32SectionHeader.sh_type == SHT_PROGBITS) { nNameIndex = Elf32SectionHeader.sh_name; if ((strcmp(&(lpStringTable[nNameIndex]), ".got.plt") == 0) || (strcmp(&(lpStringTable[nNameIndex]), ".got") == 0)) { //不是.so就不用修正地址了, so的话需要加上模块基地址修正 *lpnVirtualAddr = Elf32SectionHeader.sh_addr; *lpnSize = Elf32SectionHeader.sh_size; nRet = 0; break; } } } SAFE_END: if (fp != NULL) { fclose(fp); } if (lpStringTable != NULL) { free(lpStringTable); } return nRet; } void MyHook() { int nVirtualAddr = 0; int nSize = 0; int i = 0; //获取GotTable的VirtualAddr, Size if (GetGotTableInfo(&nVirtualAddr, &nSize) == -1) { return; } //遍历Got表中的每一项 for (i = 0; i < nSize; i += 4) { if ((int)sleep == (*(int *)(nVirtualAddr + i))) { //修改内存保护属性为可写 mprotect((void *)0x9000, 0x1000, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC); *(int *)(nVirtualAddr + i) = (int)NewSleep; break; } } }
时间: 2024-11-03 21:42:33