【转】A Windows Explorer in a user control

【转】A Windows Explorer in a user control的相关文章

将Cygwin Emacs设为Windows explorer默认打开程序

由于我在平日的学习与工作中会经常用到Cygwin中的Emacs,很自然地想到应该将emacsclient作为指定文件类型在Windows explorer中的默认打开程序.这样,便可以直接双击文件后在Emacs中编辑,从而省去了在Cygwin命令行下手动输入路径与文件名的麻烦,亦可以用方便快捷的Windows explorer替代Emacs Dired mode.要实现这样的功能,需要解决两个问题: 从Windows文件路径格式到Cygwin路径格式的转换. 对于XP操作系统,中文文件名为GBK

xp系统报错 windows explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close.We are sorry for the inconvenience

xp系统遇到问题: 打开某个软件提示报错信息, windows explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close.We are sorry for the inconvenience. 原因: 动态库未注册或者动态库缺少 解决办法: (1)打开 start,然后在run里面输入regsvr32 /u vsfilter.dll,然后回车. (2)接着在run 里面输入regsvr32 /u shmedia.dll 如果提示vsfilter.

sharepoint 2007 使用 "open with windows explorer"的方式浏览非常慢或者打不开

使用ie的方式浏览sharepoint 站点正常,当使用使用 "open with windows explorer"的方式浏览的时候非常慢或者打不开文档库 解决办法: 重新启动webclient 这个windows 服务,问题解决.

How to create .gitignore file in Windows Explorer

How to create .gitignore file I need to add some rules to my .gitignore file, however, I can't find it in my project folder. Isn't it created automatically by Xcode? If not, what command allows me to create one? echo 'xxx' > .gitignore To get around

【转】Drag and Drop files from Windows Explorer toWindows Form

http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/3598/Drag-and-Drop-files-from-Windows-Explorer-to-Windo [转]Drag and Drop files from Windows Explorer toWindows Form

Show Notepad++ in Windows Explorer context menu

Keywords: Register, Explorer context menu, Edit with Notepad++ Need to show "Edit with Notepad++" in Windows Explorer? If you have a copy (not installed) of Notepad++ and want this command in Explorer, register the following dll. regsvr32  D:\No

SharePoint 2013的限制(四)用windows explorer操作文档库

SharePoint虽然是B/S的,用浏览器就可以访问,但是很多人还是喜欢用windows explorer来和SharePoint交互. 使用Windows explorer可以像操作本地文件夹和文件一样,进行添加删除复制改名等等. 选择一个文档库,点击ribbon上的Open with Explorer: 这样就在Windows Explorer中打开了. 再打开一个本地文件夹,新建一个文件夹和文件.文件夹以.files结尾.然后把文件夹和文件拖拽到SharePoint文件夹. 这样这个文件

Windows 7中,用Visual Studio开发WPF应用程序,实现从Windows Explorer中拖拽文件到应用程序,始终显示“无法拖放”符号问题解决方案

Are you running your application or Visual Studio that hosts the app under administrative privilege? If that's the case, the Windows prevents the drag drop operation from happening. In Windows 7 or Vista, an application with a lower security privileg

【原创】Windows服务管家婆之Service Control Manager

Service Control Manager,服务控制管理器,人称SCM就是它!在Windows内核中,都可以看到她忙碌的身影,可以说是系统服务和驱动的管家婆了! SCM管家婆起早贪黑,每次系统启动,她也随着而起.她凭借着自己的努力,终于在Windows的内核占据了一席之地,调配着手下许多服务和驱动.SCM她到底具有什么能力呢?她是一种远程过程调用服务,为普通程序操控计算机的服务提供了一扇方便的门,这里还包括远程计算机喔.服务配置和控制程序通过调用一系列服务函数接口使用SCM的功能! 说到底,