Juniper-HA SSG系列cluster-id 稀缺问题的解决办法

Juniper-HA SSG系列cluster-id 稀缺问题的解决办法。


By default, NSRP will support up to 8 cluster id‘s and 8 VSD‘s.  As noted in the previous entry, you can increase this with the envar, but you need to use them in multiples of 8, and the combination of cluster id‘s and VSD‘s cannot exceed 64.  You will need minimum ScreenOS 6.1 to do this.

For example, you can increase the number of cluster id‘s to 16, and number of VSD‘s to 16, using the envar commands:

set envar nsrp-max-cluster=16

set envar nsrp-max-vsd=16

After that, you need to reboot.

以上为官方的回答,简单的来讲就是cluster id 与 vsd-group id 可以增大至最大64需要ScreenOS 6.1以上支持。配置以上命令之后,重启机器之后即可。

目前公司:SSG140支持    SSG140-> set envar nsrp-max-cluster=32

SSG140-> set envar nsrp-max-vsd=16

时间: 2024-08-03 19:03:53

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